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研究生(外文):PAN, JIAN-TING
論文名稱(外文):Band Pass Filter with Controllable Transmission Zeros: Analysis and Design
指導教授(外文):CHEN, HAO-HUI
外文關鍵詞:SIRBand Pass FiltersTransmission Zeros
  • 被引用被引用:1
  • 點閱點閱:235
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This paper mainly proposes three new transmission zeros architectures, which respectively perform mathematical derivation and architecture analysis on each transmission zeros architecture, show the limits of the mathematical model and the implementation limits on the process, and use the Spur lines to combine the new transmission zeros of this paper. The architecture is designed for microwave bandpass filter that makes the bandpass filter more selective outside the passband, and reduce noise interference on the circuit.
Under the band-pass filter architecture designed by the Spur lines, the bandwidth limit of the filter design is better than previous ones, and the limitation of the circuit in the implementation of the medium bandwidth is realized.
The filters are simulated and implemented in 30%, 40%, and 50% bandwidths respectively. The out-of-band selectivity of the final circuit is very good.
Through the flow of three new transmission zeros, architecture and Spur Line design are proposed in this paper, it can meet the circuit requirements of different bandwidths and realize on various PCB circuit boards, which is easy to design and low in cost, and this paper has a set. Complete mathematical formula.

摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
1.3 文獻回顧 3
1.4 本論文架構 6
第二章 傳輸零點架構介紹 7
2.1傳統步階阻抗(SIR)設計原理 7
2.2新型傳輸零點架構(一)設計原理 9
2.3新型傳輸零點架構(二)設計原理 11
2. 4新型傳輸零點架構(三)設計原理 14
2.5 傳輸零點架構比較 18
第三章 帶通濾波器原理分析 21
3.1帶通濾波器電路基本架構圖 21
3.2任意長度之傳輸線與J反轉子矩陣分析 22
3.3π型電路與對稱馬蹄耦合線矩陣分析 24
3.4π型電路與J反轉子分析 30
第四章 帶通濾波器設計分析 31
4.1帶通濾波器J反轉子架構(一) 31
4.2共振腔與J反轉子之濾波器分析 32
4.2.1 計算共振腔及導納值 35
4.3架構(一)諧振電路分析 34
4.3.1新型傳輸零點架構(一)諧振電路 34
4.3.2 B2、B4諧振電路 35
4.3.3 B3諧振電路 36
4.4電路(一)方程式設計步驟 37
4.5電路(二)方程式設計步驟 39
4. 5.1新型傳輸零點架構(二)諧振電路 39
4.6帶通濾波器J反轉子架構(二) 32
4.6.1新型傳輸零點架構(三)諧振電路 42
4. 7電路(三)方程式設計步驟 43
第五章 電路模擬與驗證 45
5.1兩種新型傳輸零點電路模擬與比較(30%) 46
5.2電路A模擬(30%) 48
5.3電路A模擬(40%) 51
5.4電路A模擬(50%) 54
第六章 電路實作量測和文獻比較 57
6.1 製程環境介紹 57
6.2 測量環境介紹 58
6.3濾波器電路量測 59
6.4等效電路文獻比較 64
第七章 結論與未來展望 67
7.1 結論 67
7.2 未來展望 68
參考文獻 69

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