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研究生(外文):Shao-Huai Bai
論文名稱:還原氧化石墨烯/超奈米鑽石與泡沫鎳複合結構之 擬電容特性分析
論文名稱(外文):Reduced Graphene Oxide /N2 incorporated Ultra-Nano-Crystalline-Diamond on Nickel Foam for Pseudo-capacitors studies
指導教授(外文):Bohr-Ran Huang
口試委員(外文):Shyankay Jou
外文關鍵詞:Nickel foamReduced graphene oxideUltrananocrystalline diamondpseudo-capacitance
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擁有不同晶粒尺寸與成膜性質,使用1M NaOH 水溶液做為電解質,可以得知成
化石墨烯溶液經拉曼光譜儀分析擁有不同缺陷程度,得知成長7.5 小時之還原氧
值為408 F/g。
最後綜合將成長7.5 小時的還原氧化石墨烯與成長六分鐘的超奈米鑽石做複
達875 F/g,而經由充放電測試後,其整體圖形接近對稱等腰三角形,說明其具
有良好的電化學可逆性;經過1000 圈循環伏安測試後,其電容還維持在88%,
In this study, we used microwave systems to deposit ultra-nano diamonds on
nickel foam substrates. In addition, we use reduced graphene oxide to increase the
characteristics of pseudo-capacitors. This study is divided into two parts. The first part
is mainly to discuss the quality of ultra-nanocrystalline diamond, which was grown by
microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (MPECVD) at different time
durations. And also focused on the preparation of glucose derived reduced graphene
oxide grown for different time durations at 200 ºC. We focus on the fabrication of
pseudo-capacitor using nanosized diamond material with glucose derived reduced
graphene oxide. The second part illustrates the oxygen plasma treatment on the
surface ultra-nanocrystalline diamond, and in addition with the reduced graphene
oxide solution. We explored the analysis of its pseudo-capacitance properties and
analyzed the physical and electrical properties separately.
According to the results, the nano-diamonds with different growth time have
different grain size and film-forming properties by field emission scanning electron
microscopy (FESEM). We used 1M NaOH aqueous solution as electrolyte, and it was
observed that the 6-minute growth of the ultra-nanocrystalline diamond has a larger
specific surface area than the structure after the film formation (i.e a film grown for
10 to 12 min). It possessed a highest specific capacitance of 163.3 F/g at a scan rate of
10 mV/s. Finally, we fabricate the materials using rGO-7.5hr/N-UNCD-6min for high
performance pseudo-capacitors. It has a capacitance value 875 F/g at a scan rate of 10
mV/s, and also has good cycle stability with capacitance retention of 88% after 1000
cycles. It also exhibited an outstanding electrochemical stability, and can be one of the
promising active materials in pseudo-capacitor applications.
圖目錄........................................................................................................................ XI
表目錄...................................................................................................................... XII
1.1 前言.................................................................................................................1
1.2 研究動機.........................................................................................................2
2.1 鑽石薄膜之特性簡介......................................................................................3
2.1.1 鑽石薄膜基本結構及性質...................................................................3
2.1.2 結晶鑽石成長機制..............................................................................4
2.1.3 鑽石成長結晶尺寸...............................................................................5
2.2 還原氧化石墨烯的特性簡介.........................................................................7
2.2.1 還原氧化石墨烯的結構與性質...........................................................7
2.2.2 還原氧化石墨烯製備方法...................................................................9
2.3 超級電容器機制與種類............................................................................... 11
2.4 電化學分析法................................................................................................15
2.5 葡萄糖感測器................................................................................................16
2.5.1 葡萄糖感測發展世代.........................................................................16
2.5.2 葡萄糖感測器之檢測方式.................................................................18
3.1 實驗設計與流程...........................................................................................19
3.2 製備之材料介紹...........................................................................................22
3.3 基板清洗.......................................................................................................23
3.4 微波電漿化學氣相沉積法成長奈米結晶鑽石...........................................24
3.5 水熱法(Hydrothermal method)成長還原氧化石墨烯.................................26
3.6 儀器設備與材料分析方法...........................................................................27
3.6.1 場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡(FE-SEM) .............................................27
3.6.2 拉曼光譜儀(Raman spectrum) ........................................................28
3.6.3 X 射線繞射儀(X-ray diffraction,XRD) ........................................29
3.6.4 電化學分析儀(Electrochemical Workstation) ..................................31
3.8 葡萄糖感測器試片封裝及循環伏安法表面改質........................................34
3.8.1 葡萄糖試片封裝................................................................................34
3.8.2 葡萄糖感測器表面改質....................................................................35
4.1 超奈米鑽石之特性分析..................................................................................36
4.1.1 表面型態分析....................................................................................36
4.1.2 拉曼光譜儀分析................................................................................38
4.1.3 X-ray 繞射儀分析..............................................................................39
4.1.4 循環伏安法分析................................................................................41
4.1.5 電化學阻抗測試................................................................................47
4.2 還原氧化石墨烯/超奈米鑽石與泡沫鎳複合結構之特性分析....................48
4.2.1 表面型態分析....................................................................................48
4.2.2 拉曼光譜儀分析................................................................................51
4.2.3 X-ray 繞射儀分析..............................................................................55
4.2.4 循環伏安法分析................................................................................58
4.2.5 電化學阻抗測試................................................................................68
4.2.6 恆電流充放電分析............................................................................69
5.1 超奈米鑽石與泡沫鎳結構之特性分析.......................................................74
5.1.1 表面型態分析....................................................................................74
5.1.2 超奈米鑽石與泡沫鎳之葡萄糖量測電化學分析............................76
5.1.2 表面改質............................................................................................76
5.1.3 循環伏安法分析................................................................................76
5.1.4 定電位沉積分析法..........................................................................77
5.2 超奈米鑽石與泡沫鎳結構之氧電漿後處理葡萄糖量測電化學分析.......80
5.2.1 表面型態分析....................................................................................80
5.2.2 超奈米鑽石與泡沫鎳結構之氧電漿後處理葡萄糖量測分析........84
5.2.1 表面改質............................................................................................84
5.2.2 循環伏安法分析................................................................................84
5.2.3 定電位沉積分析法..........................................................................85
5.3 超奈米鑽石與泡沫鎳結構之氧電漿後處理擬電容感測分析...................94
5.4 還原氧化石墨烯(7.5hr)/超奈米鑽石與泡沫鎳之氧電漿後處理擬電容感
6.1 結論.............................................................................................................107
6.2 未來展望..................................................................................................... 111
參考文獻................................................................................................................. 112
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