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研究生(外文):Cheng-Ting Huang
論文名稱(外文):Design and Analysis of Novel Isolated Interleaved High Step-Up Conversion Topology
指導教授(外文):Kuo-Ching Tseng
口試委員(外文):Shih-Kuen ChangchienChun-An ChengKuo-Ching Tseng
外文關鍵詞:step-uplow current ripplegalvanic isolationcoupled inductorbuilt-in transformerhigh conversion efficiency
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In this thesis, a novel isolated interleaved high step-up converter (IIHC) is proposed. Interleaved structure with coupled inductors is used in the primary side, not only reduce the current ripple, but also transfer the energy to the secondary side. The active clamp circuits with built-in transformer are employed to recycle the energy stored in the leakage inductors, reduce the voltage stress on the main switches. The coupled inductors and the built-in transformer not only constitute a voltage-doubler circuit in the secondary side, but also achieve galvanic isolation. Consequently, the high voltage-gain can be completed without extreme duty-cycle or high turns ratios. Furthermore, the proposed topology can operate in continuous conduction mode(CCM) and discontinuous conduction mode(DCM). The prototype circuit with the input voltage 48 V, the output voltage 380 V and the rated power of 1.5 kW are implemented to demonstrate the functionality of proposed topology. The measured full-load efficiency is 94.77%, and the peak efficiency is 96.18% at 560 W, respectively.
List of Tables .................................................................................................................. vi
List of Figures ............................................................................................................... vii
List of Nomenclatures ................................................................................................. viii
Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background ......................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Motivation .......................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Organization ....................................................................................................... 3
Chapter 2 Overview of The Converters with High Step-Up Feature ......................... 4
2.1 Isolated High Step-Up Converter ....................................................................... 4
2.2 Isolated Bidirectional Converter (Step-Up Mode) ............................................. 5
Chapter 3 The Proposed Isolated High Step-Up Interleaved Converter ................... 7
3.1 Introduction of the Proposed IIHC ..................................................................... 7
3.2 Operating Principle ............................................................................................. 8
3.3 Steady-state Analysis ........................................................................................ 19
3.3.1 Voltage Conversion Gain ....................................................................... 24
3.3.2 Voltage Stress ......................................................................................... 26
3.3.3 Current Stress and Average Current ....................................................... 28
3.3.4 Effects of the Equivalent Resistances of the Proposed IIHC ................. 32
3.3.5 Design Considerations ........................................................................... 48
3.4 Experimental Results ..................................................................................... 50
3.4.1 The Experimental Results of CCM Situation ........................................ 51
3.4.2 The Experimental Results of DCM Situation ........................................ 53
3.4.3 The Measured Conversion Efficiency of the Proposed IIHC ................ 55
Chapter 4 Conclusion and Future Research ............................................................... 58
4.1 Conclusion ..................................................................................................... 58
4.2 Future Research ............................................................................................. 58
References. ...................................................................................................................... 60
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