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研究生(外文):Chen, Yan-Yu
論文名稱(外文):The experimental study of wave attenuation by floating poro-flexible structures
指導教授(外文):Weng, Wen-KaiLan, Yuan-Jyh
口試委員(外文):Lee, Chung-PanLee, Jaw-FangSu, Shih-FengWeng, Wen-KaiLan, Yuan-Jyh
外文關鍵詞:floating poro-flexible structurewave attenuation
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This study investigates the wave attenuation on the wave passing through a floating poro-flexible structure. Effects of the lengths of structure and the depths of under water on the reflection coefficient KR, transmission coefficient KT and energy loss coefficient KL ard studies. The hydraulic model test was carried out in a water tank with a water depth of 0.7 meter and a single direction regular wave.
Base on the experimental results, the reflection coefficient KR, the transmission coefficient KT and the energy loss coefficient KL are compared with the relative water depth, the relative depth of under water and the relative length of structure respectively. The experimental results show that the reflection coefficient KR has the lowest value when the relative length of structure b/L is about 0.8. When the relative length of structure b/L is smaller than 0.8, the energy loss coefficient KL increases with the increase of the relative length. When the relative length of structure b/L is bigger than 0.8, the energy loss coefficient KL tends to be stable. When the relative depth of under water d/L is smaller than 0.05, the energy loss coefficient KL increases with the relative depth of under water, and the energy loss coefficient KL tends to be stable when the relative depth of under water d/L is bigger than 0.05.
摘要 I
Abstract II
目次 III
圖目錄 V
表目錄 V
照片目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機及目的 1
1-2 前人研究 1
1-3 研究與內容 2
1-4 本文組織 2
第二章 模型配置與試驗方法 3
2-1 試驗設備 3
2-1-1 中斷面造波水槽 3
2-1-2 造波機 4
2-1-3 波高計與增幅器 5
2-1-4 資料擷取系統與軟體 6
2-2 模型製作與試驗配置 8
2-2-1 試驗儀器設置 8
2-2-2 浮式結構模型之製作與擺置 8
2-3 浮式結構物基本參數率定 13
2-3-1孔隙率(n’)之率定 13
2-3-2 抗壓強度及彈性係數之率定 14
2-3-3 滲透係數kp及紊流阻力係數Cf之率定 16
2-4 試驗條件 23
2-4-1 試驗波浪條件 23
2-4-2 試驗浮式結構物型式 23
2-5 試驗步驟 26
2-5-1 試驗流程 26
2-5-2 波高計率定 26
2-5-3 空水槽率定 27
2-6 試驗資料分析 28
2-7 因次分析 31
第三章 結果分析與討論 33
3-1 自由運動下相同沒水深度,不同結構物長度之比較 33
3-1-1沒水深度d=0.112公尺(d/h=0.16) 33
3-1-2沒水深度d=0.158公尺(d/h=0.226) 36
3-1-3沒水深度d=0.350公尺(d/h=0.5) 39
3-2 自由運動下相同結構物長度,不同沒水深度之比較 42
3-2-1結構物長度b=1.9公尺(b/h=2.71) 42
3-2-2 結構物長度b=3.8公尺(b/h=5.42) 45
3-3自由運動下之綜合比較 48
3-3-1 反射係數KR比較 48
3-3-2 透射係數KT比較 50
3-3-3 能量損失係數KL比較 52
3-4自由運動浮體與固定浮體中心之比較 54
3-4-1 沒水深度d=0.112公尺(d/h=0.16) 54
3-4-2 沒水深度d=0.158公尺(d/h=0.226) 57
3-4-3 沒水深度d=0.350公尺(d/h=0.5) 60
3-4-4 固定浮體中心下,結構物長度b=3.8公尺(b/h=5.42) 63
第四章 結論與建議 66
4-1 結論 66
4-2 建議 66
參考文獻 68
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