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論文名稱(外文):A Study on Conservation of Wanli Crab from the Aspect of Slow Fish Movement
指導教授(外文):Chuau, Wen-Yan
口試委員(外文):Shao, Kwang-TsaoLee, Chao-ShingLiao, Yun-ChihKuo, Ting-Chun
外文關鍵詞:Wanli CrabfisheriesconservationSlow fish movementEnvironmental education
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蟹類是重要水產資源,維繫許多地區的經濟。例如,20世紀的60年代紅色帝王蟹(Paralithodes camtschaticus)即被引入巴倫支海,自2002年以來挪威一直進行商業捕撈。藍蟹(Callinectes sapidus)原產於大西洋西部的沿海水域,也是支撐美國沿海地區漁業的重要資源。然而,這些蟹類資源如何永續利用,至為重要。近年來「慢魚運動」(Slow fish movement)已慢慢受到全球關注,慢魚運動旨在明智利用水產品,相信此一概念將有助於海洋資源永續利用。新北市政府自2012年間,將附近海域的種海蟹,命名為「萬里蟹」。事實上,萬里蟹包括花蟹(鏽斑蟳 Charybdis feriatus)、三點蟹(紅星梭子蟹 Portunus sanguinolentus)、石蟳(善泳蟳 Charybdis natator)等三種海蟹,主要漁場是在萬里外海約20至24海里間的西北海域。目前,新北市的捕蟹漁船約有50艘,集中在萬里區,主要以蟹籠為工具。2012年新北市政府為了回饋萬里區捕蟹漁民的辛勞,特別推廣萬里蟹,每年在九月到十二月捕蟹旺季時,舉辦當地促銷活動,因而成功地帶動周邊效益逾7億元。為期水產資源之永續利用,本研究主要以萬里區四個捕蟹漁港,包括萬里漁港、龜吼漁港、東澳漁港、野柳漁港等,針對其萬里蟹捕撈量、行銷活動、保育措施及環境教育等面向進行為期一年的研究,時間由2018年7月至2019年6月。研究方法以現地調查及訪談方式為主,參考過去臺灣「黑鮪魚季」、「曼波魚季」的推廣經驗,並引「慢魚運動」的概念,檢視萬里蟹的產銷及環境教育面向相關作為並深入探討。本研究訪談對象,包括政府官員、漁會、漁民、海巡人員和專業環境教育工作者,探討萬里蟹之現況、課題和對策。本論文之調查研究成果,至盼能供後續施政和研究參考外,結論以五點建議如下:(1)加強萬里蟹資源保育措施;(2)推廣萬里蟹生態與食用知識;(3)落實環境教育融入及推廣課程;(4)增加環教種子講師;(5)研提其他保育或環境教育相關措施。


Crabs are important aquatic resources that sustain the economy of many regions. For example, in the 1960s, the Red King crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus) was introduced into the Barents Sea and Norway has been commercial fishing since 2002. Blue crab (Callinectes sapidus), native to the coastal waters of the western Atlantic, is also an important resource for supporting fisheries in coastal areas of the United States. However, how to make sustainable use of these crab resources is important. In recent years, “Slow Fish movement” has been gradually received global attention. It is believed that this concept will contribute to the sustainable use of marine resources. In 2012, the New Taipei City Government of Taiwan had named the sea catch of crabs in nearby Taiwan’s waters as “Wanli Crabs”. In fact, “Wanli crabs” include Flower crab (Charybdis feriatus), three-spot crab (Portunus sanguinolentus), and Ridged swimming crab (Charybdis natator). The main fishing ground of these crabs is in the northwestern area of Wanli about 20 to 24 nm (Nautical Mile) away from the sea shore. At present, there are about 50 crab fishing boats in New Taipei City, which are concentrated in the Wanli District, mainly using crab cages as tools. In 2012, in order to reward the hard work of crab-fishing people in Wanli District, the New Taipei City Government specially promoted Wanli Crabs. Every year, during the peak season of crabs from September to December, local promotion activities were held to successfully drive the surrounding benefits to more than 700 million NTDs (New Taiwan Dollars). For the sustainable use of marine resources, this study mainly targets four crab fishing ports in Wanli District, including Wanli, Guiyu Dongao and Yeliu Fishing Port from July 2018 to June 2019. The research methods include local surveys and interviews. Considering this promotion experience of the past bluefin Tuna Season and the Sunfish Season, the research focuses on the exploration of environmental education measures, this and the marketing of Wanli Crab. The interviewees of this study include government officials, fishermen′s association, fishermen and professional environmental educators. The results of this study are expected to be used for follow-up management and marketing of Wanli crab. In this regard, the author proposes five recommendations for the management of Wanli crab: (1) Strengthening the conservation measures of Wanli Crab resources; (2) Promoting ecological and edible knowledge of Wanli Crab; (3) Implementing the environmental education integration and promotion courses; (4) Increasing the number of environmental education seeding teachers; and (5) Proposing other conservation or environmental education related measures.

Keywords: Wanli Crab, fisheries, conservation, Slow fish movement, Environmental education

摘要 I
目次 IV
圖目次 VI
表目次 VII
第一章 前言 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究方法 4
第三節 研究範圍與限制 5
第四節 論文架構與研究流程 6
第五節 名詞釋義 8
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 慢魚運動 9
第二節 環境教育 15
第三章 臺灣海鮮活動推廣案例探討 20
第一節 黑鮪魚季活動探討 21
第二節 曼波魚季活動探討 26
第三節 萬里蟹季活動探討 29
第四章 研究地點與訪談規劃 35
第一節 研究地點 35
第二節 深入訪談 38
第五章 訪談結果與分析討論 42
第一節 萬里蟹活動推廣情形探討 43
第二節 萬里蟹之捕撈現況 46
第三節 萬里蟹之保育措施 52
第四節 萬里蟹之宣導教育分析 55
第五節 西北海域漁場與護魚現況 77
第六章 結論與建議 80
第一節 結論 80
第二節 建議 81
第三節 後續研究建議 84
附錄一、受訪同意書 91
附錄二、由慢魚運動論萬里蟹之保育-訪談說明暨大綱 92
附錄三、訪談紀錄 94
訪談紀錄1 94
訪談紀錄2 100
訪談紀錄3 105
訪談紀錄4 111
訪談紀錄5 117
訪談紀錄6 121
訪談紀錄7 124
訪談紀錄8 128
訪談紀錄9 130
訪談紀錄10 133


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