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研究生(外文):Mei-Rong Alice Chen
論文名稱(外文):Effects of interactive spherical video-based virtual reality and cognitive styles on EFL learners’ English oral presentation, speaking anxiety, and learning motivation
指導教授(外文):Gwo-Jen Hwang
口試委員(外文):Chin-Chung TsaiChen-Chung LiuJie-Chi YangWu-Yuin Hwang
外文關鍵詞:Virtual RealityCognitive StyleSituated LearningLearning MotivationSpeaking AnxietyMove Analysis
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In this study, the use of virtual reality (VR) as a learning mode has been adopted to provide realistic sociocultural contexts for language learning. Digital learning content was designed by using interactive spherical video-based virtual reality (ISVVR) in an English for Tourism and Restaurants course. To investigate the effects of the interaction between cognitive style and multimedia learning mode on students’ learning motivation, speaking anxiety, oral presentation and move analysis, a pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design was conducted. The student sample consisted of two classes of 93 students (59 males and 34 females). One class with 54 students (19 females, 35 males) was the experimental group, and the other class with 39 students (15 females, 24 males) was the control group. All of the students took the Group Embedded Figures Test (GEFT) to identify whether their cognitive style was field dependent or independent. The results showed a significant effect for the interaction between the cognitive styles and the learning modes on the students’ oral presentation and speaking anxiety. The participants who learned with the ISVVR learning mode had better results than those who learned with the conventional multimedia mode in terms of increased learning motivation. Their move structures in oral presentations with the ISVVR learning mode showed more similar spoken genre patterns with TED speakers. Findings further support the benefit of incorporating cognitive styles into the ISVVR learning mode for EFL learners.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgments iii
Contents v
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
1. Introduction 1
1.1. Rationale and contributions of the research 3
1.2. Research questions 4
2. Literature review 6
2.1. Technology-Enhanced Foreign Language Learning 6
2.2. Situated language learning 7
2.3. Virtual Reality 9
2.4. Cognitive style 11
3. Instructional design 14
3.1. Instructional content 14
3.2. The ISVVR application 16
3.3. The features of the ISVVR 18
4. Experimental design 22
4.1. Participants 22
4.2. Experimental procedure 23
4.3. Instruments 26
4.3.1. The oral presentation rubrics 26
4.3.2. The coding scheme for assessing students’ oral presentations 28
4.3.3. The questionnaire of learning motivation 32
4.3.4. The EFL Speaking Anxiety Questionnaire 32
4.3.5. The Group Embedded Figures Test 32
4.4. Data collection and analysis 33
5. Results 33
5.1 Analysis of GEFT scores of the participants 33
5.2 Analysis of Oral presentation 35
5.2.1 Move analysis for assessing students’ oral presentation 38
5.2.2 Analysis of the move structures for the post-oral presentations 38
5.3 Analysis of speaking anxiety 43
5.4 Analysis of learning motivation 46
6. Discussion and conclusions 48
References 55
Appendixes 68

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1. 行動學習環境偏好對不同背景及經驗之高中師生 行動學習自我效能所扮演的角色
2. 基於認知層級競爭策略的英文詞彙遊戲對學習成效、焦慮及行為之影響
3. 堅毅度及網路自我效能對證券從業人員網路學習態度之影響
4. 環景影像 VR 環境下使用同儕互評對 EFL學生英語口說表現的影響
5. 基於思維導圖的情境式遊戲學習模式在大學觀光英文課程對學生寫作表現、學習感知及行為之影響
6. 情境遊戲式學習模式對學生英語文法之學習表現、學習行為的影響
7. 翻轉教學策略與教學管理平台對英語學習成效、 行為、及感受之影響
8. 運用認知風格探討虛擬實境英語字彙教學學習成效與學習動機
9. 基於協作解題與組間競賽的翻轉活動設計模式對學生自我調節、群體效能、學習參與、互動表現以及學習意圖的影響
10. 探討沉浸式虛擬實境英語對話練習系統對學習動機、口說焦慮、學習行為與學習成效之影響-以五專護理科三年級為例
11. 堅毅度及網路使用自我效能對護理人員網路學習情意與行為之影響
12. 結合同儕互評的數位說故事學習模式對國小學童學習成就、動機、自我效能及批判思考傾向之影響
13. 結合小組領導促進機制的混合式學習模式對學生的高層次思考傾向及線上互動行為模式的影響
14. 社群媒體針對有效健康介入研究之模型設計:健康信念模型的延伸和糖類攝取行為風險之預測研究
15. 基於多層次概念構圖擬題引導策略之無所不在學習模式對學生學習表現及感受之影響