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研究生(外文):Yu Hao You
論文名稱(外文):Efficiency Analysis of the Atomic Splittable Games
指導教授(外文):Ho-Lin Chen
口試委員(外文):Hsueh-I LuHung-Yu WeiChiun-Chuan Chen
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在算法賽局中,主要會用奈許均衡與最佳解的比率,稱為 PoA (Price of Anarcy),用這個指標去衡量一個賽局的效率好壞。在過去的論文中,討論可分割賽局 PoA 的文獻有限,即使只限制在多項式的延遲,PoA上界也非常高。
在這篇論文中,主要聚焦在對稱式的可分割賽局。首先,我們討論對稱式的奈許均衡,於是我們新定義了一個衡量對稱均衡的指標,稱為 SymmPoA (Symmetric PoA),來表示對稱式均衡的不效率程度。我們給出了可分割賽局上指標 SymmPoA 的上界,以及在多項式延遲函數時,一個確切不變的上界,比起之前的 PoA 上界,有顯著的降低。此外,我們也討論在哪些條件下,SymmPoA 上界也是原本的 PoA 上界。
最後一小部分,則是將可分割賽局推廣至多分類賽局,使得每個資源的延遲對不同玩家的影響程度可以不同。例如在道路交通上,不同的壅塞程度,對汽車、機車的影響程度不同。我們給出一個多分類可分割賽局的 PoA 上界,並套用在一個簡單的線性優先的特例。
Congestion games are one of the most well-studied class of models in algorithmic game theory. In this paper, we study the atomic splittable congestion games. Our work mostly focuses on the case where the game is symmetric. First, we focus on the symmetric equilibria and define a new notion called symmetric price of anarchy to describe the inefficiency of such equilibria. We derive an upper-bound for the symmetric price or anarchy and analyze the upper-bound when the latency functions are polynomials with non-negative coefficients. We also prove that our upper-bound on the symmetric price of anarchy is also an upper-bound for the price of anarchy when some particular conditions are satisfied. Finally, we generalize the model to the multi-class, give an general PoA upper-bound and derive the upper-bound in linear-priority case.
誌謝 ii
摘要 iv
Abstract vi
List of Figures ix
List of Tables x
1 Introduction 1
2 Preliminaries 6
2.1 Models 6
2.1.1 Congestion Games 6
2.1.2 Atomic Splittable Ccongestion Games (ASG) 7
2.1.3 Multi-class Atomic Splittable Congestion Games (Multi-class ASG) 8
2.2 Some Useful Characteristics 10
3 Bounding for the Symmetric Single-Class Games 12
3.1 SymmPoA Bound 12
3.1.1 With General Latency Functions 13
3.1.2 With Monomial and Polynomial Latency Functions 17
3.2 From SymmPoA Bound to PoA Bound 23
4 Bounding for the General Single-class Games 29
5 Bounding for the Multi-Class Games 31
6 Conclusions and Future Works 36
Bibliography 38
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