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研究生(外文):Chuang, Shu-Yuan
論文名稱(外文):Searle's Speech Act Theory and Its Application to the Analysis of Tag Questions in English and Chinese
指導教授(外文):Tsao, Feng-Fu
口試委員(外文):Yeh, Jui-ChuanWu, Jui-Chun
外文關鍵詞:English Tag QuestionChinese tag QuestionOKSpeech ActFelicity Conditions
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附加問句是一種帶有複雜語用功能的結構,句法上是簡短的問句,但在實際的交際語境中,附加問句不只能夠表達單一詢問的功能,也可以在合適條件(felicity conditions)的限制下,用來表達其他的言語行為,如請求、建議等。本文以Austin和Searle的言語行為理論,論證祈使句中含有請求、命令、邀請等言語行為,在沒有主語和功能動詞的情況下,如何衍生後面的附加問句will you?或shall we?中英附加問句在形式上雖有很大的差異,但在功能上要表達的言語行動卻是相同的。本文擬從跨語言的角度比較中英附加問句在構成、語調意義、句法位置、語用功能上的差異,同時論證兩種語言在附加問句的句式上雖然多所不同,但它們都同樣要先決定句子要表達的言語行為為何,才能決定後面附加問句的形式。中英都有變體或通用的附加問句,例如像OK?這個變體附加問句常在中英日常對話中出現,本文指出OK在英文附加問句四大句式中分佈的情形,並在Searle對言外行為的五大分類下,探析OK附加問句適合於哪一種言語行為後面,及其在語用上的限制。同時,以附加問句結合言語行為理論應用在實際的課室教學現場,並提供教師課室教學中,最合適的提問策略。
Tag question is a structure with complex pragmatic functions, which is syntactically short questions, but in the actual communicative context, tag question can not only express the function of single inquiry, in Searle’s felicity conditions, but also be used to express other speech act underneath some restrictions. Such as “request”, “suggestion” and etc. In this paper, I adopted Austin’s and Searle’s Speech Act Theory to demonstrate how speech acts manipulate the tag question of the imperative sentence. How the imperative sentences without the subject and functional verbs derive the following tag questions, such as” will you?” or “shall we?”
Although Chinese and English tag questions are very different in form, the speech acts to be expressed in function are the same. At the same time, from the perspective of cross-language, we compare the differences among the composition, intonation meaning, syntactic position and pragmatic function of Chinese and English tag questions. In a sense, although the two languages are different in the sentence patterns of tag questions, they are all the same in pragmatic functions. The speech act determines the form of the following tag questions.
Both Chinese and English have variants or general tag questions. For example, the variant question such as “OK?” OK often appears in the daily conversation between the two languages. This paper proposes the distributions of OK tag questions under the four English major sentences. And by the five major classifications of Searle's illocutionary force, we analyze which kind of speech act is suitable for the OK tag question, and illustrate its pragmatic restrictions. In addition, the tag questions are combined with the speech act theory applied to the actual classroom teaching scene, and the teaching questioning strategy is provided.
第一章 導論 1
一、 研究動機 1
二、 研究問題與方向 2
三、語料來源 3
四、 論文架構 3
第二章 文獻分析 4
一、言語行為理論 (Speech Act Theory) 4
(一) Austin的言語行為理論 4
(二) Searle的言語行為理論 8
二、 間接言語行為理論 14
三、附加問句 16
四、禮貌原則 19
五、「請求」言語行為 20
第三章 跨語言分析 23
一、英語附加問句 23
(一) 使用分布 23
(二) 附加問句的結構類型與變化形式 25
(三) 語用功能與特徵 27
(四) 句式和言語行為 30
(五) 論證「V原形」和「 Let’s+V」的附加問句 35
二、漢語附加問句 39
(一) 漢語附加問句的構成 39
(二) 附加問句語用功能 40
(三) 漢語附加問句「X 不 X」 41
三、 英漢附加問句對比分析 45
(一) 英漢附加問句的構成 45
(二) 英漢附加問句的語調及意義 45
(三) 英漢附加問句的位置 46
(四) 英漢附加問句語用功能對比 47
第四章 附加問句OK 49
一、OK的文獻整理 49
二、OK的句式分佈 50
三、OK的語用功能 56
四、漢語的OK 59
五、到底OK不OK? 61
六、OK的結語 66
第五章 教學應用 67
一、教學提問策略 67
二、言語行為結合課室教學 68
三、總結 70
第六章 結論 71
References 73
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