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論文名稱:淺談台灣存保機制論存款人之保障 --- 風險差別訂價
論文名稱(外文):Risk Discrimination Pricing---To Protect Depositors of Deposit Insurance in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):HUANG, CHI-RAY
外文關鍵詞:Deposit insuranceRisk discrimination priceFinancial Safety Net
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The purpose of this study is to effectively access risks and establish financial early warning system in risk discrimination price of deposit insurance companies to mitigate economic and social shocks.
High risk in the economic market means high returns, so assess how the financial industry finds a balance between risk management control and operations, and uses a risk assessment system to keep the risk within acceptable limits. The current financial risk assessment system is used for internal and external risk management, auditing before and after verification, controlling risk self-assessment or self-assessment of business activities, and exploring the effectiveness and appropriateness of the financial industry in order to achieve the target control risk to do self-assessment.
In the changing environment of overbanking fierce competition, the financial industry is relatively risky in the process of expanding its business in the face of global market, organizational change, rapid technological advancement and legal uncertainty. Therefore, effective internal and external risk management is required to reduce losses to achieve operational objectives. Use a systematic approach to planning risk management, analyzing qualitative and quantitative risks, developing response measures, and monitoring risks for performance evaluation. However, under the impact of Taiwan’s business performance for less than one year and the rapid development of technology and the uncertainty of the law, strengthening Taiwan’s financial industry has become a topic that financial industry and authorities should pay attention to and explore, such as the second time from 2004~2008. Merger of financial institutions that are promoted by Jul 2018.
This study uses qualitative research methods, related data collection and historical literature discussion, and visits the Central Deposit Insurance Corporation and the financial industry to discuss whether to increase risk measurement indicators and weights, and increase incentives to discuss whether the research topics are consistent actual needs. Risk management indeed is an extension of internal control.

目 錄

謝 辭 Ⅰ
中文論文提要 Ⅱ
英文論文提要 Ⅲ
目 錄 Ⅴ
圖 次 Ⅵ
表 次 Ⅶ

第一章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究問題 3
第三節 研究目的 4

第二章 文 獻 參 考 6
第一節 台灣存保制度沿革 6
第二節 與各國存保制度之比較 18
第三節 名詞解釋 27
第四節 存款保險定價模型 29

第三章 研 究 方 法 43
第一節 質性研究法 43
第二節 質性資料分析法-訪談法與歷史文獻探討法、跨國比較 44

第四章 個 案 訪 談 與 跨 國 比 較 46
第一節 中央存保公司 46
第二節 金融機構 56
第三節 跨國比較 58

第五章 結 論 及 建 議 60
第一節 結論 60
第二節 建議 63

參考文獻 67

著作權聲明 71

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