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研究生(外文):Grace Amelia Gunawan
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Characteristics of Natural Light in Sainte-Marie de La Tourette
指導教授(外文):Chih-Ming Shih
口試委員:林家暉Tiago Costa蔡欣君
口試委員(外文):Francis Chia-Hui LinTiago CostaLucky Shin-Jyun Tsaih
外文關鍵詞:Natural lightNatural light characteristicNatural lighting simulationLa Tourette Monastery
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建築與光線之間是不可分割,並且相互影響的。在現代建築大師勒柯布西耶(Le Corbusier)的作品當中,經常可以看到自然採光佔了一個舉足輕重的角色,其中最著名的一件作品就是位於法國里昂的拉圖雷特修道院。雖然目前關於該修道院自然採光的研究不勝枚舉,但大多僅限於其教堂空間的部分。

本研究意圖針對該修道院的起居空間作討論,以Millet Marietta S. 的著作《Light Revealing Architecture》為研究基礎,透過數位模擬的方式來探討其自然採光的特徵。本研究選擇其中七個項目進行檢討,包含演講廳、餐廳、單人房、單人房的走廊、走道、東側坡道以及北側坡道。

Architecture and light are inseparable and influence each other. Natural light is an important part in architecture and often used by Le Corbusier in his works. One of his popular works is Sainte-Marie de La Tourette Monastery. Many researches have been conducted about natural light in this monastery but mostly limited on church part only.

This research aims to discuss about natural light in monastery part by making simulation and to identify the light characteristics based on “Light Revealing Architecture”. Seven parts are chosen to be examined, which are oratory, refectory, cells, cell’s corridor, corridor, east ramp, and north ramp.

It is shown that this monastery has diverse exploration of natural light inside the building. Its layout plan makes it able to receive maximal light from many directions and times. There is a unity in arranging rooms layout, apertures shape, and activities inside. The natural light characteristics of seven rooms in the monastery have their own characteristics based on their functions, supported by aperture’s form, material, and orientation.

It is hoped that this study will provide a better understanding of natural light characteristics in the monastery and natural light exploration in architecture.
Abstract ii
Acknowledgement iii
Content iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables ix
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Literature Review 5
2.1. Further Study of Sainte-Marie de La Tourette Church Research 5
2.2. Light Revealing Architecture 9
2.2.1. Light Revealing Experience 10
2.2.2. Light Revealing Form 13
2.2.3. Light Revealing Space 17
2.2.4. Light Revealing Meaning 20
Chapter 3 Research Methodology 24
3.1. General Information of Sainte-Marie de La Tourette Monastery 24
3.1.1. Oratory 29
3.1.2. Refectory 31
3.1.3. Cells 34
3.1.4. Cell’s Corridor 37
3.1.5. Corridor 40
3.1.6. North Ramp 42
3.1.7. East Ramp 44
Chapter 4 Analysis 46
4.1. Openings and Simulation of Natural Light in La Tourette Monastery 46
4.1.1. Oratory 50
4.1.2. Refectory 51
4.1.3. Cells 53
4.1.4. Cell’s Corridor 55
4.1.5. Corridor 58
4.1.6. North Ramp 58
4.1.7. East Ramp 58
4.2. Light Revealing Architecture 62
4.2.1. Oratory 62
4.2.2. Refectory 62
4.2.3. Cells 63
4.2.4. Cell’s Corridor 65
4.2.5. Corridor, North Ramp, and East Ramp 65
Chapter 5 Conclusion 67
5.1. Conclusion 67
5.2. Future Studies 70
Reference 71
L. Michel, "Light: The Shape of Space," New York, John Willey & Sons Inc., 1996.

L. Edwards and P. Torcellini, "A Litterature Review of the Effects of Natural Light on Building Occupants," National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, 2002.

F. G. and A. K., Daylighting Offers Great Opportunities, Window & Door Specifier-Design Lab, 1994, pp. 40-43.

M. S. Millet, "Light Revealing Architecture," New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1996, p. 3.

D. Walker, "Plastic Happenings: The Visual-Spatial Characteristics of the Church of the Monastery La Tourette," Architectural Research Quarterly, vol. 20, no. 2, p. 159, 2016.

S. P. Honggowidjaja, "Pengaruh Signifikan Tata Cahaya Pada Desain Interior," Dimensi Interior, vol. 1, p. 3, June 2003.

C. N. Schulz, "Architecture: Meaning and Place," New York, Electa/Rizzoli, 1988, p. 201.

A. Phull, "Designlines," Designlines Magazine, 12 November 2018. [Online]. Available: www.designlinesmagazine.com/batay-csorba-architects-parkdale. [Accessed 20 June 2019].

E. Souza, "ArchDaily," 15 December 2010. [Online]. Available: https://www.archdaily.com/96824/ad-classics-convent-of-la-tourette-le-corbuiser. [Accessed 5 April 2019].

E. Limpantoudis, "Contradiction in the Making of a Sacred Monolith," p. 6, 25 May 2006.
"Couvent de la Tourette," [Online]. Available: https://www.couventdelatourette.fr/the-community.html. [Accessed 31 May 2019].

"Gaisma," [Online]. Available: www.gaisma.com . [Accessed 26 October 2018].

K. Klinkhammer, "Ineffable space: Le Corbusier’s colour schemes for the Monastery Sainte Marie de la Tourette," Structural Repairs and Maintenance of Heritage Architecture XII, vol. 118, p. 121, 2011.

M. Millais, Le Corbusier, the Dishonest Architect, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018, p. 207.

Time and Date, [Online]. Available: https://www.timeanddate.com/calendar/seasons.html?n=333. [Accessed 31 May 2019].

"Location Chelmsford," [Online]. Available: http://locationchelmsford.co.uk/blog/when-buying-a-house-find-out-about-the-aspect/. [Accessed 3 March 2019].

"Couvent de la Tourette," [Online]. Available: http://www.couventdelatourette.fr/visiting-us/religious-services.html. [Accessed 3 November 2018].
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