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研究生(外文):Li, Jin-Fa
論文名稱(外文):Geological influences on groundwater recession behavior of fractured rock in Taiwan mountainous region
指導教授(外文):Hsu, Shih-Meng
口試委員(外文): Hsu, Shih-Meng
外文關鍵詞:recession ratehydro-potential indexwater table fluctuation methodfractured rockrecharge height
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Groundwater monitoring data reveal response of hydrological cycle, rainfall-recharge processes, and hydrogeologic characteristics of groundwater aquifers. Prior to quantitatively estimating groundwater recharge, groundwater recession behavior and correlations between recession rates varying with depths and aquifer hydraulic properties must be understood. This is beneficial to developing a more realistic estimation model for groundwater recharge, which is particularly important in study areas where recharge occurs in the formation of mountainous areas. Since groundwater recharge to regolith-fractured rock aquifers dominates by lithology and fracture properties, this may affect the duration and amount of recharge. Thus, this study is to develop groundwater recharge estimation techniques within regolith and fractured rock formations. The main point of this research is to conduct correlation studies between fractured rock properties and recession rates. Meanwhile, the above study outcome incorporated into two rock mass permeability index systems is capable of developing empirical models for estimating recession rates which can help speed up groundwater recharge calculation and obtain actual recession behaviors in response to intrinsic properties of regolith-fractured rock aquifers.
This study collected groundwater monitoring data from 20 wells located in the mountain basin in central Taiwan. The maximum monitoring data applied here lasts for eight years; the least period is three years. Based on these groundwater data, the groundwater recharge estimation model for each well has been developed. Besides, this study confirmed that geological conditions varied with depths controlled recession rates. Subsequently, the rock mass permeability index systems (HPF) that can quantitatively estimate hydraulic properties for recession periods were proposed. Meanwhile, the study obtained an empirical model of recession rate versus permeability index with a high correlation for each well. This outcome can meet the objective of helping ease groundwater recharge calculation. Finally, a comparison between the proposed method and the traditional method, which used the recession rate occurred in the dry season as a representative recession rate, has been conducted. The result indicated the traditional approach underestimated groundwater recharge amount because the typical recession rate is not applicable to actual recession behaviors occurred in the wet season. In particular, computational differences frequently appear in complex geological environments.
摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VI
第一章 前言 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機 1
1.3研究目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 地下水退水行為特性分析 3
2.2裂隙岩體地下水補注量推估 4
2.3 岩體滲透性推估經驗公式 5
2.4 小結 6
第三章 研究方法 7
3.1 地下水退水區段劃定 7
3.2 裂隙岩體滲透潛勢指標 10
3.2.1 裂隙岩體滲透潛勢指標組成因子及評分標準 10
3.2.2 裂隙岩體滲透潛勢指標 15
3.3 裂隙岩體滲透潛勢指標與退水率之關聯性分析 15
第四章 研究成果與討論 16
4.1 模式發展所蒐集相關資料描述 16
4.1.1 研究區域概述 16
4.1.2 地下水位 20
4.1.3 雨量 20
4.2 降雨補注對水位之影響時長 25
4.3 退水率與裂隙岩體組構關係 28
4.3.1 退水率 28
4.3.2 裂隙岩體滲透性潛勢值 30
4.3.3 地下水退水行為預測模式 30
4.4 模式運用 32
第五章 結論與建議 35
5.1 結論 35
5.2建議 36
參考文獻 37
附錄ㄧ 地下水位歷線與降雨量分布圖 41
附錄二 退水線分布圖 48
附錄三 各深度代表性退水率 53
附錄四 退水率隨深度分布圖 58
附錄五 裂隙岩體滲透潛勢值總表 63
附錄六 關聯性分析成果 68
附錄七 退水段岩心照片 77
附錄八 補注高度計算表 84
附錄九 地下水位歷線分析圖 87
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