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研究生(外文):Wang, Chia-Yeh
論文名稱(外文):Hazard Factors and Risk Assessment of the Lifting Operations in Offshore Wind Farm
指導教授(外文):Chien, Lien-Kwei
口試委員(外文):Chi, Shu-YuonFeng, Zong-WeiLin, Der-gueyChien, Lien-Kwei
外文關鍵詞:offshore wind farmoffshore lifting operationsexpert questionnairerisk assessmentrisk matrix
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臺灣能源進行轉型之際, 2016年臺灣兩支4MW離岸風力機於臺灣海峽設立,為臺灣離岸風電邁向新的里程碑。政府規劃離岸風電場址容量預計於 2025 年達到5.5GW之目標,採「先遴選後競價」並於2018年公佈遴選及競價結果。根據G+ 2017年離岸作業事故數據報告與離岸開發商認為之高危害作業項目中,海上吊裝具高風險,且台灣海域環境與歐洲風場之海域環境存在差異,危害因子可能因環境不同,造成之危害程度亦不相同,故本研究針對海上吊裝作業流程進行危害因子與風險評估。
At the time of the transformation of Taiwanese energy, two 4MW offshore wind turbines were established in the Taiwan Strait in 2016. It’s making a new milestone for Taiwan’s offshore wind power. The government plans to achieve an offshore wind farm site capacity of 5.5GW in 2025. The government policy was taken” first selection and after bidding” and announced results in 2018. According to G+ 2017 offshore operation accident report and the high-hazard operation project considered by offshore developer; the offshore lifting projects has a high risk. And, there is a difference between the Taiwan marine environment and the Europe wind field. The hazard factors may vary depending on the environment. The degree of hazard is also different. Therefore, this study conducts hazard factors and risk assessment for offshore lifting operations.
This study is collected and organized literatures and used the questionnaire of experts to investigate the risk factors and risk level of each item for offshore lifting operations. There are 19 hazard factors divide into two main types including human and natural risk factors. Natural factors include sea meteorological conditions and geological seabed conditions. Human factors include personnel communication and mechanical operations.
Several factors which were investigated by questionnaires explore projects that are likely to cause hazards in operations, including wind speed, improper load-in/out and faulty machine and equipment defects (as corrosion, fracture, etc.) are the highest risk items. The questionnaires also assess the risk level of lifting process by experts. They took correlated industries of offshore wind power as reference, including developers, manufacturers, contractors and consultant company. After the questionnaires is collected, this study analyzed and counted each risk data, and then obtained risk levels of each operation.
Further, based on the risk level of the majority assessment, the statistical results of risk assessment were conducted by use of the risk matrix. The operation item is judged the risk level of the mode evaluations. The results of the research indicate that the risk level of the current control measurement between medium and high risks. The risk level after the risk reduction is decrease to the low and medium levels. The personnel certificates, loadout by floating crane vessel and other items are medium risks. Afterwards, we should be considered the financial costs to reduce the risk gradually. This study results could be used as reference for future offshore developers and related institutions to promote the safety of offshore operations.
摘要 I
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究方法 4
1.4 研究架構及內容 6
第二章 文獻回顧 7
2.1 風險評估之定義 7
2.1.1 辨識所有作業或工程 8
2.1.2 辨識危害及後果 9
2.1.3 確認現有防護設施 9
2.1.4 評估危害之風險 9
2.1.5 降低風險之控制措施 9
2.1.6 採取控制措施後之殘餘風險 10
2.2 風險評估技術概述 10
2.2.1檢核表分析 16
2.2.2What-If分析 17
2.2.3危害與可操作分析(HazOP) 17
2.2.4失效模式分析(FMEA) 18
2.2.5故障樹(FTA)分析 19
2.2.6風險矩陣 20
2.2.7領結分析 20
2.3 離岸風電危害與風險 21
2.3.1 辨識危害類型 21
2.3.2離岸風電風險因子 24
第三章 風險評估與專家問卷方法 29
3.1 風險矩陣 29
3.2 專家問卷 32
3.2.1 問卷設計 32
3.2.2專家遴選 34
第四章 離岸風場海上吊裝作業危害因子分析 37
4.1 海上吊裝作業基本介紹 37
4.1.1 吊裝作業流程解析 39
4.1.2 第三方驗證海事保證鑑定(MWS) 41
4.1.3 起重船 42
4.1.4 防護措施 43
4.2 海上吊裝作業風險影響因子 50
第五章 離岸風場吊裝作業風險分析及評估 55
5.1. 風險數據統計與分析 55
5.2. 海上吊裝作業風險評估 59
第六章 結論與建議 68
6.1 結論 68
6.2 建議 70
參考文獻 71
附錄一 離岸風電海上吊裝作業安全之風險評估問卷 73
附錄二 Risk Assessment Of Lifting Operation In Offshore Wind Farm 87
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