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研究生(外文):Chen, Han-Wei
論文名稱(外文):Developing Offshore Wind Farm as A Long-term and Sustainable Energy Policy – A Comparative Study on Legal Issues and Solutions between Taiwan and the UK
指導教授(外文):Huang, Shi-Zhou
外文關鍵詞:offshore windrenewable energyenergy policyfishery compensation
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This study focuses on the development of offshore wind energy in Taiwan and in the UK, with a comparative analysis between both legal issues and solutions. Renewable energy is one of the hottest and most serious topics in our society. Governments in different countries always pursue to find a clearer and more stable energy, preventing the shortage of current energy and pollution as well. UK government has already developed the offshore wind power for decades earlier than Taiwan. Therefore, this study analyzes the progressions and policies between Taiwan and the UK (which both countries have the familiar environment to develop offshore wind power) to verify the pros and cons of developing the offshore wind power in Taiwan.

Although the offshore wind power is still a newborn and strait topic which is always viewed as an immature and money-wasting energy in Taiwan society, with the comparative analysis of legal issues on development and fishery compensation, this study ultimately aims to deconstruct the public opinions, categorizing offshore wind power as a high potential sustainable energy, finally bringing a clear and efficient energy in Taiwan’s future.
Table of Content
摘 要 i
Table of Content iii
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1. International Conventions 1
1.2. Taiwan and UK Policies 3
1.3. Chapters Preview 5
Chapter 2. Current Situation 5
2.1. Energy Development in Taiwan 5
2.2. Renewable Energy Current Situation in Taiwan 6
2.3. Offshore Wind Energy Current Situation and Potential in Taiwan 7
2.4. Offshore Wind Power Energy Development Progression in the UK 9
Chapter 3. Comparative Analysis 12
3.1. Legal Issues on Offshore Wind Power Development 12
3.1.1. Taiwan Policies 12
A. Green House Gas Reduction and Management Act 12
B. Renewable Energy Development Act 14
C. Offshore Wind Power Demonstrative Incentive Program 16
3.1.2. UK’s Policies 17
A. Non-Fossil Fuel Obligation 18
B. Round 1 19
C. Round 2 19
D. Round 1 and 2 Extensions 19
E. Round 3 19
F. UK Content: Offshore Wind Industrial Strategy: Business and Government Action 20
3.2. Fishery Compensation Issues 22
3.2.1. Taiwan 22
A. Article 29 of the Fisheries Act 26
B. Articles 37 and 38 of the Fisheries Act 28
3.2.2. UK 30
Chapter 4. Problems yet to be solved 31
4.1. Localization 31
4.2. Baseload and seasonal shortage issue 32
Chapter 5. Conclusion 35
Bibliography 38
Appendix 45
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