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研究生(外文):LEE, KAO MING
論文名稱(外文):A Survey Study on Professional Knowledge and Competency in Infants and Toddlers’ Feeding and Swallowing Disorders for Speech-Language Pathologists
指導教授(外文):CHI, PAO-HSIANG
外文關鍵詞:infantpediatricfeeding disordersdysphagiaprofessional knowledge and competencyspeech-language pathologist
IG URL:tw_logopedista.slp
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一、 整體而言語言治療師對於嬰幼兒餵食吞嚥障礙的專業知能具備程度趨近於有信心。
二、 年齡較年長之語言治療師,其專業知能之得分顯著高於較年輕之治療師;工作年資較久之語言治療師,其專業知能之得分亦顯著高於經驗較少之治療師。
三、 在實習階段,有部分語言治療師有接觸過嬰幼兒餵食吞嚥障礙個案的經驗;在職教育階段,語言治療師最常透過參加醫事人員繼續教育研習來獲取嬰幼兒餵食吞嚥障礙的專業知能。
四、 目前語言治療師服務嬰幼兒餵食吞嚥障礙族群,所佔的臨床服務時數明顯較少;服務嬰幼兒餵食吞嚥障礙族群中,以早產兒類別為大宗。

The purpose of this study was to investigate the professional knowledge and competency in infants and toddlers’ feeding and swallowing disorders(ITFSD) for speech-language pathologists(SLPs). The participants of the study were 125 speech-language pathologists. The instrument of the study is a questionnaire developed by the researcher entitled ’professional knowledge and competency in infants and toddlers’ feeding and swallowing disorders for speech-language pathologists’. The main results of this study were as below:
1. The SLPs’ professional knowledge and competencies in infants and toddlers’ feeding and swallowing disorders are close to confidence.
2. The oldest SLPs’ ITFSD professional knowledge and competencies scores are significantly higher than the youngest SLPs’ scores ; the SLPs with longer job experiences have scores significantly higher than those with less experiences.
3. Part of SLPs had experiences with ITFSD during their internships ; the most common way to absorb professional knowledge is by taking continued education lessons.
4. Preterm infant is the most common group of patients with cases of infants and toddlers’ feeding and swallowing disorders.

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與待答問題 5
第三節 名詞釋義 6
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 嬰幼兒餵食與吞嚥 9
第二節 嬰幼兒餵食吞嚥障礙 16
第三節 語言治療師對嬰幼兒餵食吞嚥障礙的專業知能相關議題 21
第三章 研究方法 29
第一節 研究架構 29
第二節 研究程序 32
第三節 研究對象 35
第四節 研究工具 38
第五節 資料處理分析 43
第四章 研究結果與討論 45
第一節 語言治療師對嬰幼兒餵食吞嚥障礙學理知識具備情形 45
第二節 語言治療師對嬰幼兒餵食吞嚥障礙臨床技能具備情形 53
第三節 不同背景變項之語言治療師對嬰幼兒餵食吞嚥障礙專業知能具備之差異分析 60
第四節 語言治療師在嬰幼兒餵食吞嚥障礙專業養成及服務現況分析 66
第五節 綜合討論 70
第五章 結論與建議 75
第一節 結論 75
第二節 建議 76
參考文獻 79
附錄 83
語言治療師法(民107 年 12 月 19 日)。

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