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研究生(外文):Sun, Pey-Yuan
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Ship Queuing Pricing and Movement Track
指導教授(外文):Chen, Chun-LungLaih, Chen-Hsiu
口試委員(外文):Yan, Shang-YaoLu, Chung-ChengLu, Hua-AnChen, Chun-LungLaih, Chen-Hsiu
外文關鍵詞:ship queuing pricing modeloptimal time-varying tollstep tollmovement
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Under the vigorous development of the shipping market, ships are sailed densely among the oceans. Frequent ship sailings show the prosperity and bustling of the port; the trade demand under such a large number of sailings makes the ship wait in line when the ship is queuing at the anchor zone. In the face of such ship queuing problems, transport economics scholars have proposed "reducing demand": "in the form of price system", to explore the excessively dense arrival of ships through tolls, thereby relieving ship queuing. At present, the traditional model of ship queuing pricing model has developed single to multiple-step toll structure to eliminate the queuing phenomenon.

However, in the traditional model of ship queuing pricing model, we know that the value of the queuing time cost of the ship is the same, and the ship registration time requirement is a precise time. This state is different from the current maritime status. For example, the value of the queuing time cost should be different for ships of different types, and the management allows the ship to have a certain buffer range rather than a precise time. Therefore, this study will improve the traditional model of queuing pricing model, considering the difference in the cost of the ship's queuing time of different natures or types, and the relaxation of the ship's registration time into a flexible time period rather than a single time, thus constructing a ship queuing pricing improvement model. The improved model can be more closely related to the actual situation of the port.

The ship queuing pricing improvement model. first establishes the ship arrival type, constructs the ship equilibrium cost before the implementation of the tolls, replaces the queuing time cost with the toll, and derives the optimal time-varying flexible toll structure and the stepped flexible toll structure under the improved model. To understand the effect of charging on the elimination of queues. The study also explored the changes in the arrival time of each ship before and after the implementation of the tolls, in order to understand the dispersion effect and movement changes of all ships before and after the implementation of the toll, to analyze the causal relationship between the changes caused by the charges.
第一章 緒論......1
1.1 研究背景與動機......1
1.2 研究目的......2
1.3 研究範圍......4
1.4 研究方法......5
1.5 研究流程......6
第二章 文獻回顧......9
2.1 道路等候定價模式相關文獻......9
2.2 船舶等候定價模式相關文獻......13
2.3 小結......16
第三章 船舶等候定價傳統模式......17
3.1 傳統模式下之收費前船舶均衡成本......18
3.2 傳統模式下之收費架構......30
3.3 傳統模式下之船舶抵達時刻移動軌跡......35
第四章 船舶等候定價改良模式......39
4.1 改良模式下之收費前船舶均衡成本......40
4.2 改良模式下之收費架構......47
4.3 改良模式下之船舶抵達時刻移動軌跡......57
4.4 船舶等候定價傳統模式與改良模式之比較......67
第五章 數值分析......71
5.1 港埠實例(高雄港)......71
5.2 運河實例(巴拿馬運河)......82
第六章 結論與建議......92
6.1 結論......92
6.2 建議......94
附錄一 符號定義表......97
附錄二 船舶等候定價改良模式時刻值推導過程......99
附錄三 程式碼......102
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