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研究生(外文):HUANG, MEI-HUI
論文名稱(外文):Comparing the Teaching Behaviors, Expectations, and Difficulties of Foreign and Local English Teachers
指導教授(外文):CHEN, MEI-CHEN
外文關鍵詞:teaching behaviorsteacher expectationsteaching difficultiesforeign English teacherslocal English teachers
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  先前文獻指出,不同的文化或國籍會影響教師的教學行為。至今,鮮少研究探討外籍及本籍教師在台灣實際課堂上的教學行為。本研究旨在比較中外籍英文教師在大學課堂上的教學行為、教學期待和教學困難。兩百四十五位英語系大學生(男:68,女:177) 受邀填寫一份有關「大學教師的教學行為」問卷。此問卷有42個項目,共分為五大類:(1) 師生之間的關係,(2) 溝通技巧和教學法,(3) 公平性,(4) 英語知識,以及(5) 組織能力和備課充分度。十三位外籍教師與十三位本籍教師接受個別訪談,藉此了解他們在大學課堂上之英語教學期待和教學困難。本研究有幾項重要發現:(1) 大學生對中外籍教師之英文教學行為皆有很高的評價;(2) 中外籍教師在整體和每類的教學行為上,皆有顯著差異;(3) 從學生對兩者教師的看法,外籍教師的優勢在師生之間的關係、溝通技巧和教學法,以及英語知識;(4) 本籍教師的優勢在公平性,以及組織能力和備課充分度;(5) 外籍大學教師期許學生擁有良好的溝通技巧和表達能力;相對地,本籍大學教師期許學生能實際運用在課堂上所教過的學習策略;(6) 外籍教師列舉出其教學困難涵蓋學生課堂上的不良行為,以及學生說英文缺乏自信;然而,本籍教師的教學困難在於學生的學習動機低落,以及班上學生英文的程度落差甚大。最後,根據研究結果,提出相關教學及未來研究之建議,以供參考。
  The past literature has indicated that different cultures or nationalities create different teaching behaviors. To date, very little research has been conducted to probe the teaching practices of foreign and local language teachers in the Taiwanese EFL context. The present study aimed to compare the teaching behaviors, teacher expectations, and teaching difficulties of foreign and local English teachers in the EFL college classroom. A questionnaire concerning college teachers’ teaching behaviors was administered to 245 English majors (M= 68, F= 177). It consisted of 42 items with five categories: (1) relationship with students, (2) communication skill and teaching method, (3) fairness, (4) knowledge of English, and (5) organization and preparation. Individual interviews were given to 13 foreign and 13 local English teachers to probe their teacher expectations and teaching difficulties for teaching English in college. The important findings were: (1) college students generally thought highly of the teaching behaviors of both teachers; (2) significant differences were found in the overall and each type of teaching behaviors; (3) from the student perceptions of both teachers, the foreign English teachers exceeded in the categories of relationship with students, communication skill and teaching method, and knowledge of English; (4) the local English teachers surpassed their foreign counterparts in the categories of fairness, and organization and preparation; (5) foreign English teachers expected college students to have good communication and idea expression skills; in contrast, local English teachers expected them to be able to use learning strategies taught in class; (6) foreign English teachers reported having difficulties in students’ undesirable behaviors in class, and their lacking confidence speaking in English; whereas local English teachers were challenged by low learning motivations, and disparity of student English proficiency in a class. Pedagogical and research implications were provided to conclude this study.
Acknowledgement I
Abstract (Chinese) II
Abstract (English) III
Table of Contents V
Tables VIII

 Introduction 1
  Problem Statement 4
  Purpose of the Study 5
  Research Questions 6
  Definitions of Terms 6
 Literature Review 7
  Cultural Differences in Relation to Teaching Beliefs 7
  Typical Teaching Behaviors of Foreign English Teachers 12
  Comparing the Teaching Behaviors of Foreign and Local English Teachers 16
  Teacher Expectations and Teaching Difficulties for the Two Types of Teachers 19
  Summary 22
 Methodology 23
  Participants 23
  Instruments 25
   Student Survey Questionnaire 26
   Teacher Interview Questions 27
  Data Collection Procedures 28
  Data Analyses 29
 Results 31
  Reliabilities of the Questionnaire 31
  Results of Teaching Behaviors for Foreign and Local English Teachers 33
  Results of Teacher Expectations and Teaching Difficulties for Both Teachers 42
 Discussion and Conclusions 48
  Discussion on the Important Findings 48
   Teaching Behaviors of Foreign English Teachers 48
   Comparing the Teaching Behaviors of Foreign and Local English Teachers 50
   Teacher Expectations 51
   Teaching Difficulties 53
  Pedagogical Implications 54
  Suggestions for Future Research 54
References 56

Appendix A 66
Appendix B 72
Appendix C 78
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