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研究生(外文):LIU, CHING-WEN
論文名稱(外文):Cultivate In-Service Teachers to Choose Different Inquiry Teaching Methods for Experimental Design and Teaching
指導教授(外文):LU, CHOW-CHIN
外文關鍵詞:PO+EPOESTIn-service TeachersInquiry Teaching Methods
DOI:doi: 10.6344/THE.NTUE.DSE.019.2019.F02
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因應教學現場國小學生在進行POE實驗課程時,在解釋的地方無法完整的表達,沒有辦法運用背後的科學原理或證據來加強自己的科學解釋,只是單純描述結果的現象,因此本研究培育14位在職教師選擇使用PO+E教學法或POEST教學法設計昆蟲相關實驗與微型教學,以強化POE實驗中的科學解釋,期能學得此兩種教學法於實際的實驗教學現場中。本研究採用混合研究法,以質為主,以量為輔,使用「昆蟲生理學特論」課程培育之,包含:教授講授PO+E教學法與POEST教學法的理論並示範教學,在職教師選擇其中之一來設計實驗並微型教學,最後必須選擇一種教學法應用於福山植物園、台大生態池戶外教學的學習單設計。當在職教師進行微型教學時,接受 PO+E 微型教學評量(MTAP)或 POEST 微型教學評量(TAPS)的評量;每個實驗的學習單進行科學解釋(ASE或LAPS)的評量;並於「昆蟲生理學特論」課程的前後接受PISA科學素養評量的前、後測,課程結束前訪談在職教師選擇不同探究式教學法及戶外教學主題的理由。結果顯示:(1)從PO+E微型教學的評量(MTAP)發現:有3組佳,1組較差。 (2)從POEST微型教學的評量(TAPS)發現:有2組佳,1組較差。 (3)在戶外教學學習單設計中,各組都能選擇一種生物並使用PO+E或POEST教學法來進行學習單的設計。在14張實驗學習單中,有10張實驗學習單的設計,探究主題明確、能設計好的預測問題、以及實驗內容的規劃都緊扣著探究主題。 (4)在本課程三次學習單的設計中,有2組三次都選擇使用PO+E教學法進行設計、另有2組三次都選擇POEST教學法進行設計、剩下的3組則PO+E與POEST教學法都有選擇使用,在職教師選擇教學法都有其選擇的理由。 (5)從ASE評量中發現在職教師在「下結論」與「主張」撰寫的情形較差,從ASE與LAPS評量中發現在職教師在「主張」撰寫的情形較差。 (6)PISA科學素養能力達到高度實驗效果量,證明國小在職教師經由此課程的培育,能提升其科學素養能力。
In response to the teaching of the primary school pupils in the POE experimental course, in the place of interpretation can not be fully expressed, there is no way to use the scientific principles or evidence behind to strengthen their interpretation, but simply describe the phenomenon of the result, so this study fosters 14 in-service teachers to use the PO+E teaching method and the POEST teaching method to design insect-related experiments and micro-teaching to strengthen the part explained in the POE experiment, and can learn and use the two teaching methods in the actual experimental teaching. In the field. This study adopts a mixed research method, which is based on quality and supplemented by quantity. It is cultivated by the research course of Insect Physiology Special Theory, including: Professors teach the theory of PO+E teaching method and POEST teaching method and demonstrate teaching. The in-service teachers of the national ministry choose one of them to design experiments and micro-teaching. Finally, the in-service teachers must choose one of the two teaching methods to apply to the learning list design of the outdoor teaching of Fushan Botanical Garden and the University of Taiwan. When the in-service teacher conducts micro-teaching, accept PO+E micro-teaching assessment (MTAP) or POEST micro-teaching assessment (TAPS); after completing the study list for each experiment, conduct scientific interpretation (ASE or LAPS); Before and after the Insect Physiology Special course, the PISA scientific literacy assessment was conducted before and after the course, and the reasons for the in-service teacher's choice of teaching method and outdoor teaching theme were interviewed before the end of the course. The results showed that:(1) From the PO+E micro-teaching assessment (MTAP), it was found that there were 3 groups and 1 group was poor. (2) From the POEST micro-teaching assessment (TAPS), it was found that there were 2 groups were excellent and 1 group was poor. (3) In the design of outdoor teaching and learning sheets, each group can select the organisms in the outdoor teaching environment and use the PO+E or POEST teaching method to design the outdoor teaching learning list. In the 14 study sheets, there are 10 learning books. The single-designed experiment or the subject of the inquiry, the well-designed prediction problem, and the planning of the experimental content are all