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研究生(外文):Su, Zhi-An
論文名稱(外文):Establishing Background Concentration Database for Heavy Metals in Aquatic Product and Assessing the Potential Human Health Risk
指導教授(外文):Ling, Min-Pei
口試委員(外文):Ling, Min-PeiLin, Yi-JunLin, Pin-PinShiau, Chyuan-YuanNan, Fan-Hua
外文關鍵詞:Pelagic FishAlgaeHeavy MetalsInorganic ArsenicAquatic ProductFood Safety Risk Assessment
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本研究根據臺灣衛生福利部食品藥物管理署(Taiwan Food and Drug Administration, TFDA)之水產動物類衛生標準與藻類食品衛生標準,並彙整行政院農委會漁業署之生產量、進口量、及出口量統計年報,將水產品區分為7大類,分別為遠洋魚類、近海魚類、其他魚類、甲殼類、貝類、頭足類、及藻類,據此規劃新鮮水產品與水產製品代表性清單。並根據行政院農委會漁業署公告所列漁港將全國行政區域劃分為北、中、南、及東,共4區,進行水產品採樣。非進口水產品根據生產量、進口量、出口量統計年報排名前3縣市進行採買,進口水產品與水產製品根據臺灣4區人口數最多縣市進行採買,生與熟之新鮮水產品與水產製品總計556件。本研究分析總砷、無機砷、鎘、鈷、鉻、銅、鐵、銦、錳、鎳、鉛、鍶、鉈、及鋅14項重金屬濃度,並以熟新鮮水產品與水產製品中重金屬濃度進行食品安全風險評估。結果顯示,生食樣品中日本銀帶鯡、鱙仔、海扇貝、貽貝、螺、及章魚,鎘平均濃度皆超過TFDA訂定之食品中污染物質及毒素衛生標準,其中以螺之鎘平均濃度8.20 mg/kg為最高,超過貝類標準1 mg/kg最多。整體而言,各暴露族群攝入水產品中鎘所造成之非致癌風險皆高於其他重金屬,以19-64歲暴露族群為例,攝入水產品中鎘所造成之第90百分位非致癌風險超過美國環保署建議的參考劑量3.27倍,可能會引發腎臟疾病。此外,本研究亦評估各暴露族群攝入水產品中無機砷與鉛之致癌風險,其中無機砷對人體造成之致癌風險大於鉛,以19-64歲暴露族群攝入水產品中無機砷的第90百分位致癌風險來看,每十萬人中至少有1個人經長期食用而造成罹患皮膚癌之風險。基於無機砷風險,本研究分別對各暴露族群之各類水產品每週最大允許攝食量提出建議,以19-64歲暴露族群為例,建議每週攝食遠洋魚類不超過10.2克、近海魚類30.4克、其他魚類161.6克、甲殼類61.7克、貝類59.3克、頭足類599.6克、及藻類83.7克。
This study was conducted according to the Sanitation Standards for Aquatic Animals and the Sanitation Standards for Algal Foods published by the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA). We then summarized the production, import volume, and export volume statistical yearbook published by the Fisheries Agency, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan and divided aquatic products into seven categories: pelagic fish, inshore fish, other fish, crustaceans, shellfish, cephalopods, and algae. Based on this classification, we compiled a list of representative fresh seafood and processed seafood products. Next, according to the registry of fisheries harbors published by the Fisheries Agency, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, we divided the national administrative region into four regions for aquatic product sampling: North, Central, South, and East. Non-imported aquatic products were sampled from the top three cities based on the production, import and export volume figures in the statistical yearbook. Imported aquatic and processed seafood products were sampled from the cities with the largest populations in each of the four regions. In total we collected 556 raw and cooked fresh seafood or processed seafood product samples. We analyzed the concentrations in these samples of 14 heavy metals: total arsenic (tAs), inorganic arsenic (iAs), cadmium (Cd), cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), indium (In), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), strontium (Sr), thallium (Tl), and zinc (Zn). These heavy metal concentrations in cooked fresh seafood and processed seafood product samples were subjected to a food safety risk assessment. The results showed that the average Cd concentration in raw herring, whitebait, sea scallops, mussels, shell, and octopus exceeded the Sanitation Standards for Contaminants and Toxins in Food published by the TFDA. The highest Cd concentration recorded was 8.20 mg/kg in shell, which exceeded the standard that is 1 mg/kg for shellfish. In general, the non-carcinogenic risk for each exposure group associated with intake of Cd in aquatic products was higher than for all other heavy metals. Taking the 19–64-year-old exposure group as an example, the 90th percentile of non-carcinogenic risk associated with intake of Cd in aquatic products exceeded the United States Environmental Protection Agency's recommended reference dose by 3.27 times, and may cause kidney disease. We also assessed the carcinogenic risk for each exposure group associated with the intake of iAs and Pb in aquatic products, and found that the risk for the human body associated with iAs intake was higher than that associated with Pb intake. In the above example group, the 90th percentile of carcinogenic risk associated with intake of iAs in aquatic products showed that at least one person in every 100,000 may contract skin cancer as a result of long-term consumption. Finally, we provide recommendations for the maximum allowable consumption rate of aquatic products per week for each exposure group, based on the risks associated with iAs consumption. In the above example group, the recommended consumption of pelagic fish, inshore fish, other fish, crustaceans, shellfish, cephalopods, and algae would be no more than 10.2, 30.4, 161.6, 61.7, 59.3, 599.6, and 83.7 g per week, respectively.
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 重金屬調查 5
2.2 衛生標準 8
2.3 食品安全風險評估 8
2.4 國際間重金屬研究 10
第三章 材料與方法 13
3.1 情境假設 13
3.2 制定代表性水產品清單 13
3.3 規劃採樣策略 14
3.4 分析水產品重金屬與無機砷濃度 15
3.5 估算水產品中重金屬暴露量 16
3.5.1 臺灣民眾重金屬與無機砷攝入量 16
3.5.2 臺灣民眾重金屬與無機砷攝入量分布 17
3.6 描述危害特徵 17
3.7 評估水產品中重金屬之健康風險 20
3.7.1 非致癌風險 21
3.7.2 致癌風險 21
3.8 追蹤水產品中重金屬 22
3.8.1 制定追蹤水產品清單 22
3.8.2 規劃追蹤採樣策略 22
3.8.3 分析追蹤水產品中重金屬濃度 23
3.9 建議水產品每週最大允許攝食量 23
第四章 結果 25
4.1 水產品中重金屬濃度之敘述性統計與機率分布 25
4.2 評估攝食水產品健康風險 39
4.2.1 非致癌風險 39
4.2.2 致癌風險 43
4.3 不確定性分析 44
4.4 追蹤高風險水產品 44
4.5 各暴露族群之水產品每週最大允許攝食量 45
第五章 討論 47
5.1 比較生熟水產品中重金屬濃度 47
5.2 水產品中重金屬濃度與限量標準 49
5.3 水產品中無機砷佔總砷比例 50
5.4 比較本研究與其他研究之水產品中重金屬濃度 50
第六章 總結 55
第七章 未來研究建議 57
參考文獻 59
附錄一、水產動物可食部分中重金屬限量(以濕重計) 124
附錄二、藻類食品中重金屬限量 125
附錄三、食品中污染物質及毒素衛生標準 126
附錄四、風險分析架構圖 134
附錄五、各類別法規中水產品分類彙整表 135
附錄六、「新鮮水產品」代表性清單表 136
附錄七、「水產製品」代表性清單表 144
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