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研究生(外文):Tzu-Shiuan Tseng
論文名稱(外文):Mutual Coupling Compensation for Small Dipole Arrays Using Only First Order Coupling
指導教授(外文):Hsin-Chia Lu
口試委員(外文):Hsi-Tseng ChouYen-Sheng ChenChao-Hsiung Tseng
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為了評估藕合補償的效果時,避免其他非理想效應出現,例如貼片天線的邊緣繞射(edge diffraction),天線單元輻射場型不是全向性的(omnidirectional)等因素參雜其中,將情境複雜化,論文中採用半波長的偶極天線作為天線單元。
對小型的一維偶極天線陣列,不僅使用本論文提出的一階藕合常數補償法,也同時使用傅立葉分解法,點匹配法一起比較。除了利用補償前後的單元激勵場型(active element pattern)評估補償效果,也考慮了相位陣列理論的(1)改變相位-波束掃描(beam scanning)、(2)改變振幅- 卻比雪夫分布(Chebyschev distribution)等補償前後的差異。二維偶極天線陣列只使用一階藕合常數補償法。以上的情況,一階藕合常數補償法都得到良好的補償效果。

本論文使用了ANSYS HFSS進行模擬和MATLAB進行計算驗證。

Based on first order coupling between element within the phased array, a technique for mutual coupling compensation in small phased antenna array is presented in this thesis.
First of all, a simple but intuitive coupling mechanism model is proposed. On the basis of this model, first order coupling coefficient is defined and also a method by using only one observation point to determine first order coupling coefficient is given. From the point of view of the model, it can be explained how a compensation matrix which is used in compensation of mutual coupling in phased array can be achieved by means of first order coupling coefficient, as well as that by traditional methods such as Fourier decomposition method and point matching method. Not all cases of coupling can be compensated by first order coupling method. The cases that higher order coupling coefficient can be reasonably neglected in compensation matrix are also indicated.
To evaluate the performance of the compensation of coupling, avoiding other non-ideal effect, for example, edge diffraction in patch antenna, non-omnidirectional pattern, etc included in the system to make the situation more complicated, we use half -wave dipole as radiating element in an array.
In the case of small linear dipole antenna array, we compare the performance of the first order coupling method, Fourier decomposition method and point matching method. For small planar dipole antenna array, only first order coupling coefficient method has been evaluated. In addition to using active element pattern with and without compensation to evaluate the performance of compensation, we also compare the compensated and uncompensated patterns in the following two cases: (1) beam steering by phase difference between elements and (2) element amplitude by Chebyschev distribution. In all the above cases, first order coupling method performs rather good.
In this thesis, we use ANSYS HFSS to do EM simulations and MATLAB to do calculations and verifications.

Keywords: phased array, mutual coupling, active element pattern, beam scanning, mutual coupling compensation.
誌謝 i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xiv
Chapter 1 動機與論文簡介 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 本論文之貢獻 3
1.3 各章節簡介 3
Chapter 2 相位天線陣列和半波長偶極天線理論 4
2.1 天線陣列的陣列因子 4
2.1.1 線性陣列的陣列因子 4
2.1.2 平面陣列的陣列因子 9
2.2 陣列因子的應用 12
2.2.1 控制相位-天線陣列的波束掃描(beam scanning) 12
2.2.2 控制振幅-天線陣列的卻比雪夫分布(Chebyshev distribution) 20
2.3 半波長偶極天線的理論 25
Chapter 3 偶極天線陣列的互藕與補償 36
3.1 天線陣列的單元激勵場型和互藕 36
3.2 天線陣列的藕合機制 41
3.2.1 藕合矩陣與補償矩陣 41
3.2.2 藕合機制的討論和一階藕合常數 45
3.3 決定藕合矩陣和補償矩陣的方法 51
3.3.1 傅立葉分解 51
3.3.2 S參數法 53
3.3.3 N點匹配法 56
3.3.4 一階藕合常數和取單一觀察點求得一階藕合常數的方法 57
3.4 一階藕合常數補償適用的環境 61
Chapter 4 模擬與結果驗證 67
4.1 小型線性E平面藕合偶極天線陣列 67
4.1.1 線性1×2陣列的單元激勵場型,藕合矩陣和補償矩陣 67
4.1.2 線性1×3陣列的單元激勵場型,藕合矩陣和補償矩陣 72
4.1.3 線性1×3陣列的波束掃描 76
4.1.4 線性1×8陣列的單元激勵場型,藕合矩陣和補償矩陣 81
4.1.5 線性1×8陣列的波束掃描和卻比雪夫分布 86
4.2 小型線性H平面藕合偶極天線陣列 93
4.2.1 線性1×2陣列的單元激勵場型和一階藕合法的補償矩陣 94
4.2.2 線性1×8陣列的單元激勵場型,藕合矩陣和補償矩陣 96
4.2.3 線性1×8陣列的的波束掃描和卻比雪夫分布 98
4.3 小型平面偶極天線陣列 104
4.3.1 平面2×2陣列的單元激勵場型和一階藕合法的補償矩陣 104
4.3.2 使用一階藕合法在2×2平面陣列的波束掃描 107
4.4 不同方法的效果比較 112
Chapter 5 結論與展望 117
5.1 結論 117
5.2 未來展望 118
5.3 問題討論 120
參考文獻 133
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