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研究生:Praveen Vijaya Raj Pushpa Raj
研究生(外文):Praveen Vijaya Raj Pushpa Raj
論文名稱(外文):Inventory Models for Product Substitution under Panic Buying Behavior
指導教授(外文):Yu-Chung Tsao
口試委員:Yu-Chung TsaoKung-Jeng WangVincent F. YuShi-Woei LinYi-Kuei LinKuo-Wei SuTsung-Hui Chen
口試委員(外文):Yu-Chung TsaoKung-Jeng WangVincent F. YuShi-Woei LinYi-Kuei LinKuo-Wei SuTsung-Hui Chen
外文關鍵詞:inventory managementpanic buyingproduct substitutioncustomer segmentationmixed-integer programming
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在消費者的搶購狀況之下,以實際可用的產品去滿足這些需求是一個複雜的問題。而在現實情況中,大多數的零售商或是消費者在面臨搶購的狀況是能接受替代產品的。本研究考慮的模型具兩個時段,且考慮由公司帶動與消費者帶動的產品替代性情況。於所提出的模型中,搶購的消費行為發生在第一個時間區段,而供應的中斷則是發生在第二個時間區段。 在本文中我們討論三個問題。1. 為了讓批發商的利潤最大化,零售商被劃分為高指數(高價值)與低指數(低價值)顧客。在滿足低指數顧客的需求之前,批發商會先試圖滿足高指數客戶的搶購消費行為。此外,我們也考量一品牌公司生產多種產品下所帶動的替代產品狀況。2. 考量到顧客區隔與搶購行為時,我們考慮在公司帶動下不同的重量與品牌所產生的產品替代性情況且同時滿足批發商利潤最大化。3. 為了最大化零售商的利潤,我們考慮在消費者帶動下不同的重量與品牌所產生的產品替代性情況,並且考慮同時搶購消費行為與貨架的空間容量。針對各個問題,決策包括訂單和替代數量,以便在供應鏈中提供更好的分配。我們亦研究供應中斷的程度與搶購率對利潤和決策的影響,以獲得相關的管理意涵。最後,我們也進行具產品替代性與不具產品替代性的模型比較。
Under conditions of consumer panic buying, satisfying demand with the available products is a complex problem. In reality, most retailers/customers accept alternative products during panic situations. This study considers the case of firm-driven and customer driven substitution of products over two time-periods. In the proposed model, panic behavior emerged in the first time-period and interruption in supply occurred in the second time period.
In this dissertation, we discussed three problems. 1) To maximize the wholesaler’s total profit the retailers are segmented into the high (valuable) and low indexed (less valuable) customers. Before meeting the demand of low-index customers, wholesalers attempt to satiate high-index customer’s panic buying behavior. Also, we consider firm driven product substitution for a single brand with multiple products. 2) To maximize the wholesaler profit, we consider firm driven product substitution in different weights and brands considering customer segmentation and panic buying behavior. 3) To maximize the retailer profit, we consider brand and weight based customer-driven product substitution considering panic buying and shelf space capacity. For each problem, the decisions are to determine the order and substitution quantities to provide better distribution in the supply chain. To gain managerial insights, we also examined the influence of both the degree of interruption in supply and panic rate on profits and decisions. Finally, we compare the models with and without substitution.
摘要.................................................................................................................................................. I
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................... I I
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................................................... I I I
TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................................. IV
LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................... V I I
LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................................... X
LIST OF ABBREVIATION ...................................................................................................... X I I
CHAPTER 1 ................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Background and Motivation ............................................................................................. 1
1.2. Research Objective ........................................................................................................... 3
1.3. Organization of Dissertation ............................................................................................. 4
CHAPTER 2 ................................................................................................................................... 6
LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................... 6
2.1. Panic buying and customer segmentation .............................................................................. 6
2.2. Product substitution ............................................................................................................. 7
CHAPTER 3 ................................................................................................................................. 10
................................................................................................................. 10
3.1. Problem definition and mathematical model .................................................................. 10
3.2. Numerical example ......................................................................................................... 16
3.3. Experimental Analysis .................................................................................................... 19
3.3.1. Impact of variation in interruption in supply …………...………………………19 Impact on total profit ………………………………………………………….20 Impact on percent of customer satisfaction obtained in HIS ………………….20 Impact on percentage of overall customer satisfaction obtained in retailers …21 Impact on inventory …………………………………………………………...22
3.3.2. Impact in constant interruption in supply for all products………………………23 3.3.3. Impact of variation in Rate of panic …………………………………………….24 Impact on total profit ………………………………………………………….24 Impact on percent of customer satisfaction obtained in high-index retailers .... 25 Impact on percentage of overall customer satisfaction obtained in retailers …26 Impact on inventory …………………………………………………………..27
3.4. Impact of price change ................................................................................................... 28
3.4.1. Impact on total profit ……………………………………………………………28
3.4.2 Impact on percent of customer satisfaction obtained in high-index retailers……28 . 3.4.3. Impact on percentage of overall customer satisfaction obtained in retailers …..30 3.4.4. Impact on inventory ……………………………………………………………...31
CHAPTER 4 ................................................................................................................................. 33
... 33
4.1. Problem definition and mathematical model .................................................................. 33
4.2. Numerical example ......................................................................................................... 40
4.3. Numerical Analysis ........................................................................................................ 45
4.3.1. Instance 1 ............................................................................................................. 46 Influence on profit .............................................................................................. 46 Impact on the service level in high indexed stores ............................................. 47 Influence on the overall service level in stores ................................................. 47 Influence on inventory ....................................................................................... 48
4.3.2. Instance 2 ............................................................................................................. 49 Influence on profit .............................................................................................. 50 Impact on the service level in high indexed stores ............................................. 50 Influence on the overall service level in stores ................................................. 51 Influence on inventory ....................................................................................... 52
4.3.3. Instance 3 ............................................................................................................. 53 Influence on profit .............................................................................................. 54 Influence on the overall service level in stores ................................................. 54 Influence on inventory ....................................................................................... 55
4.4. Impact of price change ................................................................................................... 56
4.4.1. Influence on profit ................................................................................................ 57
4.4.2. Influence on the overall service level in stores .................................................... 57
4.4.3. Influence on inventory .......................................................................................... 58
CHAPTER 5 ................................................................................................................................. 60
5.1. Problem Definition and Mathematical Model ................................................................ 60
5.2. Numerical example ......................................................................................................... 64
5.3. Numerical Analysis ........................................................................................................ 66
5.3.1. Instance 1 ............................................................................................................. 67 Influence on profit .............................................................................................. 67 Influence on inventory ........................................................................................ 67 Influence on additional units ............................................................................. 68
5.3.2. Instance 2 ............................................................................................................. 70 Influence on profit .............................................................................................. 70 Influence on inventory ........................................................................................ 70 Influence on additional units ............................................................................. 71
CHAPTER 6 ................................................................................................................................. 73
CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCH .......................................................................... 73
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 75
COMPLETE LIST OF PUBLICATION ...................................................................................... 79
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