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研究生(外文):Yang, Wen-Chih
論文名稱(外文):Study on Propeller noise in Transient and Steady Field
指導教授(外文):Soon, Shin-Ping
口試委員(外文):Chang, Jiang-RenChang, Chun-MingSoon, Shin-Ping
外文關鍵詞:aeroacousticsound radiationpropeller
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According to governing equation, the analysis of propeller noise can be divided into transient analysis and steady-state analysis, different results can be used to analyze physical characteristics of propeller, and finally, constructing the verification procedures of propeller noise. That is to say, through comparing the phenomena of transient analysis and steady-state analysis, the accurate of sound field radiation can be vertified. For transient analysis, Calculateing the differential pressure generated by propeller blade surface flow is based on unsteady Reynold-averaged Navier-Stokes equation (URANS), Through Ffowcs-Williams and Hawkings acoustic model (FW-H model) solves the transient propeller noise base on finite volume method (FVM). For steady-state analysis, substituting dipole for propeller blade sound pressure and extracting propeller blade pressure pulsation from a transient propeller flow field as the boundary condition, the steady state propeller noise is solved by the boundary element method (BEM). Comparing the result of transient analysis and steady-state analysis, the sound pressure qualitative trends are consistent, as a result it proves that certain accuracy is exist in transient and steady-state analyses of propeller noise, Moreover, the results satisfy sound field radiation characteristics of near-field and far-field and are critical in engineering applications and military applications.
第一章 緒論.................................................1
1.1. 前言...................................................1
1.2. 文獻回顧...............................................1
1.3. 本文架構...............................................3
第二章 理論基礎..............................................4
2.1. 流體運動方程式..........................................4
2.1.1. 連續方程式...........................................4
2.1.2. 動量守恆方程式.......................................5
2.2. 紊流數值模式...........................................6
2.2.1. 紊流模式............................................8
2.2.2. 紊流模式............................................9
2.3. 初始條件與邊界條件.....................................10
2.4. 網格離散化............................................11
2.4.1. 滑移網格(Moving Mesh)...............................12
2.5. 求解方法..............................................12
2.6. 流體噪聲..............................................13
2.6.1. 暫態分析理論........................................14 Lighthill acoustic model.........................14 Ffowcs Williams and Hawkings acoustics model.....16
2.6.2. 穩態分析理論........................................18
第三章 數值模擬驗證與幾何分析................................21
3.1. 螺槳幾何..............................................21
3.2. CFD計算域及邊界條件....................................21
3.2.1. 網格構成............................................22
3.3. Kt Kq eta驗證.........................................22
3.4. FVM vs BEM 葉片壓力驗證...............................23
3.5. FVM vs BEM之驗證......................................24
3.6. 流場噪聲方向性分析.....................................25
3.7. 網格收斂分析..........................................26
第四章 結論與未來展望.......................................68
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