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研究生(外文):You-Jia Chen
論文名稱:探討消費者在線上直播平台上衝動購買和購買意圖之影響因素 -以感知價值觀點
論文名稱(外文):Investigating Factors Influencing Consumers’ Impulsive Buying and Purchase Intention in the Live Streaming Platform - from the Perspective of Perceived Value
指導教授(外文):Jen Ruei Fu
口試委員(外文):Siao Fen ChenChiung Wen Hsu
外文關鍵詞:Impulsive PurchasePurchase Intention Parasocial Interaction(PSI)Perceived Value (Utilitarian, Hedonic and Social)S-O-R (Stimulus-Organism-Response) TheoryParasocial Interaction(PSI)
  • 被引用被引用:5
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本研究使用感知風險、資訊品質、信任、生動性、心流、即時滿足探討對商品的刺激及擬社會互動探討來自於直播主和其他觀眾的刺激,採用問卷調查法,以看過網路直播購物的使用者為研究對象,使用網路社群媒體進行發放問卷,總共收回289份有效問卷,使用Smart PLS進行結構模型分析。研究結果發現(1)僅使用者的享樂價值會引起衝動性購買;而實用、享樂及社會價值都會影響購買意圖慾望,(2)資訊品質、信任刺激因素會影響實用價值心理變化;而生動性、心流、即時滿足刺激因素會影響享樂價值心理變化;擬社會互動刺激因素,會影響社會價值心理變化。
In recent years, the emergence of live streaming environment has developed into online shopping for consumers without going out to live shopping interactively through video channels. Many businesses want to promote their own products through live streaming. This study explores the impact of consumer shopping values on impulsive purchases and purchase intentions in the live streaming environment. Based on the S-O-R (Stimulus-Organism-Response) theoretical framework, we proposed that live broadcasters, shopping features, and other audiences in the live streaming environment would affects consumers' perceived shopping values (Utilitarian, Hedonic and Social values), and in turn generates consumer impulse purchases and purchase intentions.
This study explored that influence of perceived risk, information quality, trust, vividness, flow, and instant gratification, shopping features, and parasocial interaction (PSI) with live broadcasters and other audiences on individual’s impulse buying and purchasing intention through three shopping values (hedonic, utilitarian, and social values) using questionnaire survey in the live shopping context. Questionnaires were distributed through the online social media (FB, IG, and PTT), and a total of 289 valid questionnaires were retrieved. The structural model analysis was performed using Smart PLS. The results of the study found that (1) hedonic value is the only factor influence impulsive purchase. In contract, utilitarian, hedonic and social values significantly affect purchase intention, (2) Information quality and trust stimuli significantly affect the shopping values. Vividness, flow, and instant gratification significantly affect the hedonic values. The proposed social interaction stimulating factors will affect the social values.
壹、 緒論.....1
一、 研究背景與動機.....1
二、 研究目的.....2
三、 研究流程.....3
貳、 文獻探討.....4
一、 衝動性購買.....4
二、 購買意圖.....5
三、 S-O-R理論.....6
四、 感知價值.....7
五、 擬社會互動.....9
六、 感知風險.....10
七、 生動性.....11
八、 資訊品質.....11
九、 信任.....12
十、 即時滿足.....12
十一、 心流.....13
參、 研究方法.....14
一、 研究架構.....14
二、 研究推論與假說.....15
(一) 實用價值與衝動性購買∕購買意圖.....15
(二) 享樂價值與衝動性購買∕購買意圖.....15
(三) 社會價值與衝動性購買∕購買意圖.....16
(四) 感知風險和實用價值.....17
(五) 資訊品質和實用價值.....17
(六) 信任和實用價值.....18
(七) 生動性和享樂價值.....18
(八) 心流和享樂價值.....19
(九) 即時滿足和享樂價值.....19
(十) 擬社會互動和社會價值.....20
三、 研究變數定義與操作化.....21
(一) 感知風險.....21
(二) 生動性.....21
(三) 資訊品質.....22
(四) 信任.....22
(五) 即時滿足.....23
(六) 心流.....23
(七) 擬社會互動對直播主.....24
(八) 擬社會互動對其他觀眾.....24
(九) 實用價值.....25
(十) 享樂價值.....25
(十一) 社會價值.....26
(十二) 衝動性購買意圖.....26
(十三) 購買意圖.....27
四、 問卷前測.....28
五、 資料蒐集與篩選.....30
六、 資料分析方法與工具.....30
肆、 資料分析.....32
一、 樣本基本資料分析.....32
二、 信度檢測.....34
三、 效度檢測.....36
四、 研究假說之檢定.....40
伍、 結論與建議.....44
一、 研究結果與討論.....44
二、 管理意涵.....45
三、 研究限制.....46



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