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研究生(外文):Chi-Hung Lin
論文名稱(外文):Dynamic Relationship Between Sweet Corn Quality and Canopy Microclimate in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Huu-Sheng Lur
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超甜玉米於106年度果菜批發市場的產值已達5億新台幣,屬於重要之雜糧作物。於終年栽培下,部分月份之氣象因子常對果穗品質造成負面影響,導致果穗商品價值下降。然而,國內探討氣象因子與果穗品質變化之相關文獻仍有所欠缺,導致田間管理者發現果穗品質受損時,卻無本所依。因此,本研究以超甜玉米品種白美人為主,並以夏強與華珍為輔,分別於雲林縣內六個試驗地區設置微氣象站,收集田間冠層的溫度、濕度、日照量及雨量資料,同時分析果穗充實期間之果穗長度、寬度與重量及穎果重量、含水量與糖分含量,以期了解各氣象因子對超甜玉米果穗品質與產量的影響。結果顯示,由冠層微氣象數據發現,各氣象因子數值均和大氣局氣象測站數值具顯著差異,顯示冠層微氣象數據能反映更真實的冠層氣象因子。果穗品質分析結果發現,2月播種的超甜玉米果穗重、穗長、穗徑、單粒鮮重及單粒乾重皆顯著高於其他月分,而在7月均顯著低於其他月份。研究亦發現,蔗糖含量與產量、穗重及穗徑呈顯著正相關,而與葡萄糖與果糖含量呈顯著負相關,顯示果穗生長受限可能會降低葡萄糖與果糖同化成蔗糖的現象。果穗品質與雲林地區氣象因子的相關性分析顯示,在全生育期間,我們發現日射量的提升對於果穗品質而言是有利的,而總雨量小於200mm的條件下,均溫20-22 ℃與平均日射量15-18 MJ/m2的綜合條件下,果穗具有顯著較大的外型,且穎果甜度適中;均溫22-24 ℃與平均日射量18-21 MJ/m2的環境時,穎果甜味較高,期望本研究界定出的氣象因子範圍可供超甜玉米智能專家系統之參考。
Although sweet corn is a major crop in Taiwan, the economic value on sweet corn production has suffered a great loss due to the unstable quality among different planting seasons, moreover, only few research discussed the relationship between sweet corn quality and canopy microclimate. Therefore, this study was undertaken to determine the dynamic relationship between sweet corn quality and canopy microclimate. Focus on sweet corns with shrunken-2 (sh2) allele, field data including ear physical property and kernel sugar content, which covered different planting seasons were collected from six different regions. Additionally, canopy microclimate sensors were used to collect real time weather data, including temperature, humidity, precipitation and solar radiation. In our result, weather data showed that canopy weather was different from weather station including higher canopy daily maximum, lower minimum temperature, higher solar radiation, and unstable relative humidity and total rainfall, thus strengthens the urgent need to monitoring canopy environment through field sensors. From the relationship between each quality aspect, ear weight and ear width shared significant positive correlation with sucrose content, while shared significant negative correlation with glucose and fructose content, suggesting the limitation of ear development may reduce sucrose synthesis from glucose and fructose.
Based on the dynamic relationship between quality and canopy microclimate, we propose the two optimal climate for sweet corn production, one is the whole growing season with 20 – 22 ℃ average temperature, 15-18 MJ/m2 average solar radiation and accumulate precipitation under 200 mm, and the other is the whole growing season with 22 – 24 ℃ average temperature, 18-21 MJ/m2 average solar radiation and accumulate precipitation under 200 mm. The former has the best corn ear physical property and normal kernel sugar content, and the latter has normal physical property and best kernel sugar content. Taken the result together, we report the dynamic relationship between quality and each canopy microclimate factors; propose sweet corn quality prediction model considering canopy microclimate; and provide reference to define suitable area for sweet corn production in Taiwan.
致謝 I
中文摘要 II
英文摘要 III
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 X
第一章 試驗背景與目的 1
第二章 前人研究 2
2.1 超甜玉米國內生產概況與挑戰 2
2.2 超甜玉米生長與果穗之形成 3
2.3 超甜玉米果穗品質之形成 3
2.3.1 外觀與食味品質 3
2.3.2 果穗充實期間穎果成分變化 4
2.3.3 收穫適期 5
2.4 氣象因子與超甜玉米品質之形成 6
2.4.1 溫度 6
2.4.2 積溫 7
2.4.3 雨量 7
2.4.4 日射量 8
2.5 智慧農業與玉米專家系統 9
第三章 試驗推論與研究策略 11
第四章 材料與方法 13
4.1 試驗材料 13
4.2 試驗田區與終年栽培 13
4.2.1 試驗田區 13
4.2.2 終年栽培 14
4.3 試驗田區氣象調查 15
4.3.1 冠層微氣象調查 15
4.3.2 中央氣象局之氣象測站資料收集 16
4.4 果穗生育階段判定 19
4.5 積溫計算 25
4.6 品質分析 26
4.6.1 採樣方式 26
4.6.2 果穗物理品質測定 26
4.6.3 果穗化學成分分析 26
4.6.4 總糖與甜味分數測定 28
4.6.5 雷達圖之品質分數計算 28
4.7 統計分析 29
第五章 結果 30
5.1 冠層微氣象與氣象測站比較 30
5.2 全年度超甜玉米試驗田區微氣象變化 36
5.3 超甜玉米在各播種月份達特定果穗生長階段的播種後天數與所需積溫預測 41
5.4 終年超甜玉米果穗產量品質的變化 44
5.4.1 收穫天數 44
5.4.2 產量 44
5.4.3 果穗採收期的果穗品質 44
5.4.4 果穗充實期間的品質動態變化 50
5.4.5 白美人果穗品質間的相關性比較 55
5.5 白美人果穗品質與微氣象的回歸分析 58
5.5.1 果穗品質與氣象因子之回歸分析 58
5.5.2 白美人果穗品質與全生育期均溫的回歸分析 73
5.5.3 白美人果穗品質與全生育期的氣象因子之回歸分析 76
5.6 白美人最佳果穗品質與氣象因子條件之界定 79
第六章 討論 82
6.1 冠層相對濕度與溫度之相互影響 82
6.2 積溫判斷收穫適期的優點與預估收穫適期的重要性 83
6.3 超甜玉米品種間的果穗物理品質在夏作間的變化 84
6.4 蔗糖含量與果穗發育之正相關性 85
6.5 超甜玉米幼苗生長期對逆境的高敏感性導致果穗收穫適期的果穗品質下降 86
6.6 日射量提升果穗品質之推論 87
6.7 硬度與氣象因子之關係 88
第七章 總結與未來展望 89
第八章 參考文獻 92
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