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研究生(外文):WANG, TSU-YI
論文名稱(外文):The community practice of co-living Governmentality:A Case Study of 9Floor Co-Living Apt.
指導教授(外文):LIN, WEN-I
外文關鍵詞:coliving apartmentsharinggovernmentalitycommunity
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共享相關論述日漸成為一種國際潮流,而台北也在此共享相關的論述下產生不同形式的實踐,而其中共同住宅的發展在共享論述下亦是作為重要的一環。然而,在台北的實踐中,共生共寓(coliving apartment)的出現也標誌著新型態的都市生活模式,在此趨勢之下產生。因此,以玖樓共生公寓作為研究案例,本研究欲深入探討台北共生公寓的實踐過程,觀察玖樓共居模式背後台北的地理與歷史背景脈絡。並分析共居治理機制的建立、共居社群的形塑以及對於都市居住問題的回應。




The discussion about sharing has become an international trend, and Taipei has also produced different forms of practice under the relevant discussion of sharing. The development of cohousing is also an important part of discussion under the topic of sharing. However, in the practice of Taipei, the emergence of the coliving apartment also marks a new mode of urban life, which occurs under this trend. Therefore, taking the 9Floor Co-Living Apt. as a study case , this study intends to deeply explore the practical process of Taipei coliving apartment and observes the geographical and historical background of Taipei.It also It also analyzes the establishment of the coliving governance mechanism, the shaping of the coliving community, and the response of the the urban housing problem.

This study takes the governmentality perspective as the main theoretical approach, and examines the urban residential experiment process of the 9Floor Co-Living Apt. and the operation method of its apartment management. In addition, the study also reviews the relevant discussions of sharing and cohousing and uses them to observe the characteristics of their collaborative lifestyle. In the end, this study uses the theoretical perspective of the right to the city in order to examine the development of the 9Floor Co-Living Apt. and the expansion of their enterprise.To review whether the right to the city advocated by the squatter have a considerable degree of difference with the original statement.

In the aspect of research methods, this study mainly adopts in-depth interviews, text analysis methods and observation methods. Through interviews of roommates in Sanxia Apartment, the roommates of Wenzhou Apartment, the employees of the 9Floor Co-Living Apt. , the relevant personnel of the public sector and NGOs ,this study gains an in-depth understanding of the practical process of the coliving mode. In addition, in the part of text analysis, the research materials such as relevant policy documents, social networking websites, and press releases are analyzed profoundly. In the aspect of the observation method, the researchers participated in the relevant community activities in the two apartment buildings. By recording the experience of the coliving activities of participants in the event, we can understand the overall picture of the coliving mode of the 9Floor Co-Living Apt..

This study suggests that the birth of the 9Floor Co-Living Apt. reflects the sharing opportunity of the Sunflower Movement and the housing price reversal situation in Taipei in 2015. Through the deliberation on the urban living in Taipei, the 9Floor Co-Living Apt. has a unique sense of coliving problematic. By different screening criteria, spatial discipline, the establishment of a model roommat and self-governance, the 9Floor Co-Living Apt. tries to shape the coliving community in the manner that it prefers. Nonetheless, in the managing process of the 9Floor Co-Living Apt., the discourse on the urban residential issue has gradually changed. The original focus of the right to the city, under the management of its brand, turns to a coliving community that much more emphasizes on "coolness" and mystery. The 9Floor Co-Living Apt.Concerns about the issue of youth dwellings or the disadvantages of the living have also turned to symbolic meanings.

第壹章 緒論1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究問題與目的4
第三節 研究架構與流程6
第四節 小結8
第貳章 理論與文獻回顧9
第一節 從共享(sharing)到共同住宅(cohousing)9
第二節 治理性給予共居概念的視角12
第三節 共生公寓中的城市權15
第四節 小結17
第參章 個案介紹與研究方法設計18
第一節 前言18
第二節 個案介紹 18
第三節 研究方法與設計29
第肆章 玖樓共生公寓的源起與發展脈絡34
第一節 前言34
第二節 台北時空下的地理與歷史背景脈絡35
第三節 玖樓居住問題的建構與解方43
第四節 玖樓共享的論述學習與公寓的想像52
第五節 小結63
第伍章 玖樓共生公寓的共居治理模式64
第一節 前言64
第二節 玖樓室友的篩選65
第三節 玖樓共生公寓的空間規訓78
第四節 玖樓共生公寓的權利義務賦予與自我管理85
第五節 小結99
第陸章 玖樓共生公寓的主體性型塑100
第一節 前言100
第二節 玖樓共居社群的反思101
第三節 玖樓共居形象的建立與包裝販售109
第四節 台北都市議題的回應與反思124
第五節 小結130
第柒章 結論與建議131
第一節 結論131
第二節 後續研究建議134
第捌章 參考文獻 136
第一節 英文文獻 136
第二節 中文文獻 137

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