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研究生(外文):Yu-Sheng Chien
論文名稱(外文):FPGA Implementation and Design of A hybrid Chaos-AES Color Image Encryption Algorithm
指導教授(外文):Cheng-Hsiung Yang
口試委員(外文):Hung-Fei KuoYong-lin KuoWu, Chang-Hsi
外文關鍵詞:Four-dimensional chaotic systemImage encryptionS-BoxSortFPGA
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在本論文中,我們設計一種基於四維混沌系統生成金鑰及改進進階加密標準的影像加密演算法,並以Altera FPGA DE10-Standard實現整個加密與傳輸系統,利用FPGA的流水線與平行運算特性對其演算法優化。
In this thesis, we design an image encryption algorithm based on four-dimensional chaotic system to generate key and improve advanced encryption standard, and implement the encryption and transmission system with Altera FPGA DE10-Standard. The encryption algorithm is optimized by using the pipeline and parallel computing features of FPGA.
First, the phase portraits analysis, equilibrium point analysis and Lyapunov exponent are used to verify the characteristics of the chaotic system. The verified chaotic system is used as a key generator for the encryption algorithm. In the improved advanced encryption standard, ShiftRows and SubByres are modified with Spin-Sort and Cubic S-Box, and the round of encryption is reduced. Next, we implement the encryption algorithm and the wired image transmission system to the ARM-based SoC-FPGA. The HPS software runs on Linux and is used to control the FPGA encryption algorithm and image transmission. After complete image encryption, use Socket to transmit to the receive side. Then decrypt the image and display it instantly through the VGA port.
In the analysis of cryptographic security, we perform histogram analysis, correlation coefficient analysis, difference analysis and entropy analysis. The entropy analysis includes global and local. The results from the encryption security analysis show that the proposed image encryption algorithm is safe and effective.
摘要 i
Abstract iii
誌謝 iiiii
List of Figure vii
List of Table xii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation and Objectives 1
1.3 Literature Review 2
1.4 Outline 3
Chapter 2 Design Encryption Algorithm 5
2.1 Chaotic System 5
2.1.1 Description of the system 5
2.1.2 Phase Portraits 5
2.1.3 Equilibrium Analysis 7
2.1.4 Lyapunov Exponent Analysis 9
2.2 Fundamental Principles of AES 12
2.3 Fundamental Principles of breadth-first search 14
2.4 Fundamental of Cubic S-box 17
2.5 Key Generator Design 20
2.6 Purpose of new chaotic encryption algorithm 21
2.6.1 AddRoundKey 21
2.6.2 Cubic S-Box replace SubBytes 25
2.6.3 Spin-Sort replace ShiftRows 25
2.6.4 MixColumns 29
2.6.5 Diversion of pixel 31
2.7 Process of decryption algorithm 32
2.6.1 Inverse Cubic S-Box 32
2.6.2 Inverse Spin-Sort 33
2.6.1 Inverse MixColumns 34
2.8 Flow chart of encryption and decryption 35
Chapter 3 FPGA Implementation 38
3.1 Development environment 38
3.1.1 FPGA 38
3.1.2 DE10-Standard 39
3.1.3 Intel Quartus Prime 40
3.1.4 SignalTap II Logic Analyzer 41
3.2 Euler's method for FPGA chaotic system implementation 42
3.2.1 IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic 42
3.2.2 Chaos System Discretization 43
3.2.3 Chaotic Generator Implementation 43
3.2.4 Chaotic Generator Verification 47
3.3 HPS and Communication 50
3.3.1 Internal communication between HPS and FPGA 50
3.3.2 Wired communication between two DE10-Standard boards 52
3.4 Encryption System Hardware Implementation 54
3.4.1 SDRAM access 54
3.4.2 Encryption system 56
3.5 Demonstration 58
Chapter 4 Security Analysis 61
4.1 Histogram Analysis 61
4.2 Correlation Analysis 66
4.3 Differential Attack Analysis 82
4.4 Information Entropy Analysis 85
Chapter 5 Conclusion 88
5.1 Conclusion 88
5.2 Future Work 89
Reference 90
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