closely related to the subject of the experiment or inquiry. (4) In the design of the three study forms in this course, two groups of three chose to use the PO+E teaching method for design, and two groups of three selected POEST teaching method for design, and the remaining three groups were PO+E and POEST teaching methods are all optional. The in-service teacher's choice of teaching method has its reasons for choice. (5) From the ASE assessment, it was found that the in-service teachers were in a poor situation in the "conclusion" and "claims". From the ASE and LAPS assessments, it was found that the in-service teachers were poorly written in the "claims". (6) The PISA scientific literacy ability achieves a high degree of experimental effect, which proves that the in-service teachers of the national small school can enhance their scientific literacy ability through the cultivation of this course.
目  次

摘  要---------------------------------------------------------- i
ABSTRACT---------------------------------------------------------- iii
目  次----------------------------------------------------------- v
表  次------------------------------------------------------------ vii
圖  次--------------------------------------------------------- xi
第一章 緒論------------------------------------------------------ 1
第一節 研究背景-------------------------------------------------- 1
第二節 研究目的與待答問題--------------------------------------------- 2
第三節 名詞釋義----------------------------------------------------- 3
第四節 研究範圍------------------------------------------------------ 4
第二章 文獻探討------------------------------------------------------ 5
第一節 探究式教學法-------------------------------------------------- 5
第二節 科學解釋能力與論證--------------------------------------------- 10
第三節 POEST教學法與PO+E教學法----------------------------------------- 16
第四節 PISA科學素養評量------------------------------------------------ 21
第三章 研究方法-------------------------------------------------------- 25
第一節 研究設計與架構--------------------------------------------------- 25
第二節 研究流程及規劃-------------------------------------------------- 27
第三節 研究對象與場域-------------------------------------------------- 29
第四節 課程內容------------------------------------------------------- 30
第五節 研究工具-------------------------------------------------------- 34
第六節 資料蒐集與分析--------------------------------------------------- 39
第四章 研究結果與討論--------------------------------------------------- 43
第一節 探討在職教師使用PO+E教學法進行實驗設計與微型教學的情形-------------- 43
第二節 探討國小在職教師使用POEST教學法進行實驗設計與微型教學的情形-- --------63
第三節 探討在職教師使用PO+E或POEST教學法進行戶外教學學習單設計----- --------85
第四節 探討在職教師喜歡的教學法及其理由----------------------------------- 98
第五節 探討在職教師修習課程前後的科學解釋能力以及科學素養能力的變化------ 101
第五章 結論與建議---------------------------------------------------- 123
第一節 結論---------------------------------------------------------- 123
第二節 建議---------------------------------------------------------- 125
參考文獻--------------------------------------------------------------- 127
中文部分--------------------------------------------------------------- 127
英文部分--------------------------------------------------------------- 130
附錄------------------------------------------------------------- 133
附錄一:「PO+E微型教學」評量表(MTAP)------------------------------------- 133
附錄二:「PO+E微型教學」評量標準---------------------------------------- 134
附錄三:POEST微型教學評量表(TAPS)---------------------------------------- 137
附錄四:「POE & 科學解釋文字鷹架微型教學」評量標準------------------------- 138
附錄五:PO+E學習單科學解釋能力評量表(ASE)--------------------------------- 142
附錄六:POEST學習單科學解釋能力評量表(LAPS)------------------------------- 143
附錄七:PISA科學素養試題及其評分標準-------------------------------------- 144

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