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研究生(外文):Lin, Chu-Chieh
論文名稱(外文):The study of atmospheric depositions of external nitrogen supply on the marine new production
指導教授(外文):Chen, Hung-Yu
口試委員(外文):Huang, Shih-JenChang, Chang-Tang
外文關鍵詞:Nitrogen depositionDry depositionWet depositionNew production
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本研究自2016年6月到2017年4月於彭佳嶼(境外島嶼),採集了11組共66個多階層氣膠樣本;2016年6月到2018年12月採集了106個濕沉降樣本,並分析了樣品中的水溶性總氮(Water-soluble total nitrogen, WSTN)、總溶解氮(total dissolved nitrogen ,TDN)和主要離子。WSTN可分為水溶性無機氮(Water-soluble inorganic nitrogen, WSIN)和水溶性有機氮(water-soluble organic nitrogen, WSON);TDN可分為溶解性無機氮(dissolved inorganic nitrogen, DIN)與溶解性有機氮(dissolved organic nitrogen, DON)。另外本研究採用超微過濾技術將WSON和DON分為低分子量水溶性有機氮與低分子量溶解性有機氮( Low molecular weight-WSON, LMW-WSON; Low molecular weight-DON, LMW-DON)和高分子量水溶性有機氮與高分子量溶解性有機氮( High molecular weight-WSON, HMW-WSON; High molecular weight-DON, HMW-DON)。乾沉降的部分LMW-WSON濃度占了WSON的47 % (WSON月平均濃度148 nmol m-3)。濕沉降的部分LMW-DON濃度占了DON的55% (DON月平均濃度25 μm)。通量部分,WSIN和WSON分別為9.7±4.4 mmol m-2 yr-1、33.0±27.4 mmol m-2 yr-1; DON和DIN分別為24.8 mmol m-2 yr-1、40.0±1.5 mmol m-2 yr-1。為了討論大氣氮沉降在地區海域的新生產力貢獻度,本研究考慮不同分子量有機氮在生物利用度上的差異。參考浮游植物在高低分子量有機質中的組成比例(>1 kDa,C/N:21;<1 kDa,C/N:6),估算乾濕沉降氮通量能夠轉換成海洋浮游植物所固碳分別為4.92 g C m-2 yr-1和5.79 g C m-2 yr-1,此通量若以顆粒態有機碳通量(69.5 g Cm-2 yr-1)為基準,則大氣氮沉降占了區域海洋新生產力的15.4 %。
In this study, 11 sets of size-fractionated aerosol samples were collected and analyzed from Pengjia (remote island). From May 2015 to April 2016, 66 aerosol samples were collected; In this study, 106 rainwater samples were collected. Aerosol samples were analyzed to examine the water-soluble total nitrogen (WSTN), and major ions in the samples.Rainwater samples were analyzed to examine the total dissolved nitrogen (TDN).WSTN can be divided into water-soluble inorganic nitrogen (WSIN) and water-soluble organic nitrogen (WSON); TDN can also be divided into dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON). This study, we tried to understand the composition of WSON and DON, employed ultrafiltration to separate WSON and DON into low molecular weight-WSON(LMW-WSON), high molecular weight-WSON(HMW-WSON), low molecular weight-DON(LMW-DON), and high molecular weight-DON(HMW-DON). The concentrations of LMW-WSON accounted for 47 % of the WSON (the monthly average concentration of WSON was 148 nmol m-3). The concentrations of LMW-DON accounted 55% of the DON (the monthly average concentration of DON was 25μm;). The part of the fluxes, the WSIN (9.7±4.4 mmol m-2 yr-1) and WSON (30.0±27.4 mmol m-2 yr-1); DIN (40 mmolm-2 yr-1) and DON (24.8 mmol m-2 yr-1). In order to discuss the contribution of atmospheric nitrogen deposition to new production in the regional sea, this study consider the difference in bioavailability of different molecular weights of organic nitrogen in the past study. Base on the composition ratio of phytoplankton in distinct pools of high (low) molecular weight dissolved organic matter (>1 kDa,C/N:21;<1 kDa,C/N:6),dry and wet deposition can be converted to 4.92 g C m-2 yr-1 and5.79 g C m-2 yr-1 fixed by marine phytoplankton. This would account for 15.4% of new production in the regional sea annually, which is taken to be 69.5 g C m-2 yr-1 based on the particulate organic carbon export fluxes.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 v
表目錄 vi
第一章 前言 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.1.1氮物種 1
1.1.2大氣懸浮微粒 2
1.2研究動機 3
1.3研究目的 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
第三章 研究方法 6
3.1 採樣地點與時間 6
3.2 採樣儀器與設備 6
3.3乾沉降濾紙前處理和保存 6
3.4樣本分析 7
3.4.1分析前處理 7
3.4.2實驗用儀器 7
3.4.3主要離子分析 8
3.4.4無機氮分析 9
3.4.5有機氮物種、高低分子量有機氮分析 9
3.5氣團逆軌跡圖 10
3.6相關性分析方法 11
3.7因素分析方法 11
3.8樣本查核 11
3.9儀器偵測極限 12
3.10空白樣本檢定 12
3.10.1方法空白樣品(Method blank sample) 12
第四章 結果與討論 13
4.1氣象資料 13
4.2氣團軌跡逆推資料 13
4.3大氣懸浮微粒質量濃度 14
4.4主要離子探討 14
4.4.1乾沉降海鹽性離子濃度趨勢 15
4.4.2乾沉降非海鹽性離子濃度趨勢 16
4.4.3濕沉降海鹽性離子濃度趨勢 16
4.4.4濕沉降非海鹽性離子濃度趨勢 17
4.5水溶性氮物種濃度變化 17
4.5.1水溶性總氮 17
4.5.2水溶性無機氮 18
4.5.3水溶性有機氮物種 19
4.6溶解性氮物種濃度變化 20
4.6.1溶解性總氮 20
4.6.2無機氮物種 20
4.6.3有機氮 21
4.7通量研究比較 21
4.7.1濕沉降通量估算 21
4.7.2乾沉降通量估算 22
4.8相關性分析 22
4.8.1濕沉降相關性分析 23
4.8.2乾沉降相關性分析 23
4.9因素分析 24
4.10大氣氮沉降的生地化影響 24
第五章 結論 26
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