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研究生(外文):YANG, CHUN-LIN
論文名稱(外文):Euclidean Distance of Multiuser CPM Using Time-limited Phase Shaping Pulses with Single User Detection
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  最近許多研究顯示可將連續相位調變 (Continuous Phase Modulation, CPM) 應用在多使用者系統(Multiuser CPM systems),並且可在接收端使用單一使用者偵測接收機,因為允許不同使用者之間的頻譜重疊,進而使傳輸系統有極佳的頻寬效益(Bandwidth Efficient)。然而,當應用CPM在多使用者系統上時,若CPM不是正交訊號時,整體系統的歐氏距離衰減的非常快,有時甚至距離趨近於零,這是目前此系統的最大缺點。
  過去研究顯示,若要產生正交CPM訊號,常考慮CPFSK(Continuous Phase Frequency Shift Keying)調變器,以便獲得較大的歐氏距離。相對於傳統CPM使用時無限相位塑形脈波(Phase Shaping Pulses,PSP),稱之為CPM-TU,在本論文中,我們採用另一種CPM調變方法,此種CPM使用時有限相位塑型脈波(Time-limited PSP),稱之為CPM-TL,此種調變器在相同的接收機複雜度下,比CPM-TU具有更大的歐氏距離,本論文即在探討此種調變器在多用戶CPM下的歐氏距離與傳統調變器的比較。
  在此論文中我們考慮PSP使用2REC-TL 與一種新的PSP波型,研究顯示,其中2REC-TL距離與 CPFSK(Continuous Phase Frequency Shift Keying)完全相同,另一種則不但可保持正交性,並獲得3dB 的增益,並且接收機複雜度較低,非常適合多用戶CPM系統。

  Recently, many studies have shown that Continuous Phase Modulation (CPM) can be applied to Multiuser CPM systems, and single-user detection receivers can be used at the receiving end. Because the spectrum overlap between different users is allowed, the transmission system has excellent bandwidth efficiency. However, when the CPM is applied to a multi-user system, if the CPM is not an orthogonal signal, the Euclidean distance of the system is attenuated very quickly, and sometimes even the distance is attenuated to zero, which is the biggest drawback of the current system.
  Past research have shown that to generate orthogonal CPM signals, CPFSK (Continuous Phase Frequency Shift Keying) modulators are often considered to achieve larger Euclidean distances. Compared to the traditional CPM using Time-unlimited Phase Shaping Pulses(PSP), called CPM-TU. In this paper, the CPM uses Time-limited Phase Shaping Pulses(Time-limited PSP), called CPM-TL, has a larger Euclidean distance than CPM-TU at the same receiver complexity. This paper discusses the Euclidean distance of such a modulator under multi-user CPM compared with a conventional modulator.
  In this paper, we consider PSP using 2REC-TL and a new PSP waveform. The research shows that 2REC-TL distance is exactly the same as CPFSK (Continuous Phase Frequency Shift Keying), and the new PSP waveform can not only maintain orthogonality, but also get 3dB of gain and low receiver complexity, it is ideal for multi-user CPM systems.

摘要 I
英文摘要 II
致謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 IX
第一章 序言 1
1.1概要 1
1.2研究動機 1
1.3論文架構 2
第二章 多用戶CPM系統架構 3
2.1多用戶CPM訊號 3
2.2 不同的相位塑形脈波 5
第三章 計算最小歐氏距離 17
3.1 歐氏距離 17
3.2 模擬結果與分析 21
第四章 結論 39
參考文獻 40

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