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研究生(外文):Bi, Wei
論文名稱(外文):Designing an Innovative Service Model for Featured Towns--A Case Study of Gaolingongshan Eco-Tea
指導教授(外文):Lin, Rung-taiLin, Po-Hsien
口試委員(外文):Wang, Ming-xianLin, Han-yuZhang, Shu-hua
外文關鍵詞:Characteristic TownsExperimental MarketingInnovative Service DesignAesthetic Economy
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正是由於特色小鎮強調的是以圍繞國家新興戰略產業培育為核心要素, 因此,特色小鎮並不能簡單地理解為一次房地產運動,準確地說應該是一次以創新產業為核心的運動,鼓勵產業人員投身到特色小鎮的創建中去,結合自身對於產業的理解,建立一個產業集聚高地的特色小鎮,並培育出一個具有獨特競爭力的創新經濟體。
The development of new characteristic towns has lasted only a few years, they have made remarkable achievements in economic and cultural development, though. How to promote the transformation and upgrading of the characteristic towns economy has become a new topic. It has been gradually found that the involvement of innovative service design makes the characteristics of creative industries and the characteristics of characteristic towns have a close integration relationship while in operation. It promotes each others development, having a higher theoretical guiding significance for industrial transformation and upgrading, creating creative life industries, local characteristic industries, livable and industrial new characteristic towns.
Nevertheless, we need to find their own characteristics of small town development model in Chinas current national conditions. This paper studies the relationship between the characteristics of innovative service design and the characteristics of characteristic towns, explores the new path of development and innovation of characteristic towns, takes customer experience as the core, creates a life industry with "deep experience" and "high-quality aesthetic feeling" through "products", "services", "activities" and "fields", and forms differentiation and uniqueness. Combined with the theoretical knowledge of cultural creativity and art management, this paper applies it to the actual project of Tengchong characteristic town in Yunnan Province, and tries to explore the context of integration of creative industry with the industrial characteristics of characteristic town so as to solve the problem of industrial innovation service design in the operation of characteristic towns.
It is precisely because Characteristic Towns emphasize the core elements around the cultivation of national emerging strategic industries that characteristic towns can not be simply understood as a real estate movement but the very movement with industry as the core, encouraging industrial personnel to participate in the creation of characteristic towns, combining the understandings with their own industry, thereby building a characteristic town of industrial agglomeration highland and cultivating a new economy with unique competitiveness.
Therefore, by integrating the concepts and values put forward by scholars and experts in the field of experience and innovative service design in recent years, this study constructs a sensory experience model of innovative service design. Throughout the case of Gaoligong Mountain Eco-tea in Tengchong, Yunnan Province, this study explores how to use "sensory field", "sensory experience" and "sensory products" to strengthen and deeply cultivate consumers affection. Taking its service, product and space design as a case study, we get to understand the reasons for its innovative service design and explore how to shape the elements of innovative service design. Based on the process of moving experience, this paper simulates how to transform intangible experience into tangible creative commodities, explores the key elements of creative life industry services in characteristic towns, and puts forward strategies and practices for innovative service design of creative life industry in characteristic towns. Suggestions for the development of creative life industry model in the characteristic towns of Tengchong City, Yunnan Province have been put forward, and we hope to improve the competitiveness of the industries and enterprises by sensory experience.
謝 誌 I
摘 要 III
Abstract V
目 錄 VIII
圖 目 錄 XII
表 目 錄 XIV
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 3
1.2 研究目的與預期成果 5
1.2.1研究目的 5
1.2.2 預期的貢獻 7
1.3 研究重要性 7
1.4 研究架構與流程 9
1.4.1研究架構 9
1.4.2 執行流程 10
1.5 研究對象與限制 11
1.5.1 研究對象 11
1.5.2 研究限制 12
第二章 文獻探討 13
2.1 特色小鎮 13
2.1.1 特色小鎮的內涵 13
2.1.2 體驗特色小鎮經驗 14
2.1.3 創意特色小鎮的特徵 15
2.2 體驗行銷 19
2.2.1 體驗的內涵 19
2.2.2 體驗行銷 21
2.3 創新服務設計 22
2.3.1 感性場域 25
2.3.2 感動體驗 26
2.3.3 感質商品 27
2.3.4 創新服務設計評量法則 28
2.4 國家政策研究 31
2.4.1 國家政策總論 31
2.4.2 特色小鎮政策回顧 32
第三章 研究方法 37
3.1 個案研究 37
3.2 參與觀察 39
3.3 資料分析 40
3.4 研究架構建立 40
第四章 高黎貢山生態茶小鎮個案研究設計 45
4.1 高黎貢山生態茶文化探討 45
4.1.1 茶文化的傳承 45
4.1.2 高黎貢山生態茶文化的歷史 46
4.2 高黎貢山生態茶產業探討 48
4.3 個案研究分析 52
4.3.1 SWOT分析 52
4.3.2 SWOT交叉分析 59
4.4 個案主題設計 61
4.4.1 品貢荼,追憶茶馬古道 62
4.4.2 敘鄉情,感受鄰里熱忱 65
4.4.3 享和樂,攜成天倫之美 65
4.4.4 遊小鎮,領略絲路文化 67
4.4.5 謀福祉,暢遊五福佳園 68
4.4.6 揮鄉愁,歡饗舌尖美食 69
4.4.7 慢生活,參悟茶道意境 71
4.5 小結 73
第五章 高黎貢山生態茶小鎮創新服務設計模型研討與分析 74
5.1 「文心匠意」構建高黎貢山生態茶小鎮核心理念 74
5.1.1 「田園城市」:理想的城市發展觀 75
5.1.2 「根孝靜合」:樸素的空間設計觀 77
5.1.3 「安民善政」:務實的小鎮建設觀 79
5.1.4 「以人為本」:核心的建設價值觀 82
5.1.5 「創意產業」:積極的產業發展觀 83
5.1.6 「宜業宜居」:精明的小鎮營造觀 86
5.1.7 「保持鄉土」:淳樸的人居鄉土觀 87
5.1.8 「工匠精神」:執著的商品傳承觀 89
5.1.9 「一等平臺」:宏闊的平臺大局觀 91
5.2 「安民佈局」高黎貢山生態茶小鎮的創新服務設計 92
5.2.1 創新服務設計規劃理念概述 92
5.2.2 創新服務設計整體規劃立意 96
5.2.3 感性空間規劃設計 96
5.2.4 感動體驗佈局設計 106
5.2.5 感質商品策划設計 110
5.3「實施建構」高黎貢山生態茶小鎮的品牌運營模式 115
5.3.1 高黎貢山生態茶小鎮運營機制及運營模式 115
5.3.2 高黎貢山生態茶小鎮項目及品牌宣傳推廣 118
5.3.3小結 120
5.4 高黎貢山生態茶小鎮的整體設計模式建構策略 122
5.4.1 高黎貢山生態茶小鎮的整體策路 122
5.4.2 高黎貢山生態茶產業發展的策略 126
5.4.3 旅遊餐飲業及鏈接產業發展策略 130
第六章 結論和建議 139
6.1 高黎貢山特色小鎮創新服務設計結論 139
6.2 高黎貢山特色小鎮創新服務設計建議 142
6.2.1 推動一鄉一品的感質商品化 143
6.2.2 塑造創意生活產業亮點模式 146
6.2.3 擴散特色小鎮品牌影響效果 147
6.2.4 建構特色茶葉小鎮發展模式 149
參考文獻 153
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