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研究生(外文):Lai, Chia-Nung
論文名稱(外文):An Analysis of Ship Energy Efficiency of Bulk Shipping
外文關鍵詞:Bulk carrierShip energy efficiencyImportance-Performance AnalysisFuzzy theoryQuality Function Deployment
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1. 船舶以論時傭船期間,應著重於「降低船舶阻力」和「船舶設備可靠性」兩項指標之維護,以避免無法達到與傭船人約定之油耗與船速而遭到求償或藉故解約,造成公司獲利損失。
2. 散裝船舶由於主機燃油消耗量占比會隨著船型而增加,因此大型船舶之能源效率改善,應著重於維護與主機油耗相關度較高之指標,如「降低船舶阻力」、「船舶推進效率」、「航行時間的優化」等,必可事半功倍。
3. 船舶管理者對於透過仲介公司管束與派遣之外籍船員素質普遍感到憂心,「人員能力與素質」指標之改善,儼然已經成為了多數船公司的一項重要課題。
The international bunker supply and demand market will be seriously influenced by the 2020 sulphur cap. In light of current development trends taking place within the refining and shipping industry, the marine bunker supply market will be rife with uncertainties in the near future. However, it’s foreseeable that additional fuel costs will inevitably have an impact on the bulk shipping industry.
This study aims to effectively improve ship energy efficiency in the process of ship operation, with a view to the specific business model and market environment of bulk shipping. The Quality Requirement Dimension, consisting of nine demand indexes, was constructed through literature reviews and expert interviews. A total of 30 widely-used relevant energy-saving service technologies, developed through relevant departments of ship operation, were integrated and evaluated. Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) was applied in the research process to assist decision-makers in examining resource allocation for energy efficiency indicators of bulk carriers. Also the method of Fuzzy Quality Function Deployment (FQFD) was used to prioritize various ship energy efficiency improvement technologies, so as to provide decision-makers with comprehensive business strategies to improve ship energy efficiency, hoping to reduce the impact of fuel cost changes on bulk shipping.
After analysis and investigation, the main findings of this study are as follows,
1. During the time charter period, emphasis shall be placed on the maintenance of “Reduction of Ship Resistance” and “Reliability of Ship and Equipment”, so as to avoid claims or termination of the contract due to failure to meet the agreed fuel consumption and ship speed with the charterer, which may result in profit loss of the company.
2. Since the proportion of main engine fuel consumption increases with the size of the ship, the improvement of energy efficiency of large ships should focus on the maintenance of indicators related to main engine fuel consumption, such as “Reduction of Ship Resistance”, “Improvement of Propulsive Efficiency”, “Voyage Optimization” and so on, which can get twice the result with half the effort.
3. Ship managers are generally concerned about the quality of foreign crew dispatched through manning companies. The improvement of “Personnel Ability and Quality” has become an important subject for most shipping companies.
Key words: Bulk carrier, Ship energy efficiency, Importance-Performance Analysis, Fuzzy theory, Quality Function Deployment

第一章 緒論
1.1 研究背景與動機………………………………………………….…………….1
1.2 研究問題與目的……………………………………………………….……….1
1.3 研究內容與方法……………………………………………………………….2
1.4 研究架構與流程……………………………………………………………….3

第二章 文獻回顧與評析
2.1 散裝航運市場…………………………………………………………….……6
2.1.1 散裝航運市場沿革……………………………………………….….…6
2.1.2 散裝航運收入…………………………………………………….….…7
2.1.3 散裝航運成本………………………………………………………..…8
2.1.4 航次損益估算……………………………………………………….…10
2.1.5 散裝航運產業所面臨的問題…………………………….…….…. … 11
2.2 國際船舶空氣汙染防制公約….………………………………………..……14
2.2.1 硫化物排放限制………………………………………………………15 燃用低硫燃油……………………………………….……..…16 安裝脫硫裝置……………………………………………...…19 燃用液化天然氣…………………………………..……….…19 硫化物排放限制對航運產業的影響……………………...…20
2.2.2 碳排放限制……………………………………………………………20 新造船能源效率設計指數………………………………...…20 船舶能源效率管理計畫與能源效率營運指數…………...…21 船舶能源效率管理的現行作法…………………………...…22 能源效率營運指數的不確定性…………………………...…23
2.3 船舶特性與節能技術………….…………………………………….….……23
2.3.1 最佳航線的規劃…………………………………………………....…24
2.3.2 航行速率與主機輸出功率………………………………………....…25
2.3.3 船舶阻力…………………………………………………………....…26
2.3.4 船舶常數…………………………………………………………....…26
2.3.5 低阻力油漆與船殼塗裝品質……………………………………....…27
2.3.6 最小安全吃水與船舶俯仰差……………………………………....…27
2.3.7 船舶推進效率……………………………………………………....…27
2.3.8 船用引擎性能專家診斷系統…………………………………........…29
2.3.9 加熱蒸汽的損耗…………………………………………………....…30
2.4 綜合評析……………………….…………………………………….….……32

第三章 研究方法
3.1 重要性績效分析法………………………………………………….…..……34
3.2 品質機能展開法…………………………………………………….…..……35
3.3 模糊理論………………………………………………….……………..……36
3.2.1 模糊集合………………….………………………………………...…37
3.2.2 三角模糊數……………….………………………………………...…37
3.4 模糊品質機能展開法…………….………………………………………...…38

第四章 實證分析與討論
4.1 散裝船舶能源效率需求構面……………………………………………...…40
4.2 問卷發放與樣本統計……………………………………………………...…41
4.3 重要度績效分佈情形……………………………………………………...…42
4.3.1 依傭船模式分群後分析結果………….…………………………...…45
4.3.2 依船型大小分群後分析結果….…………………………………...…48
4.4 標準化權重………………………………………………………………...…53
4.5 服務品質技術構面………………………………………………………...…54
4.6 模糊品質機能展開結果…………………………………………………...…55
4.7 綜合討論…………………………………………………………………...…57

第五章 結論與建議
5.1 結論………………………………………………………………………...…60
5.2 建議………………………………………………………………………...…60


附件 散裝航運船舶能源效率問卷調查表……………………………………..……65
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