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研究生(外文):Yang, Pei-Jhen
論文名稱(外文):Evaluation of the antioxidant and antiinflammatory activities of Tsuan-kan tea with different production processes
指導教授(外文):Tsai, Guo-Jane
口試委員(外文):Su, Nan-WeiCheng, Kuan-ChenLin, Hong-Ting
外文關鍵詞:Tsuan-kan teaantioxidantanti-inflammatory
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酸柑茶為客家特色茶飲,傳統製程需經「九蒸九曬」繁瑣程序,耗時至少 6 個月,再經長時間熟成。由於虎頭柑栽種面積有限、產果期短不易取得,且最終產品體積大,攜帶及泡茶均較不方便。本研究一方面分析比較不同儲存年份之市售傳統酸柑茶組成分與茶湯色澤、抗氧化與抗發炎活性。另一方面與苗栗廠商合作,以四季皆產、體積小且果皮清香的檸檬取代虎頭柑,利用機器烘乾取代日曬之機器法製作產品,比較經過 3 次、4 次及 5 次機器蒸曬檸檬酸柑茶產品,及傳統日曬法所得產品差異。將酸柑茶果皮與填塞物分開,以熱水沖泡分析其物化特性。另以 80% 酒精萃取,分析抗氧化與抗發炎活性。不論檸檬或虎頭柑酸柑茶,果皮水分含量高於茶葉填塞物,且隨熟成時間增加。檸檬酸柑茶之 pH 值明顯低於虎頭柑酸柑茶,然二者殘糖含量無顯著差異,推測儲藏時間增加可能導致虎頭柑酸柑茶糖度下降及水分增加。將 103 與 106年製作之虎頭柑酸柑茶、儲放 3 年以上之虎頭柑酸柑茶、檸檬酸柑茶及普洱茶進行喜好性感官品評,以 106 年製作之虎頭柑酸柑茶之香味、滋味最受年輕族群喜愛。虎頭柑酸柑茶總酚含量顯著高於檸檬酸柑茶,且果皮顯著高於填塞物,然檸檬酸柑茶則相反。檸檬酸柑茶填塞物之 DPPH、ABTS+ 自由基清除能力與還原力皆高於果皮。虎頭柑酸柑茶果皮之 DPPH 自由基清除能力隨熟成年份增加而上升。不論以虎頭柑或檸檬製作之酸柑茶果皮 ABTS+ 自由基清除能力與螯合亞鐵離子能力均低於虎頭柑果皮或檸檬果皮。不論何種年份之虎頭柑酸柑茶果皮抗發炎活性高於其他組別。不同蒸曬次數之檸檬酸柑茶以蒸曬 3 次之檸檬酸柑茶抗發炎活性最差。以傳統日曬法製作之虎頭柑酸柑茶抑制 NO 效果顯著高於且 IL-6 與 TNF-α 分泌量顯著低於以機器模仿「九蒸九曬」製成之檸檬酸柑茶。因此推測以傳統日曬法製作虎頭柑酸柑茶之抗發炎活性高於以機器模仿「九蒸九曬」乾燥之檸檬酸柑茶。
 Tsuan-kan tea is a special product of Hakka ethnic group. The traditional manufacture process includes craming tea into Hutou-gan and then going through nine times of the operation of steaming-pressing-drying (SPD). This study investigated the composition and antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity of the traditional commercial Tsuan-kan tea samples with various aging time. On the other hand, it’s not convient to obtain Hutou-gan due to the limited planting area and short fruiting period. Hutou-gan was replaced by lemons that are all-season and small which is more convenient, lemon Tsuan-kan tea was made by machine to imitate the traditional manufacture process. The composition and activities of lemon Tsuan-kan tea samples with three, four, five and nine times of SPD operation were compared. At first, the inner content and outer layer of Tsuan-kan tea were separated, and then extracted with 80% ethanol for analyzing the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory activities. For both lemon Tsuan-kan tea and Hutou-gan Tsuan-kan tea, the moisture and contents of outer layer were higher than that of inner content of Tsuan-kan tea. The sugar content decreased and the moisture content increased with a longer storage time of Hutou-gan Tsuan-kan tea. The pH value of lemon Tsuan-kan tea was significantly lower than Hutou-gan Tsuan-kan tea, but there was no significant difference in oBrix value. The DPPH, ABTS+ free radical scavenging capacity and reducing power of outer layer were higher than those of inner content of Hutou gan Tsuan-kan tea. Conversely, the ferrous ion chelating ability of inner content was higher than that of outer layer of Hutou gan Tsuan-kan tea. The antioxidant activities of both Hutou gan Tsuan-kan tea and lemon Tsuan-kan tea, antioxidant properties were lower than those of their raw materials. Among the tested samples, Hutou gan Tsaun-kan tea has the highest anti-inflammatory activity; while the lemon Tsuan-kan tea with 3 times of SPD operation had the lowest activity. The higher NO inhibitory activity and lower IL-6 and TNF-α production were observed for Hutou gan Tsuan-kan tea with traditional process, compared to those obtained for lemon Tsuan-kan tea using machine to imitate the traditional production process.
