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研究生(外文):Kuo, Hsin-Tzu
論文名稱(外文):Shall We Join the Firestorm? The Effect of Perceived Similarity on the Act of Online Sharing
指導教授(外文):Ting, Pei-Ju
口試委員(外文):Ting, Pei-JuFang, Wen-ChangChang, Chung-ChauChang, Ai-Hua
外文關鍵詞:social mediaonline firestormperceived similaritysympathyangervividness
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Due to the rise of social media, online firestorm has become a concern. Online firestorm, which poses a threat to corporate and its brand image, occurs when large amounts of negative word of mouth spread in social media in a sudden. Therefore, we aim to understand what emotions initiate people to join online firestorms. We argue that participating behavior is triggered by sympathy and anger and influenced by vividness. Consistent with the proposed process, the willingness to participate in online firestorms is affected by perceived similarity of the victim; mediated by sympathy and anger. However, vividness does not successfully moderate the model because social media includes link and video which contains more vivid vision. In total, the results of three experimental surveys contribute to literature on online firestorm and provide implications for scholars and managers.
謝 詞 I
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1. Background 1
1.2. Research Questions and Purpose 2
Chapter 2. Literature Review and Research Hypothesis 3
2.1. Online Firestorm 3
2.2. Perceived Similarity 4
2.3. Feelings of Sympathy 4
2.4. Anger 5
2.5. Vividness 6
Chapter 3. Methodology and Analysis 8
3.1. Study 1 8
3.2. Study 2-1 13
3.3. Study 2-2 19
Chapter 4. Conclusions 24
4.1. General Discussion 24
4.2. Implications and Contributions 24
4.3. Limitations and Future Study Direction 25
References 26
Appendix 1 32
Appendix 2 33
Appendix 3 34
Appendix 4 36
著作權聲明 39
English References
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