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研究生:Arimba Adi Wijaya
研究生(外文):Arimba Adi Wijaya
論文名稱(外文):Comparative Study of Production Scheduling Performance on Production Systems Modeled for Industry 4.0 Environment
指導教授(外文):Shuo-Yan Chou
口試委員(外文):Po-Hsun KuoVincent F. Yu
中文關鍵詞:APSProduction Planning and SchedulingPhysical System ModelIndustry 4.0
外文關鍵詞:APSProduction Planning and SchedulingPhysical System ModelIndustry 4.0
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One of the tools to deal with the complexity in manufacturing planning problem is Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS). Many implementations of APS in the real world are stopped due to the solution’s infeasibility. One of the causes is the inaccurate physical system model: the machine’s behavior. Most of the study tend to simplify it. No matter how good the solution is, it will not work if it is built on a wrong physical system model. Since modelling the machine detailedly takes effort and cost and the model that tends to be simplified leads to an infeasible solution. This study presents what shop floor’s condition it is mandatory to model the detailed machine’s behavior as the detailed one in generating the APS’s solution. To adapt to the industry 4.0 challenge, the case study on the industry 4.0 shop floor and the known machine’s error in real time are applied. This study shows that it is important to model the detailed machine detailedly. It is because there is a significant difference on the customer order’s makespan when the detailed machine is modeled as the detailed one rather than as the simplified one. This phenomenon is affected by the machine or process before-after and the characteristic of the modelled machine itself.
One of the tools to deal with the complexity in manufacturing planning problem is Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS). Many implementations of APS in the real world are stopped due to the solution’s infeasibility. One of the causes is the inaccurate physical system model: the machine’s behavior. Most of the study tend to simplify it. No matter how good the solution is, it will not work if it is built on a wrong physical system model. Since modelling the machine detailedly takes effort and cost and the model that tends to be simplified leads to an infeasible solution. This study presents what shop floor’s condition it is mandatory to model the detailed machine’s behavior as the detailed one in generating the APS’s solution. To adapt to the industry 4.0 challenge, the case study on the industry 4.0 shop floor and the known machine’s error in real time are applied. This study shows that it is important to model the detailed machine detailedly. It is because there is a significant difference on the customer order’s makespan when the detailed machine is modeled as the detailed one rather than as the simplified one. This phenomenon is affected by the machine or process before-after and the characteristic of the modelled machine itself.
1.1. Background 1
1.2. Problem Definition 2
1.3. Research Objective 2
1.4. Research Scope and Limitation 2
1.5. Organization of Thesis 3
2.1. Advanced Planning & Scheduling (APS) 4
2.1.1. History 4
2.1.2. Definition 5
2.1.3. Concept 6
2.1.4. Component 8
2.2. Industry 4.0 Environment 10
2.2.1. History 10
2.2.2. Concept 10
2.2.3. Industry 4.0-APS 11
2.3. Research Gap 12
3.1. Subject and Object 14
3.2. Assumption 15
3.3. General Study Framework 16
3.3.1. Initial Scheduling Generation Stage 17
3.3.2. Resource Modelling Examination Stage 17
3.3.3. Simulation Model Verification and Validation 20
4.1. Initial Scheduling Generation 21
4.2. Simulation-case Generation 22
4.3. Examination Results: Discrete Batch 23
4.3.1. Working capacity 23
4.3.2. Processing time 23
4.3.3. Setup time 25
4.3.4. Transfer time 26
4.4. Examination Results: Continuous 27
4.4.1. Working capacity 27
4.4.2. Processing time 28
4.4.3. Setup time 29
4.4.4. Transfer time 30
4.5. Examination Results: Unpauseable with Full Break Time (UFBT) 31
4.5.1. Cycle time 31
4.5.2. Setup time 32
4.5.3. Transfer time 33
4.6. Examination Results: Unpauseable with Partial Break Time (UPBT) 34
4.6.1. Cycle time 34
4.6.2. Setup time 35
4.6.3. Transfer time 36
4.7. The Conditions 37
4.8. The Conditions Validity towards Uncertainty 38
5.1. Conclusion 39
5.2. Future Research 39
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