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論文名稱(外文):Electrical Properties of Indium Nitrogen Compound Doped Oxygen in Relative Humidity
外文關鍵詞:indium nitriderelative humiditynanometersensing device
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本研究利用DC濺鍍系統(DC sputtering system)成長氮化銦(indium nitride, InN)摻雜氧之感測薄膜(sensing film),研究中使用矽基板(silicon substrate),探討氮化銦摻雜氧之感測薄膜的靈敏度(sensitivity)與響應度(responsivity)。首先,利用霍爾量測系統(Hall measurement system),檢測感測薄膜之載子型態(carrier type)、載子濃度(carrier concentration)與載子移動率(carrier mobility),利用霍爾量測系統量測結果,氮化銦摻雜氧感測薄膜電阻係數(resistivity)約為6.2×10-1 ohm-cm,載子型態為P型,載子濃度為1.1×1017cm3,載子移動率為9.1×100 cm2/Vs。另外,利用掃描式電子顯微鏡(scanning electron microscope, SEM)觀察感測薄膜平面(plane)及截面(cross section),了解感測薄膜的奈米顆粒(nanometer particle)型態與成長狀況,測量結果,氮化銦摻雜氧感測薄膜之成長速率約為11 nm/min。透過X光繞射儀(x-ray diffraction, XRD)量測,獲得最佳氮化銦摻雜氧之感測薄膜。最後,利用環境濕度量測儀獲得感測薄膜的回滯特性(hysteresis)與時飄特性(time response)。其中,感測回滯特性是測量感測元件(sensing device)受相對濕度(relative humidity)影響的電阻值(resistance)、電容值(capacitance)與電感值(inductance),並計算出感測元件的吸附靈敏度(adsorption sensitivity)為103 ohm/%RH;去吸附靈敏度(desorption sensitivity)為125 ohm/%RH。時飄特性是利用測量感測元件之電阻特性、電容特性、電感特性受時間變數影響,得到濕度感測元件響應度的吸附時間為113秒;去吸附時間為240秒。利用電流-電壓(current to voltage, I-V)分析儀器可以計算出具有矽緩衝層(silicon buffer layer)濕度感測元件的靈敏度為3.9 kohm/%RH;無矽緩衝層濕度感測元件的靈敏度為6.7×10-2 kohm/%RH。

關鍵詞: 氮化銦、相對濕度、奈米、感測元件

DC sputtering system was used to grow the indium nitride (InN) with the oxygen doping (InN:O) as a sensing film. In this study,silicon (Si) substrates was used to explore the sensitivity and responsivity of InN:O sensing film.First, by using Hall measurement system, the carrier type,bulk carrier concentration and carrier mobility of InN:O sensing film were obtained The carrier type, carrier concentration, carrier mobility, and resistivity of InN:O sensing film are respectively P type,1.1×1017cm-3,9.1×100 cm2/Vs, and 6.2×101 ohm-cm.In addition,the scanning electron microscope(SEM) instrument was also used to observe the plane and the cross section properties of InN:O sensing film.The nanoparticle morphology of InN:O sensing film on the film surface and the growth rate of InN:O sensing film,about 11nm/min were obtained.Through the X-ray diffractometer(XRD) examination,the well crystal structure of InN:O sensing film was presented.Finally, there lative humidity measuring instrument was used to detect the hysteresis effect, sensitivity and dynamic sensing response of InN:O sensing device.The hysteresis effect of InN:O sensing device was evaluated by measuring the resistance, capacitance and inductance of InN:O sensing device at different relative humidity.Eventually, the calculations of the adsorption sensitivity and desorption sensitivity of the InN:O sensing device were completed, reached as 103 ohm/% RH and 125 ohm/%RH respectively. Dynamic sensing responses of InN:O sensing device by the measurements of the resistance capacitance, and inductance characteristics using time variableas a independent variable, which revealed the responsivity of relative humidity sensor including the adsorption time and desorption time, reached as 113 sec and 240sec respectively. Current to voltage properties of InN:O sensing devices both with and without silicon buffer layer measured at different relative humidity respectively exhibited the relative humidity sensitivities of 3.9 kohm/%RH and 6.7×10-2 kohm/%RH.

keywords:indium nitride,relative humidity,nanometer,sensing device

第一章 緒論
第二章 文獻探討
第三章 實驗流程
第四章 實驗結果與討論
第五章 結論與未來展望
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