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論文名稱(外文):Transfer Learning with Deep Learning for Sentiment Classification
外文關鍵詞:Sentiment ClassificationWord EmbeddingTransfer LearningPre-trained Word VectorsDeep Learning
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本研究透過三種模型:(1)CNN、(2)LSTM、(3)FastText,搭配五種預訓練模型:(1)Google News vectors、(2)Wiki English vectors Skip Gram、(3)Wiki English vectors CBOW、(4)Amazon review polarity、(5)Yelp review polarity,來建立多種模型應用在情緒分類。

Nowadays, Deep learning has many applications on classification tasks. e.g., image recognition, handwriting recognition, object detection, face recognition. They have achieved high accuracy in various tasks. In recent years, new algorithms have been applied to the deep learning, choice of models has become one of the considerations in research. Although there are many options, the training of the model still takes a lot of time and does not necessarily lead to well accuracy.
Transfer learning is to train new model with small amount of new data based on pre-trained weights. The advantages are to speed up and optimize the model learning without constructing from scratch. That is, transfer learning can be applied to insufficient data. In the case, the model can be trained and tested without requiring large amount of data.
This study used Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and FastText combining five pre-trained word vector models, to build several sentiment classification models.
This study divided user reviews into positive and negative polarity for sentiment classification, Three datasets including Bauhaus hotel review, TripAdvisor hotel review and Yelp restaurant review were explored to find the best models with higher accuracy and lowest training costs.
The experimental results show that the data set reaches 2 million and the pre-trained model was too large, the memory is insufficient, using FastText will not encounter this problem. And accuracy was 1% to 2% lower than other models, or 1% better than other models in some experiments, but it saves four to forty times in training and also significantly reduces training costs.

摘要 I
Abstract II
誌 謝 IV
目錄 V
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
壹、緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 2
1.3研究流程 2
1.4論文架構 5
貳、文獻探討 6
2.1深度學習(Deep learning) 6
2.2卷積神經網路(Convolutional Neural Networks) 6
2.3長短期記憶神經網路(Long Short-Term Memory) 7
2.4詞嵌入(Word embedding) 8
2.5 FastText 9
2.6情緒分類(Sentiment classification) 11
2.7監督式學習(Supervised learning) 11
2.8非監督式學習(Unsupervised learning) 12
2.9遷移學習(Transfer learning) 12
2.9.1歸納式遷移學習(Inductive transfer learning) 14
2.9.2直推式遷移學習(Transductive transfer learning) 15
2.9.3非監督式遷移學習(Unsupervised Transfer Learning) 16
參、系統架構 17
3.1資料前處理 18
3.2建立模型 19
3.3結果分析 19
肆、實驗結果與分析 20
4.1實驗資料來源 20
4.1.1 Bauhaus使用者飯店評論 20
4.1.2 TripAdvisor使用者飯店評論 20
4.1.3 Yelp使用者餐館評論 21
4.2實驗模型來源 21
4.2.1 Google News vectors 21
4.2.2 Wiki English vectors Skip Gram 21
4.2.3 Wiki English vectors CBOW 22
4.2.4 Amazon review polarity 22
4.2.5 Yelp review polarity 22
4.3實驗工具及實驗設備 22
4.4實驗(一): Bauhaus使用者飯店評論 23
4.4.1實驗參數 25
4.4.2實驗結果分析 26
4.5實驗(二): TripAdvisor使用者飯店評論 30
4.5.1 實驗參數 32
4.5.2 實驗結果分析 33
4.6實驗(三): Yelp使用者餐館評論 37
4.6.1 實驗參數 39
4.6.2 實驗結果分析 40
伍、結論 44
5.1結論 44
5.2未來研究方向 45
陸、參考文獻 46

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