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論文名稱:台灣華語流行音樂圈合作網絡分析: 以1980、1990、2000年代為例
論文名稱(外文):Collaborative Network Analysis of Mandopop Community: An Example of 1980s, 1990s, 2000s
指導教授(外文):HSIU-CHING HO
外文關鍵詞:Taiwan pop musicCooperation networkSocial network analysisSocial capitalLinear regression analysis
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研究結果分為兩個部分,在網絡分析的結果顯示這三十年隨著時間推移,演唱者轉換唱片公司的次數也逐漸增加,在90年代達到最盛,同時小型唱片公司與單一歌手合作的形式也愈來愈多。在產出歌曲的部分,集中在多產作曲者 (產出曲數排名前十) 的現象有逐漸下降的趨勢,但作詞方面仍集中在多產的作詞者身上,以90年代最為集中。在演唱者與詞曲創作者合作連結的部分,隨著年代往後,合作的情形皆逐漸鬆散,代表演唱者逐漸開始嘗試與不同的詞曲創作者合作。
Looking back the development of pop music in Taiwan, it was developed 1930s. As the times continue to evolve, Chinese pop music is also influenced by various elements, presenting its mainstream in different periods. Since the 1980s, Mandopop was beginning to develop. In the 1990s, the internationalization of Taiwan music industry produced a lot of new elements. By the 2000s, pop music became mature and diverse. So based on the historical background of Mandopop, these three periods were selected. During the periods, we explored the diversified development process of the popular music industry, and the network of singers and pop music creators.
In the past, some scholars used the concept of social network and social capital to make research and analysis related to the music industry. For example, some scholars used the concept of social network to explain the different stages of creativity in the music industry, and also analyzed the data of music theater, to show the small world network relationship between art performers. In addition, social capital exists in the relationship of resources, and leads to the development of progress, so some scholars exploring the correlation between team cooperation and performance, or the relationship between the social capital owned by musicians and his economic achievements. Therefore, this study collected the data of Mandopop songs from 1980 to 2009, using social network analysis methods to construct the network of Mandopop, and to explore the changes in the network structure across time. And then use the linear regression analysis method to find out the factors affecting the singers’ musical performance, that represents the influence of the social capital owned by the singers on their achievement.
The results are divided into two parts. The network analysis show that in this 30 years, the situation that the singers cooperated with different record companies have gradually increased, reaching the peak in the 1990s, and the form of cooperation between small record companies and single singers has increased. In the part of output songs, the proportion of top ten composers has a gradual decline, but the lyrics are still concentrated on the top ten lyricists, the most concentrated in the 1990s. In the part of the network between the singers and the creators, as the time goes by, the cooperation situation is gradually loose, and the singers are gradually trying to cooperate with different composers and lyricists.
In the part of linear regression analysis, it is found that if the singers have diverse channels in the Singer-Lyricist network, it is easy to make achievements in the innovative performance, but it is not conducive to the popularity. If the singer cooperates with the creators who have been selected or won the Golden Melody Awards, it will have a positive impact on the singers’ innovative and popular performance, but it will be a disadvantage if cooperating with the composers who are top ten of output songs. In the singers’ creating part, if singers lyricize themselves, it has a negative impact, but if composing music themselves, it can become a key factor in the innovation and popular interpretation.
There are not many researches on popular music in Taiwan, and this study explores Mandopop from people perspective, and uses special research methods, constructs a network of musicians' cooperative relationships, analyzes music cooperation changes in different periods, and understands A factor that influences the singer's achievement and develops a special application architecture.
壹、緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究問題 2
1.3 論文架構 3
貳、文獻回顧 5
2.1 流行音樂的定義 5
2.2 台灣流行音樂發展 8
2.3 社會網絡理論與人脈分析之應用 12
2.4 社會資本理論與人脈合作之研究 17
參、研究方法 21
3.1 社會網絡研究方法 21
3.2 線性迴歸分析方法 28
肆、社會網絡分析 31
4.1 描述性統計 31
4.2 音樂人脈合作網絡分析 38
4.3 三十年重要紀事與網絡探討 58
伍、線性迴歸分析 60
5.1 變數設定 60
5.2 模型假設 65
5.3 演唱者成就線性迴歸分析 66
陸、結論與建議 76
6.1 三十年流行音樂人脈網絡發展 76
6.2 歌手之成就表現探討 77
6.3 研究限制與建議 79
參考文獻 81
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