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研究生(外文):Lee, Ting-Hsun
論文名稱:探討銅摻雜對層狀P2- Na0.67Mn0.7-xNi0.3CuxO2 之電性影響
論文名稱(外文):Effects of Cu doping on the Electrochemical Properties of P2 Layered Type Oxides, Na0.67Mn0.7-xNi0.3CuxO2
指導教授(外文):Tsai, Cho-Jen
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本篇中主要以討論P2鈉錳鎳銅氧Na0.67Mn0.7-xNi0.3CuxO2在不同的銅摻雜量對於錳的價數、循環壽命、鈉離子擴散係數以及結構可逆程度作為判斷依據,其中以XPS、EIS、CV、Ex-situ XRD,作為主要輔助工具,探討三種參數下對於此化學成分之改變以及電化學表現結果,其中以銅摻雜x = 0.1的電化學及結構穩定性為最好,其次為x = 0.05,而沒有摻雜x = 0的在本篇實驗中尤在循環壽命上特別的劣勢,而其中以活性元素在一定程度的電容量犧牲以取代原本的錳以降低錳之歧化反應並且提高整體放電電壓平台的結果是非常明確的,換句話說,未來方向可以繼續參考以此方式的摻雜,再結合額外的表面改質或者是不同導電碳的摻雜,在不久的將來是非常具有市場性及競爭力的研究方向。
Nowadays, with an eye to solving the energy issues and the cost down of lithium ion batteries, scholars and scientists are devoted to taking sodium ion batteries as the next generation secondary batteries as promising candidates, especially layered types NaTMO2.
When it comes to NaTMO2, manganese-based (TM = Mn) layered SIBs outperform other transition metal like titanium, copper, and iron etc. in energy density, working voltage, and specific capacity. Therefore, in this thesis, we aim to investigate the effect of Cu doping, Na0.67Mn0.7-xNi0.3CuxO2, on the electrochemical properties of the SIBs. We mainly discuss the electrochemical performances and phase stability of P2- Na0.67Mn0.7-xNi0.3CuxO2, such as cycle life, rate capability, sodium ion diffusion coefficient, and phase reversibility. We found that P2- Na0.67Mn0.7-xNi0.3CuxO2, with x = 0.1, can achieve the best cycle performance and phase reversibility while the sample with x = 0 have the poorest electrochemical performance and phase stability. Our results clearly show that substitution of little amounts of maganese with Cu can deliver better cycle life and reducing the effect of manganese disproportionantion at the cost of some specific capacity loss from elevating the valence of manganese from 3+ to 4+. However, the overall performances result relative good effects for the active materials.
第一章 緒論 .....12
第二章 文獻回顧 .....20
第三章 實驗記錄 .....32
第四章 結果與討論 ....40
第五章 結論 .........69
第六章 參考文獻 ......70
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