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研究生(外文):KAO, TING-WEI
論文名稱(外文):Study on Safety Penetration Test of Open Source Website-The Case of Kali System Platform
外文關鍵詞:Network SecuritySecurity TestingKali LinuxPenetration TestWeb Application Vulnerability
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  網際網路的蓬勃發展為生活帶來許多便利,但多數程式開發者或網站管理者都將網站功能性視為重點並未顧慮到網站應用程式系統之安全性,尤其像是許多人採用開源碼WEB的內容管理系統(CMS)來架設網站,其潛藏漏洞的安全隱憂也帶來極大的風險。各式各樣的網路駭客攻擊事件如APT、DDOS、XSS、SQL Injection等不同資安事件類型皆層出不窮,網站應用系統的安全面臨著嚴峻的考驗,因此滲透測試技術已成為保障網站資訊安全的一種重要手段。

  公務機關與企業針對資訊系統安全之問題各有不同的應變手段,例如以防火牆、IPS、IDS等進行安全防護,或者採用委外服務以滲透測試方法驗證其組織系統安全。滲透測試是一種在獲得用戶單位授權的情況下,對於用戶的資訊系統實施漏洞攻擊的方法,目前所有滲透測試的技術體系及理論都處於不斷完善和更新中,在分析駭客攻擊行為流程與當前公務部門與企業內被接受程度較高的幾個標準技術測試體系理論,利用Kali Linux中提供的工具進行了深入的實務測試,說明一套完整的滲透測試的思維、流程、步驟和結果輸出等給各位網路管理者提供參考,本研究提出一種基於開源碼內容管理系統WEB安全脆弱性及常見漏洞進行滲透測試分析,透過模擬真實的攻擊來對網站系統進行全面的安全檢測,最後總結出開源碼網站XOOPS常見的漏洞並提出了較為完善的防護措施,以達到實現評估和強化WEB應用系統安全的目的,並提高滲透測試效率和能力。
  The rapid development of the Internet has brought many conveniences to life, but most program developers or site managers regard the functionality of the site as a focus without worrying about the security of the website application system, especially as many people use the open source code web content management system (CMS) to set up the website. The security concerns of its hidden loopholes also pose great risks. All kinds of network hacking events such as APT, DDOS, XSS, SQL injection and other different types of security incidents are endless, the safety of website application system is facing a severe test, so penetration testing technology has become an important means to ensure the information security of the website.

  Public organs and enterprises in the security of information systems have different means of response, such as firewalls, IPS, IDs and other security protection, or the use of external services to penetrate testing methods to verify the security of their organization system. Penetration test is a kind of method to implement vulnerability attack for user's information system under the condition of obtaining User unit authorization. At present, all the technical system and theory of penetration test are in continuous improvement and renewal, and several standard technical test system theories with high acceptance in the analysis of hacker attack behavior flow and current public service and enterprise are analyzed, using the tools provided in Kali Linux to carry out in-depth practical testing, to explain a complete set of penetration testing thinking, process, steps and results output to provide reference for network managers, this study proposed a web security vulnerability based on open source code content management system and common vulnerabilities for penetration testing analysis. Through the simulation of real attack to carry out a comprehensive security detection of the website system, and finally summed up the open source code website XOOPS Common Vulnerabilities and put forward a more perfect protection measures. In order to achieve the goal of evaluating and strengthening the security of the web application system, and improve the efficiency and ability of penetration testing.

摘要 i
致謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
壹、緒論 1
一、研究背景與動機 1
二、研究目的 6
三、論文架構及流程 8
貳、文獻探討 10
一、內容管理系統CMS-XOOPS 10
二、滲透測試 12
三、網站應用程式漏洞 17
四、OWASP TOP 10漏洞檢測方法 32
參、系統規劃與設計 39
一、研究方法 40
二、研究範圍 43
三、建置環境 44
3.3.1 攻擊端(Kali Linux) 44
3.3.2 被攻擊端(XOOPS) 45
四、系統流程與架構 51
3.4.1 網路探勘 53
3.4.2 鑑別系統服務 53
3.4.3 網路弱點研究與驗證 54
3.4.4 權限提升與跳脫 55
3.4.5 清除軌跡 55
3.4.6 滲透測試報告 57
五、測試系統功能 58
3.5.1 NMAP、Zenmap工具簡介 59
3.5.2 OWASP ZAP工具簡介 60
3.5.3 Burp Suite工具簡介 60
3.5.4 W3AF工具簡介 61
3.5.5 NESSUS工具簡介 62
3.5.6 OpenVAS工具簡介 63
肆、實驗結果 65
一、實驗結果 65
二、綜合分析與討論 134
伍、結論與未來研究方向 161
一、研究貢獻 163
二、未來研究方向 165
參考論文 167
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