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研究生(外文):Guo, Ting-Hao
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Restoring Multiple Types of Wetlands on Biodiversity
指導教授(外文):Wang, Yi-Kuang
口試委員(外文):Fang, Wei-TaHuang, Da-Ji
外文關鍵詞:wetland restorationbiodiversityhabitat heterogeneitywetland typetidal wetlandreed wetlandtemporary wetland
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In recent years, wetland restoration has been valued gradually by people. Its purpose is to restore the ecosystem services and biodiversity of the natural wetlands that modified by human development, of wetlands. In the past, restoring wetlands often emphasize on increasing wetland heterogeneity. However, it has seldom been studied whether species diversity can be increased by restoring diverse types of wetlands. In this study, the wetlands at the Qigu Campus of NUTN was restored by increasing the hydrological conditions of wetlands and ceasing the operations of the fish farms. After about 10 years of natural succession, the wetland of various habitat types. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of restoring diverse wetlands on wetland biodiversity and to understand the differences in communities and environmental factors between different types of the wetlands. Three different types (reed, temporary, and tidal) of wetlands were survayed, for fish, shrimp, crabs, birds, benthic invertebrates, water quality, sediment, and vegetation once every season from October 2016 to August 2017. The results showed that the environmental conditions differed among the different types of wetlands. The dissolved oxygen, pH and total phosphorus significantly differed in autumn and summer. During the whole year, the average salinity, the average water depth and sediment composition also significantly differed. The average water depth of the reed wetland was the highest, whereas the average salinity, water content of the substrate and organic matter of the tidal wetland was the highest. The main vegetation of the reed wetland was Phragmites australis, and the temporary wetland was Sporobolus virginicus, while the tidal wetland was Avicennia marina. There were species appeared only in specific type of wetlands. Biological community composition between the wetlands of different types differed.. In each seasons, the total number of species (total taxa) of all wetlands was higher than the number of species (total taxa) in any single type of wetlands, the beta diversity of wetlands was also higher among 3 types of wetlands. In summary showed, restoring diverse types of wetlands may increase the overall biodiversity of the overall.
第壹章 前言
第貳章 文獻回顧
第一節 濕地定義與分類
第二節 濕地的環境因子與群聚組成
第參章 研究方法
第一節 研究地區
第二節 實驗設計
第三節 調查方法
第四節 資料分析方法
第肆章 結果
第一節 濕地環境
第二節 濕地生物多樣性
第三節 生物群聚組成與濕地環境因子之間的關係
第四節 研究樣區與東魚塭的鳥類物種多樣性之比較
第伍章 討論
第一節 不同類型濕地的環境因子差異
第二節 濕地類型、環境因子與生物群聚組成
第三節 季節與面積對於生物多樣性的影響
第四節 復育多類型濕地是否會增加生物多樣性
第陸章 結論
第柒章 參考文獻
附錄一 同類型濕地的環境因子差異

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