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研究生(外文):Chen, Huang-Jen
論文名稱(外文):Suppressed Gate Leakage Current and Enhanced Gate Dielectric Reliability in FinFET
指導教授(外文):ChangLiao, Kuei-Shu
口試委員(外文):Chao, Tien-ShengWu, Yung-Chun
外文關鍵詞:FinFETGate dielectricGate leakage currentReliability
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第二部分,在二氧化鉿沉積前及後進行不同持溫時間之低溫氨氣環境退火。在二氧化鉿沉積後進行氨氣退火之樣品有較低之閘極漏電流,推測為二氧化鉿之晶粒邊界減少,然而,二氧化鉿沉積前氨氣退火15秒和二氧化鉿沉積後氨氣退火60秒樣品之F-N stress後臨界電壓位移更為嚴重,此原因可能為過度之氮化產生介面缺陷,使氧化層可靠度惡化。經過氨氣退火之樣品的閘極電容值些微提升,推測為氮氧化鉿(HfON)和氮氧化矽(SiON)之相對介電係數較二氧化鉿和二氧化矽還高。
With the shrinking feature size of FinFET, the problem of ultrathin gate oxide is a growing concern. Gate leakage current and gate dielectric reliability of FinFET are investigated in this thesis. Three process experiments for gate stacks are performed as follows. First, ultralow-energy fluorine ion-implantation is employed at various positions of gate stacks to passivate oxide traps in gate dielectric. Second, NH3 annealing at low-temperature is applied before and after HfO2 gate dielectric deposition to enhance the thermal stability of HfO2. Third, Ti-rich TiN is used to replace conventional TiN at different depth of metal gate for enhancing interfacial layer (IL) scavenging and diffusion barrier property.
In the first part, fluorine ion-implantation at ultralow-energy is employed on SiO2 interfacial layer, HfO2 gate dielectric, or TiN cap, respectively. Suppressed gate leakage current and enhanced oxide reliability can be obtained with fluorine ion implantation after HfO2 and TiN deposition. This indicates that the oxide traps are passivated by fluorine ion. Effects of fluorine ion implantation on drive current, off current, threshold voltage, subthreshold swing, and transconductance are minor. This may be because low implantation dose may not affect the electrical characteristics.
In the second part, NH3 annealing at low-temperature is applied before and after HfO2 gate dielectric deposition with different soaking time. The gate leakage current can be suppressed by performing NH3 annealing after HfO2 deposition. The results indicates that grain boundaries of HfO2 are reduced. However, threshold voltage shift after F-N stress is increased in sample with 15 seconds NH3 annealing before HfO2 deposition and sample with 60 seconds NH3 annealing after HfO2 deposition. It is suggested that interface defects may be induced by over nitridation, resulting in degraded gate dielectric reliability. Devices with NH3 annealing show slightly increased gate capacitance, which can be referred to higher κ-values of HfON and SiON than that of HfO2 and SiO2.
In the third part, Ti-rich TiN is used to replace the bottom, middle, or entire parts of conventional TiN, respectively. Negative threshold voltage shifts are seen in all samples, indicating lower work function of Ti-rich TiN due to the increased Ti/N ratio. The on current and gate capacitance can be enhanced in Ti-rich TiN samples, which can be attributed to stronger IL scavenging effect. Also, gate leakage current and oxide reliability are improved. This may be due to the oxygen incorporation effect at the columnar grain boundaries of TiN, resulting in less inter-diffusion between metal and oxide/Si.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 x
第一章 序論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 電晶體尺寸微縮 1
1.3 鰭式電晶體 1
1.4 氧化層微縮及其產生之影響 2
1.5 氟於閘極氧化層之效應 2
1.6 二氧化鉿介電氧化層之氮化 3
1.7 氮化鈦薄膜之氮、鈦比例調變 4
1.8 論文架構 5
第二章 元件製程與量測 21
2.1 鰭式電晶體製造流程 21
2.1.1 鰭式電晶體標準製程 21
2.1.2 本論文研究製程 21
2.2 電晶體電性量測 22
2.2.1 電容量測 22
2.2.2 基礎電性量測 22
2.2.3 可靠度量測 23
第三章 低能量氟離子佈植於閘極堆疊之電特性研究 25
3.1 研究動機 25
3.2 製程與量測 26
3.2.1 製程條件 26
3.2.2 量測參數 27
3.3 結果與討論 27
3.4 結論 30
第四章 閘極介電質氨氣退火處理之電特性研究 43
4.1 研究動機 43
4.2 製程與量測 44
4.2.1 製程條件 44
4.2.2 量測參數 45
4.3 結果與討論 45
4.4 結論 47
第五章 複合結構氮化鈦薄膜之電特性研究 59
5.1 研究動機 59
5.2 製程與量測 61
5.2.1 製程條件 61
5.2.2 量測參數 61
5.3 結果與討論 61
5.4 結論 63
第六章 結論與未來展望 75
6.1 結論 75
6.2 未來展望 76
參考文獻 78
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