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研究生(外文):Chia-Wen Wu
論文名稱:在 Harary 圖上的 二多重完全支配問題之研究
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Double Total Domination Problem in Harary Graphs
指導教授(外文):Hung-Lung WangJou-Ming Chang
中文關鍵詞:Harary 圖二多重完全支配問題
外文關鍵詞:double total domination numberHarary graphs
  • 被引用被引用:0
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令 G = (V, E) 為一個最小分支度至少是 2 的圖。若在圖 G 中的點集合 D 滿 足圖上的每一個點都有至少 2 個相鄰點落在 D 中,則 D 稱為二多重完全支配 集。圖 G 上的二多重完全支配數表示為 γ×2,t(G) ,是最小二多重完全支配集的元 素個數。
本論文探討 Harary 圖 H_(2m+1,2n) (其中 2m + 1 為分支度,2n 為點數) 的二 多重完全支配問題。令 2n = (2m + 1)l + r , 0<= r<= 2m,當 r = 0 或 m + 1 <= r<= 2m 時, γ×2,t(H2m+1,2n) 已知 [Kazemi,Pahlavsay,Double total domination in Harry graphs,Communications in mathematics and applications]; 本論文針對 1 <=r <= m 且 m = 1 或 2 的情形做探討。研究結果顯示當 m = 1 時, 若 n−2 是 6 的倍數,則 γ×2,t(H2m+1,2n) = 2l+1 , 否則 γ×2,t(H_(2m+1,2n)) = 2l+2; 當 m = 2 時, γ×2,t(H_(2m+1,2n)) = 2l + 2 。
Let G = (V, E) be a graph with minimum degree at least 2. A vertex subset D is a double total dominating set of G if every vertex of G is adjacent to at least two vertices in D. The double total domination number of G, denoted as γ×2,t(G), is the size of a minimum double total dominating set in G.
In this thesis, we are concerned with the double total domination number of the Harary graph H_(2m+1,2n), where 2m + 1 is the degree of each vertex and 2n is the number of vertices. Let 2n = (2m+1)l+r, where 0 <= r <= 2m. When r = 0 or m + 1 <= r <= 2m, γ×2,t(H_(2m+1,2n)) is known [Kazemi and Pahlavsay, Double total domination in Harry graphs, Communications in Mathematics and Applications]. In this thesis, we are concerned with the case where 1 <= r <= m and m ∈ {1,2}. We obtain the following results: (i) For m = 1, γ×2,t(H_(2m+1,2n)) = 2l+1 if n−2 is divisible by 6, and γ×2,t(HH_(2m+1,2n)) = 2l+2 otherwise. (ii) For m = 2, γ×2,t(H_(2m+1,2n)) = 2l+2.
摘 要-------------- I
Abstract ----------II
誌 謝------------- III
Contents---------- IV
List of Tables-------- V
List of Figures ----------VII
1 Introduction ------------1
2 Preliminaries--------- 8
3 Main Results -----------11
3.1 DoubletotaldominationinH3,2n .................... 11 3..2DoubletotaldominationinH5,2n .................... 16
4 Conclusions----------------39
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