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研究生(外文):Chiu, Chui-Pang
論文名稱(外文):De-identification Generative Adversarial Neworks
指導教授(外文):Ting, Pei-Yih
口試委員(外文):Wu, Tzong-SunChen, Yih-SenLee, Kuo-Chun
外文關鍵詞:Generative adversarial networksDe-identificationdeep learningGeneral data protection regulation
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Generative Adversarial Networks are often used for very photorealistic data generation, style transfer, and feature distentanglement. In this paper, a semi-supervised deep-learning algorithm is designed for the de-identification of large datasets. The owner can process the dataset for hiding the identity-related information, while the dataset could still be useful for its original purposes.
In this paper, the dataset consisting of three-axis accelerometer and three-axis gyroscope data captured from smartphone for human activity recognition is used as an example for the de-identification experiments. There are two forms of the data: the first consists of pre-processed 561-feature vectors and the second consists of raw time sequences. For the first one, the high accuracy of activity recognition is maintained as 98.5%, while the accuracy of human identification rate drops from 75% to 20%. For the second one, the accuracy of activity recognition is 94% and the accuracy of human identification drops from 99.25% to 20%. Even for those data which are not used in training the de-identification network, the corresponding human activities of the de-identified version still can be recognized correctly. It shows that the identification network has good generalization capability.

摘要 I
Abstract II
目次 III
圖次 V
表次 VI
第一章 前言 1
1.1文獻回顧 2
1.2 本文貢獻 3
1.3章節內容介紹 3
第二章 背景知識 5
2.1 深度學習(Deep learning) 5
2.1.1損失函數(Loss function) 5
2.1.2誤差反向傳播(Backpropagation, BP) 5
2.2 一維卷積神經網路(1D convolution Neural Network, 1DCNN) 6
2.3 生成對抗網路(Generative adversarial Network, GAN) 8
2.3 三軸資料 9
2.3.1 時序三軸資料 9
2.3.2 處理過之三軸加速度資料 10
第三章 去識別化系統 11
3.1 目標資料集 11
3.2 去識別化 11
3.3 去識別化生成對抗網路 11
3.3.1 去識別化網路 12
3.3.2 身分判別器網路 12
3.3.3 動作分類網路 12
第四章 訓練方法 14
4.1 資料和標籤 14
4.2 模型間的關係 14
4.3 損失函數 15
4.5 訓練演算法 15
第五章 系統檢測 17
5.1 動作分類檢測 17
5.2 身分識別檢測 17
5.3 一般化檢測 18
5.3.1 一般化實驗資料分配 18
5.3.2 一般化動作測試 19
5.3.3 一般化身分測試 19
第六章 時序三軸資料去識別化 21
6.1 三軸時序資料重疊取樣(overlap) 21
6.2 時序資料的分辨 21
6.3 去識別化網路的修改 22
6.4 去識別化後動作分辨 22
6.4 去識別化後身分辨識 22
6.5時序資料的混淆矩陣 23
6.6其他方法測試 24
第七章 結論 26
參考文獻 27
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