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研究生(外文):Huang, Han-Chih
論文名稱:應用於4K Ultra-HD 3D電視之相位式視點合成器設計
論文名稱(外文):VLSI System Implementation of Phase-Based View Synthesis for 4K Ultra-HD 3DTV
指導教授(外文):Huang, Chao-Tsung
口試委員(外文):Chang, Tian-SheuanChiu, Ching-Te
外文關鍵詞:View synthesisVLSI
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裸視3D 電視是顯示器發展上的一種新趨勢,可以提供觀看者3D 體驗感,
而不需配戴3D 眼鏡。隨著近幾年人類對於螢幕解析度的需求逐漸提升,對於
4K 高解析度3D 顯示器的要求也逐漸提高,然而,受限於有限的硬體設備,我
們無法提供場景中的每個視點給裸視3D 電視,為了解決這個問題,視點合成
我們的目標是針對4K 高畫質3D 電視提供一個即時的視點合成引擎,在演
波重建引擎,其內部主要由快速傅立葉轉換(FFT) 的模組而構成,為了減少
FFT 在硬體中所佔的邏輯,我們實作了一個以SRAM 為基底的單一路徑延遲
回溯(Single-path Delay Feedback) 架構,而這個架構的優點是速度快,且所需
我們在台積電40 奈米製程底下合成了我們所設計的相位式視點合成引擎,
此電路總共使用了250 萬的邏輯閘以及228KB 的記憶體,為了達到30fps 的
UHD 顯示器,我們的電路跑在200MHz,在此頻率底下合成時能提供吞吐量達
266Mpixel/s;在FPGA 實作部分,我們最快能跑在80MHz,並提供每秒12 張
Multi-view autostereoscopic 3D TV is a new trend of display devices to provide users an immersive 3D experience without wearing glasses. Owing to the demand of increasing video resolution, 4K Ultra-HD (UHD) 3D display is required in these years. However, we are not able to capture every viewpoint of a scene due to the limited facilities. View synthesis is one of the important techniques to conquer this challenge by interpolating multi-view content from input two-view videos. Traditional methods such as DIBR render novel views according to accurate dense
depth maps which usually require heavy computational complexity. In this thesis, we present a phase-based view synthesis system with a cross-band shift correction scheme that enables the usage of low-resolution disparity maps . The algorithm becomes more robust as it is not sensitive to the resolution of disparity maps.
To achieve the demand for high-resolution and high-quality videos, we designed a VLSI circuit that applies the phase-based view synthesis to support the real-time application.

We aim to introduce a view synthesis engine for UHD 3DTV in real-time VLSI design. In the algorithm, novel views are generated with wavelet-based decomposition, re-projection, and reconstruction. The design challenge for the wavelet computation is the demand of large wavelet throughput. To address this issue, we parallelize the reconstruction engine which is mostly composed of the
FFT engine in our design. To reduce the gate count of an FFT engine, we adpot the SRAM-based Single Path Delay Feedback structure to implement it because this structure has the advantage of high speed and requires less area.

We implemented a VLSI circuit for phase-based view synthesis using TSMC 40nm technology process with 2M gate counts and 228 KB on-chip memory. It runs at clock frequency 200MHz and delivers a throughput of 266Mpixel/s, which is equal to 30 fps for UHD display. We also implemented the algorithm on FPGA at 80MHz. It achieves near real-time performance that provides UHD display at
12 fps.
摘 要......................................i
List of Figures.............................vi
List of Tables.............................viii

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation ............................. 1
1.2 Thesis Organization.............................3
1.3 Contribution .............................3
Chapter 2 Related work 5
2.1 Pixel-based Rendering ............................. 6
2.1.1 Depth-Image-based Rendering(DIBR) ............................. 6
2.1.2 Image Domain Warping(IDW)............................. 6
2.2 Phase-based Motion Processing .............................7
2.2.1 Phase-based Motion Magnification .............................7
2.2.2 Phase-based Frame Interpolation .............................7
2.3 Phase-based View Synthesis .............................9
2.3.1 Phase-based Joint View Expansion .............................9
2.3.2 Eulerian-Lagrangian Stereo-to-Multiview Conversion .............................11
Chapter 3 Algorithm Analysis of Phase-Based View Synthesis 15
3.1 Overview to Eulerian-Lagrangian Stereo-to-Multi-view Conversion . 15
3.1.1 Wavelet Decomposition and Reconstruction .............................16
3.1.2 Wavelet Disparity Refinement ............................. 17
3.1.3 Novel View Synthesis ............................. 18
3.2 Algorithm of Phase-Based View Synthesis for Hardware Implementation
3.2.1 Cross-band Shift Correction.............................19
3.2.2 Hardware-Friendly Novel View Synthesis.............................21
3.2.3 Analysis of Pyramid Level Number.............................22
3.2.4 Quality Analysis of Initial Disparity............................. 23
3.3 Quality Comparison to VSRS .............................23
Chapter 4 VLSI Design of Phase-Based View Synthesis.............................27
4.1 System architecture of Phase-Based View Synthesis ............................. 27
4.1.1 Two-Stage Design of Wavelet Pyramid .............................
4.1.2 Row-Based Pipeline Architecture .............................. 28
4.1.3 Wavelet Decomposition Buffer .............................30
4.2 Architecture Design of Wavelet Pyramid .............................30
4.2.1 SRAM-Based Single Path Delay Feedback Architecture .............................32
4.2.2 Decomposition Engine.............................35
4.2.3 Reconstruction Engine ............................. 36
4.2.4 Precision Analysis.............................37
Chapter 5 Implementation Result 41
5.1 TSMC 40 nm Synthesis Result.............................41
5.2 FPGA Implementation Result ............................. 43
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future Work 47
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