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研究生(外文):LIN, YA-HUI
論文名稱(外文):Felt Light.An interpretation of felt art and light art
指導教授(外文):Wang, Ming-SheanShiau, Ming-Twen
口試委員(外文):LIOU, CHEN-CHOU
外文關鍵詞:Felt artWool paintingLight artFantasySoft sculpture
Facebook:Felt Garden地心花園
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This study explores the visual effects showcased via felt art and light art to present the beauty of wool painting and soft sculpture fantasy works. Light, mysterious and attractive, has the power to make characteristics and delicate feelings of wool stand out. This study aims to research on how light could penetrate through felt in different thicknesses and textures by conducting various analyses and experiments just to find that the felting technique “Nuno felt” which is to bond loose fiber (wool) into a sheer fabric could construct a fantasy world and atmosphere with light, transforming the traditional functionality of wool and metamorphosing the material into a type of modern fiber art. In this study, light and felt craft was combined to create the “Felt Garden in the Center of the Earth” felt artwork series, in which light is instrumental in facilitating wool painting and soft sculpture to build a “felt garden” at night. Various elements, such as felt and light installation, wool painting and soft sculpture are capable of guiding the viewers into an esthetic fantasy realm where emotional reactions and illusions will be experienced. Three main pieces in the study demonstrate different kinds of visual effects of felt and light art: “The Field of Felt Light”, “The Scenery of Felt Light”, and “The Forest in the Center of the Earth at Night”. “The Field of Felt Light” is an installation work made of several luminescent cylinders covered with all kinds of wool paintings to create different scenarios featuring human and objects, while “The Scenery of Felt Light” made by Nuno felting technique is to incorporate a variety of fiber materials and illuminating abstract felt artworks to present the imagination about a garden in the center of the earth. “The Forest in the Center of the Earth at Night” is a fantasy story on the forest of pupa and the light of the forest. Various forms, ways of expressions and presentations of felt and light art have been examined in this study, and carried out in the “Felt Light” exhibition.
謝誌 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
目錄 IV
第一章 緒論1
1-1 創作背景動機與目的 1
1-1-1 創作背景2
1-1-2 創作動機7
1-1-3 創作目的8
1-2 創作架構與流程10
1-3 創作內容與方法11
1-4 創作範圍與限制12
1-5 名詞釋義13
第二章 學理基礎15
2-1 羊毛氈工藝15
2-1-1 羊毛氈的歷史15
2-1-2 羊毛氈的藝術特性18
2-1-3 羊毛氈的表現形式28
2-1-4 羊毛氈繪畫33
2-1-5 羊毛氈奇幻造形34
2-2 光的相關文獻35
2-2-1 光藝術36
2-2-2 透光性媒材應用41
2-2-3 羊毛氈燈44
第三章 創作理念與形式技法47
3-1 創作理念48
3-1-1 繪畫的情感性48
3-1-2 光與幻覺性49
3-1-3 形上的幻影50
3-2 創作形式51
3-2-1 氈光場域裝置54
3-2-2 纖維風景繪畫55
3-2-3 地心夜森林軟雕塑57
3-3 創作技法62
3-3-1 氈化透光實驗 63
3-3-2 非氈化透光實驗76
第四章 作品解說83
4-1 氈光場域88
4-1-1 創作概念90
4-1-2 作品說明91
4-1-3 差異分析99
4-2 纖維風景101
4-2-1 創作概念102
4-2-2 作品說明106
4-2-3 差異分析118
4-3 地心夜森林120
4-3-1 森之光123
4-3-2 蛹之森125
4-3-3 差異分析129
4-4 展覽問卷分析131
4-4-1 系列分析133
4-4-2 綜合分析139
第五章 結論與展望 143
5-1 結論143
5-2 未來展望145
參考文獻 147
附錄一 、氈光展覽 155
附錄二 、「青春Blessing」畢業季精選展165
附錄三 、技法流程 169
附錄四 、系列創作流程 172

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