1. 酸柑茶....................................2
1-1. 簡介....................................2
1-2. 酸柑茶原料...............................3
1-2-1. 柑橘..................................3
1-2-1-1. 柑橘的分類...........................3
1-2-1-2. 柑橘成分.............................4
1-2-2. 茶葉..................................6
1-2-2-1. 茶葉歷史.............................6
1-2-2-2. 茶葉分類.............................6
1-2-2-3. 茶葉成分.............................7
2. 氧化與發炎反應..............................8
2-1. 自由基及活性氧與人體健康之關係.............8
2-2. 體內抗氧化酵素及體外抗氧化物質.............9
1. 實驗材料...................................12
1-1. 原料.....................................12
1-2. 細胞株...................................12
1-3. 化學藥品.................................12
2. 儀器設備...................................12
3. 實驗方法...................................13
3-1. 虎頭柑酸柑茶樣品處理及沖泡茶湯分析.........13
3-2. 檸檬酸柑茶樣品製備........................13
3-3. 檸檬酸柑茶樣品處理及沖泡茶湯分析...........13
3-4. 酸柑茶嗜好性官能品評......................14
3-5. 酸柑茶樣品萃取...........................14
3-6. 各酸柑茶樣品及其原料之物理化學特性分析項目..15
3-7. 多酚類化合物分析..........................15
3-7-1. 總多酚含量分析..........................15
3-7-2. 類黃酮含量分析..........................15
3-8. 抗氧化活性分析............................15
3-8-1. DPPH 自由基清除能力之測定................15
3-8-2. 清除 ABTS+ 自由基能力之測定..............16
3-8-3. 螯合亞鐵離子能力之測定...................16
3-8-4. 還原力測定..............................16
3-9. 以細胞模式分析樣品萃取物之抗發炎活性........16
3-9-1. RAW 264.7 巨噬細胞培養..................16
3-9-2. 不同樣品對細胞毒殺性之試驗...............17
3-9-3-1. 巨噬細胞內一氧化氮 (NO) 含量分析.......17
3-9-3-2. 巨噬細胞內 Interleukin-6 (IL-6) 含量分析..18
3-9-3-3. 巨噬細胞內 Tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α) 含量分析 ...............................................18
3-10. 分析方法.................................18
3-10-1. 一般成分分析...........................18
3-10-1-1. 水分測定.............................18
3-10-1-2. 灰分測定.............................19
3-10-1-3. 粗脂肪測定...........................19
3-10-1-4. 粗蛋白測定............................19
3-10-1-5. 碳水化合物含量........................19
3-10-2. 物理化學特性分析.........................19
3-10-2-1. pH 值.................................19
3-10-2-2. 糖度..................................20
3-10-2-3. 水溶性固形物..........................20
3-10-2-4. 還原糖含量............................20
3-10-2-5. 色相分析..............................20
3-11. 統計分析..................................20
1. 樣品物理化學特性分析...........................23
1-1. 樣品一般成分分析.............................23
1-2. 樣品茶湯 pH 值與糖度.........................23
1-3. 茶湯之可溶性固形物...........................24
1-4. 茶湯之還原糖含量............................24
1-5. 樣品茶湯之色相分析...........................25
1-6. 品評分析.....................................25
2. 樣品抗氧化活性分析..............................25
2-1. 樣品萃取物總酚與類黃酮化合物含量分析...........25
2-2. 樣品萃取物 DPPH 自由基清除能力分析............27
2-3. 樣品萃取物 ABTS+ 自由基清除能力分析...........27
2-5. 樣品萃取物螯合亞鐵離子能力分析.................28
2.6. 樣品萃取物還原力分析..........................28
3. 以 RAW 264.7 細胞模式分析樣品萃取物之抗氧化與抗發炎活性 .................................................29
3-1. 樣品萃取物對細胞毒殺性分析....................29
3-2. 樣品萃取物對細胞內 NO 分泌之影響...............29
3-3. 樣品萃取物對細胞內發炎因子含量之影響...........30
3-3-1. 樣品萃取物對細胞內 IL-6 含量之影響..........30
3-3-2. 樣品萃取物對細胞內 TNF-α含量之影響...........30
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