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研究生(外文):Su, Chien-Chung
論文名稱(外文):Design of a Dual-phase Voltage-mode DC-DC Buck Converter
指導教授(外文):Yeh, Mei-Ling
口試委員(外文):Huang, Shu-ChuanLin, Jia-ChuanYeh, Mei-Ling
外文關鍵詞:Dual-PhaseBuck ConverterVoltage ModePWM
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  整體設計使用台灣半導體研究中心(TSRI)提供的TSMC 0.35um mixed signal 2P4M CMOS 5V process,控制模式使用電壓模式。輸入電壓範圍為3.3V~4.2V,輸出電壓為1.8V,操作頻率為每相位1MHz,負載範圍50mA~1000mA,輸出電壓漣波為10mV以下,整體最高效率為92.17%。
In recent years, technology has developed rapidly, and electronic products have become thinner and can use many functions at the same time. Lithium batteries need to provide many voltages to different system modules at the same time, and the usage time will be shortened as the power consumption becomes larger. An effective power management system is an important thing in a limited volume and battery capacity. A good power management system can extend the life of the product and reduce the frequency of battery charging.

In view of the above mentioned problems, this thesis proposes a dual-phase voltage mode buck converter. The dual-phase converter is connected in parallel with two sets of power transistors. Compared with single phase, it has the advantages of low ripple voltage, large load current, and improving the efficiency of heavy loads. The phase control circuit uses one phase delay circuit to generate another set of switching signals. Since the converter has only one control circuit in dual-phase design, the number of control circuits can be reduced, thus the area of the entire chip can be decreased.

The overall design is implemented with the TSMC 0.35um mixed signal 2P4M CMOS 5V process provided by the Taiwan Semiconductor Research Center (TSRI). The converter uses the voltage mode. The input voltage range is 3.3V~4.2V, the output voltage is 1.8V, the operating frequency is 1MHz per phase, the load range is 50mA~1000mA, the output ripple voltage is below 10mV, and the overall maximum efficiency is 92.17%.
摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 論文架構 3
第二章 切換式電源穩壓器簡介 4
2.1 線性穩壓器 4
2.2切換式穩壓器介紹 4
2.2.1 切換式降壓穩壓器 6
2.2.2 切換式升壓穩壓器 7
2.2.3 切換式升/降壓穩壓器 9
2.3切換式轉換器導通模式 11
2.3.1 連續導通模式(CCM) 11
2.3.2 非連續導通模式(DCM) 14
2.4切換式穩壓器規格定義 17
2.4.1 線性穩壓調節率 17
2.4.2 負載穩壓調節率 17
2.4.3 暫態響應 18
2.4.4 輸出電壓漣波 19
2.4.5 轉換效率 19
第三章 降壓穩壓器系統設計介紹 21
3.1切換式穩壓器控制模式 21
3.1.1電壓控制模式 21
3.1.2電流控制模式 22
3.2 雙相位降壓穩壓器 23
3.3 軟啟動原理和架構介紹 25
3.4 Type-III補償網路 26
第四章 子電路設計與模擬 28
4.1 偏壓電路 28
4.2 誤差放大器 30
4.3 能隙參考電壓電路 32
4.4 軟啟動電路 35
4.5 非重疊導通電路 36
4.6 遲滯比較器 37
4.7 RS正反器 38
4.8 鋸齒波與時脈產生電路 39
4.9 延遲電路 41
4.10 脈衝寬度調變 42
第五章 穩壓器模擬結果與佈局考量 43
5.1 設計流程 43
5.2 整體佈局 44
5.3 模擬結果 45
5.3.1線性穩壓調節率 45
5.3.2負載穩壓調節率 46
5.3.3輸出電壓漣波 48
5.3.4轉換效率 50
5.4 規格表 51
5.5 文獻比較表 52
第六章 結論與未來展望 53
6.1 結論 53
6.2 未來展望 53
參考文獻 54
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