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研究生(外文):Shen, Min-Hong
論文名稱(外文):An Intelligent Wireless Charging Vehicle to Enhance the Lifetime of Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Network
指導教授(外文):Shi, Wei-Kuan
口試委員(外文):Chang, Yuan-HaoCheng, Wen-Huang
外文關鍵詞:Wireless Sensor NetworkWireless Power ChargingWireless Charging VehicleReal time
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無線感測網路(Wireless Sensor Network)是由數個許多具有無線傳送功能的感測器組成的,感測器彼此之間能夠進行無線通訊,把收集到的資訊傳送回基地台,在各個領域都有相當的多應用,然而在電池技術的限制下,維持這種無線感測網路具有相當大的難題,許多學者提出了各式方法為了解決這問題。
Wireless Sensor Network is composed of a number of sensors with wireless transmission. Sensors transmit the collected information back to the base station. There are a lot of applications in many fields. However, under the limit of battery technology, maintaining a wireless network sensor is a huge problem.
Owing to the breakthrough in wireless charging techniques, wireless rechargeable sensor networks can extend sensors' lifetime via one or multiple wireless charging vehicles. Based on rechargeable sensor networks, routing path algorithms and on-demand recharging strategies of the wireless charging vehicles have been extensively studied to ensure that the sensor networks can stay operatable. However, existing charging strategies either require a pre-computed routing path for traversing network topologies or an on-site computer for processing charging schemes. Thus, the high computational overhead of existing charging schemes hinders their applicability and prevents the mobile vehicle from making recharging decisions directly. To resolve this issue, this study proposes the concept of Intelligent Wireless Charging Vehicle (IWCV) to resolve the lifetime constraint problem of sensor networks in a dynamic and adjustable approach. Different from other study, the IWCV is equipped with a low-power processor for processing recharging strategy and a mid-range one-to-many wireless power broadcaster to recharge multiple sensors at the same time. This paper provides a real-time strategy in using wireless charging vehicle to maintain wireless sensor network in less power consumption.
Abstract ii
Acknowledgments iii
第一章 Introduction----------1
第二章 Background and Motivation---------5
第三章 System Model and The Problem Description--------------9
第四章 Intelligent Wireless Charging Vehicle --------------15
第五章 Evaluations --------------------22
第六章 Conclusions and future work---------------------26
References------------- 27
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