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研究生(外文):CHEN, CHI-CHUN
論文名稱(外文):The Selection and Application of Phytase Producing Lactic Acid Bacteria
指導教授(外文):HU, HUNG-HSI
外文關鍵詞:phytic acidanti-nutrientphytaselactic acid bacteriawhole grainssoy bean
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由實驗室保存從澎湖藻類分離的614株乳酸菌中,篩選出具植酸酶活性乳酸菌127株。其中7株活性最高乳酸菌,經鑑定為胚芽乳酸桿菌3株(5-1,1.2U/mL;20-4-1,1.7U/mL;62-3,1.72U/mL)、短乳酸桿菌1株(12-5,1.88U/mL)、鼠李糖乳酸桿菌1株(128-1,1.24U/mL)以及發酵乳酸桿菌2株(62-6,0.91U/ mL;366-1,1.37U/mL)。
應用乳酸菌發酵糙米漿、去殼小麥漿、全豆漿可分解穀物植酸。發酵12小時pH值明顯降至5。發酵24小時菌數達最大值。發酵48小時植酸分解漸趨緩。比較活菌數與植酸分解量,胚芽乳酸桿菌20-4-1較佳,發酵72小時植酸殘留量,全黃豆剩13.76 mg/g (36%),糙米剩2.56mg/g (28%),脫殼小麥剩5.63mg/g (50.0%)。

127 strains of lactic acid bacteria with phytase activity were screened from 614 strains of lactic acid bacteria isolated from the algae in Penghu keeping in our laboratory. Among them, 7 strains of the highest activity lactic acid bacteria were identified as 3 strains of Lactobacillus plantarum (5-1, 1.2U/mL; 20-4-1, 1.7U/mL; 62-3, 1.72U/mL) , 1 strain of Lactobacillus brevis (12-5, 1.88 U/mL), 1 strain of Lactobacillus rhamnosus (128-1, 1.24 U/mL) and 2 strains of Lactobacillus fermentum (62-6, 0.91 U/mL; 366-1, 1.37 U/mL).
After fermenting with phytase producing LAB, phytic acid in brown rice pulp, shelled wheat pulp, and whole soy milk medium can be degraded effectively. The pH was significantly reduced to 5 after 12 hours of fermentation. The number of bacteria in the fermentation for 24 hours reached a maximum. The phytic acid degradation gradually slowed down after 48 hours of fermentation. Comparing the number of viable bacteria and the amount of phytic acid degradation, Lactobacillus plantarum 20-4-1 is the best strain which can be used in grain fermentation, the phytic acid residue after fermentation for 72 hours were 13.76 mg/g (36%) of whole soybeans, 2.56 mg/g of brown rice (28%), and 5.63 mg / g (50.0%) of the shelled wheat.

壹、植酸. .................................................7
(一) 植酸簡介..............................................7
(二) 植酸於營養之危害.......................................8
(三) 植酸對生態環境的影響...................................9
(一)全穀類、全豆類是營養食品嗎? ...........................14
(三) 乳酸菌發酵糙米漿、小麥漿、全豆漿...................28
(一) 發酵液中植酸酶活性變化...............................35
(四) 發酵液植酸殘留量變化.................................48


衛生福利部公告,預告訂定「糞腸球菌(Enterococcus faecalis)及屎腸球菌(Enterococcus faecium)不得作為食品原料使用」草案。衛授食字第1061302521號,中華民國106年10月19日。



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