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研究生(外文):PO-HAN YU
論文名稱:台灣發展醫材產業之前景- 以灰色系統理論分析
論文名稱(外文):Development of Medical Device Industry in Taiwan – Analyze with Gray System Theory
指導教授(外文):Sheau-Pyng Ju
口試委員(外文):Hsiao-yu ChenTe-Yi ChanJohn S. Liu
外文關鍵詞:medical devicemedical device industryclinical trials
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The human community is gradually moving towards the trend of aging and technologicalization. The medical device industry is one of the key industries that are intensively developed by countries today. It not only relates to the production technology of already existed products, but also the advanced technologies and new products, which effectively promote the well-being of lives.
At the same time, observing the trajectory of governance of Taiwan, although the ruling party has spared no effort to advocate the policy about biotechnology or medical device industry, most domestic manufacturers still try to catch up with the pioneers in the industry. Not to mention that the domestic manufacturers’ achievements are difficult to compare with the leading manufacturers’ in the international market.
In the first stage, this study apply "Diamond Theory Model" to analyze the current situation of Taiwan's medical device industry. Then, through the findings in the observation process, this study selected indicators that may affect the development of the medical device industry. And applied "Grey System Theory" in order to sort out the most relevant indicators. Finally, this study reviewed the industrial environment and development prospects and propose policy recommendations.
第一章 緒論: 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究範圍與限制 2
1.4 研究結構與流程 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 波特鑽石理論模型 (Michael Porter diamond Model) 4
2.2 灰色系統理論 (Grey System Theory)與灰色關聯分析 (Grey Relational Analysis) 8
2.3 醫療器材 8
2.4 國內外醫材產業現狀概述 13
第三章 研究方法 20
3.1. 研究流程 20
3.2. 以鑽石理論模型觀察台灣醫材產業 21
第四章 分析與結果 35
4.1 以Matlab進行灰色關聯分析 35
4.2 由三項指標解構台灣醫療器材產業發展目標 44
4.3 上市審查與市場監管-比較我國與美國制度 53
4.4 小結 59
第五章 結論與建議 62
參考文獻 64

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