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論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Latex Contained Plant on Kinetic Parameters of Pyrolyzing Yard Waste
外文關鍵詞:bioenergyyard wasteplant latexpyrolysis kinetics
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  庭園廢棄物「Yard Waste」為生質廢棄物中重要產源之一,係指植物因生態循環自然產生之殘骸,其中部分庭園廢棄物含植物乳汁,而植物乳汁目前僅於醫療研究有較多探討,在資源化再利用之相關研究甚少,因此若可找出其資源化再利用之價值,將能達到廢棄物再利用及減量之目的。本研究以不含乳汁樹種(印度紫檀)、含乳汁樹種(黑板樹)進行基本性質分析及配比設計後,依熱重分析結果,利用不同熱裂解動力學模式進行熱裂解動力學參數計算(活化能Ea、頻率因子A、反應級數n),並進行熱裂解試驗,以探討含植物乳汁庭園廢棄物對熱裂解動力學參數之影響及製作生質燃料之可行性。研究結果顯示,印度紫檀、黑板樹枯枝落葉水分及灰分低、可燃分高,熱值約4600 Kcal/Kg,具有製作生質燃料之潛力;以不同熱裂解動力學模式進行相關參數計算,研究結果發現,印度紫檀有較高之平均活化能(56.2 Kcal/mol),而黑板樹平均活化能較低(48.6 Kcal/mol),主要反應區間於235-396℃,並隨黑板樹添加比例增加,活化能及頻率因子皆有降低之趨勢,因此添加黑板樹能有效降低其活化能;熱裂解試驗結果顯示,產物熱值相較於實驗材料皆有所提升,且經熱裂解試驗後,碳含量提升幅度高。綜合上述結果發現,植物乳汁對庭園廢棄物熱裂解動力學參數可能具有影響力,且具有製成生質燃料之可行性,未來可利用不同含乳汁樹種驗證其對熱裂解動力學參數之影響。
  Yard waste is defined as the debris of plants naturally produced by ecological cycles, and is also one of the most important sources of waste biomass. Some of the yard waste contain plant latex, which draws more attention merely in medical research field, only a few research focus on the field of resource recycle. Consequently, the goal of waste recycling and reduction could be achieved when its recycle as well as reuse values were discovered. The specimens of this study included a latex-free tree species (Pterocarpus indicus Willd) and a tree species with latex (Alstonia scholaris). Samples were collected and analyzed with experimental parameters designed in advance. Kinetic parameters (activation energy, pre-exponential factor, and reaction order) were calculated by various pyrolysis kinetic models based on the results of thermogravimetric analysis. Pyrolysis experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of latex on pyrolysis kinetic parameters as well as the feasibility of producing biofuels. The experimental results revealed that both species contained low moisture and ash, and high combustible components with a calorific value of 4600 Kcal/Kg, indicating potential feasibility of producing biofuels. As for the results of calculating pyrolysis kinetic parameters with different models, the average activation energy of Pterocarpus indicus Willd (56.2 Kcal/mol) was higher than that of Alstonia scholaris (48.6 Kcal/mol). The primary reaction range was between 235℃ to 396℃, where it increased with the amount of Alstonia scholaris added. Meanwhile, the activation energy and pre-exponential factor decreased with the amount of Alstonia scholaris added. According to the results of pyrolysis experiments, the calorific value of the product increased compared to the raw material thereof, and the carbon contents as well. To sum up, it's possible that plant latex might affect its pyrolysis kinetic parameters, and it's also feasible to produce biofuels. Extended studies could be conducted to verify the effects with latex-free trees in the future.
摘要 I
目錄 V
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1-1研究緣起 1
1-2研究目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2-1庭園廢棄物 3
2-1-1印度紫檀 4
2-1-2黑板樹 5
2-1-3植物乳汁 6
2-2生質能 9
2-2-1生質能源 9
2-2-2生質物 12
2-2-3生質能轉換技術 14
2-3熱裂解 16
2-3-1熱裂解定義及反應途徑 16
2-3-2熱裂解產物性質 18
2-4熱裂解動力學理論 19
2-4-1 Friedman法 22
2-4-2 積分法 24
第三章 實驗材料及方法 27
3-1 實驗架構 27
3-2 實驗材料 29
3-3 實驗設備 30
3-4 實驗流程與方法 33
3-4-1 前處理 33
3-4-2 基本性質分析 33
3-4-3 配比設計 36
3-4-4 熱重分析 37
3-4-5 熱裂解動力學 37
3-4-6 實驗型熱裂解設備 37
3-4-7 產物分析 38
第四章 結果與討論 41
4-1 實驗材料基本性質分析 41
4-1-1 近似分析 41
4-1-2 熱值分析 41
4-1-3 單位容積重 42
4-1-4 鉀含量分析 43
4-1-5 元素分析 43
4-2 熱重分析 44
4-3 熱裂解動力學 51
4-3-1 Friedman法動力學 51
4-3-2 積分法動力學 60
4-3-3 Friedman法與積分法動力學模式差異 68
4-4 熱裂解試驗之固態產物分析 70
4-4-1 配比設計對熱裂解試驗之影響 70
4-4-2 升溫速率對熱裂解試驗之影響 76
4-4-3 不同參數對熱裂解試驗之影響 85
4-4-4 產物元素分析 92
第五章 結論與建議 94
5-1 結論 94
5-2 建議 96
參考文獻 97

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