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研究生(外文):Wei-Han Hui
論文名稱(外文):The influence of crosslink on the mechanical and structural properties of collagen fibril in tissues: A molecular dynamics approach
指導教授(外文):Shu-Wei Chang
口試委員(外文):Chuin-Shan ChenNien-Ti Tsou
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在本研究中,藉由膠原蛋白纖維的全原子模型進行模擬及分析,著重在纖維、分子結構特徵以及降解區域特性。膠原蛋白纖維的overlap 和 gap的分佈可以分析滑動與變形機制,膠原蛋白分子的unit height 和 radius來分析分子的結構以及變形的機制。本研究提供膠原蛋白分子的變形機制,可以更深入了解組織老化在纖維尺度下的表現。
Type I collagen is one of important proteins in the human body. It is rich in human tissues such as bone, cartilage, tendon, ligament, which gives crucial support in human tissues. In tissues, type I collagen molecules form linkage by “Crosslinks”, which utilize covalent bonds to form. Moreover, it can change the physical properties of tissues. In general, tissues can be strengthened with increasing density of cross-links within collagen, which would further higher the stiffness of tissues. However, previous studies have indicated that is a positive correlation between exceeding cross-links’ density and aging problem. In addition, abundant amounts of Crosslinks within non-enzyme structures in tissues were discovered to induce fatal diseases, such as diabetes.
In this study, we focus on structural characteristics of collagen and biological function in fibril through full atomic approach. To analyze the deforming and sliding mechanism of collagen, we analyzed the distribution of overlap and gap within collagen fibril. We further studied the unit height and radius of collagen molecule to understand its structural characteristics and deformation mechanism. Our results provided fundamental insights into the molecular mechanism of collagen, which further give possible explanation of tissue aging.
口試委員會審定書 #
誌謝 i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
第1章、 緒論 1
1.1 背景介紹 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.2.1 膠原蛋白分子和纖維的力學行為 2
1.2.2 交聯對膠原蛋白組織的影響 3
1.2.3 膠原蛋白纖維的新陳代謝 7
1.2.4 分子動力模擬 9
1.3 論文目的 10
1.4 論文方向 10
第2章、 理論與方法 11
2.1 模擬方法 11
2.1.1 分子動力模擬 11
2.1.2 生物分子的勢能參數 14
2.1.3 模擬系統 15
2.1.4 週期性邊界 17
2.2 模型介紹 18
2.2.1 膠原蛋白分子模型 18
2.2.2 膠原蛋白分子間的交聯鍵建立 20
2.2.3 模型資訊 21
2.2.4 模擬的設置及環境條件 23
2.3 分析方法 25
2.3.1 方均根偏移(root-mean-square deviation)分析 25
2.3.2 Unit cell 長度分析 25
2.3.3 頭尾端距(end to end distance)分析 25
2.3.4 overlap and gap 分析 26
2.3.5 Unit height and radius 分析 27
2.3.6 Hydrogen bond分析 28
第3章、 交聯鍵在膠原蛋白纖維到分子的影響 30
3.1 纖維尺度 30
3.1.1 方均根偏移分析 30
3.1.2 Unit cell長度分析 32
3.1.3 分子頭尾端距分析 33
3.1.4 Overlap and gap 分析 35
3.2 分子尺度 44
3.2.1 分子的unit height 分析 44
3.2.2 分子的radius 分析 48
3.3 結果與討論 51
第4章、 交聯鍵對膠原蛋白的降解區域的影響 54
4.1 降解區域頭尾端距分析 55
4.2 降解區域 unit height 分析 57
4.3 降解區域 radius 分析 63
4.4 降解區域 hydrogen bond 分析 67
4.5 結果與討論 70
第5章、 結論與未來展望 72
5.1 總結 72
5.2 未來展望 73
參考資料 74
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