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研究生(外文):Lo, Yun-Ting
論文名稱:台灣行動支付分享意願因素之研究 - 以LINE Pay為例
論文名稱(外文):Share intention of mobile payment in Taiwan -- Using LINE Pay as an example
指導教授(外文):Hsi-Peng Lu
口試委員(外文):Hsi-Peng LuSun-Jen HuangKuo-Lun Hsiao
中文關鍵詞:行動支付自我效能價值框架分享意願LINE Pay
外文關鍵詞:Mobile paymentSelf-efficacyValence frameworkInnovation Diffusion TheoryLINE Pay
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本研究以量化的方式進行研究,並以LINE Pay作為問卷中的研究案例。從問卷分析中可以發現:(1) 根據創新接受程度的不同,對於分享意願的因素也會不同。早期採用者會因風險和利益而影響分享意願;主要及晚期採用者會因利益而影響分享意願,因此建議行動支付業者在早期推廣行動支付服務時應注重系統的穩定及安全性,未來再投入較多的優惠方案;(2) 早期、主要採用者會因自身的科技效能而影響知覺利益跟知覺風險,而晚期採用者除了科技效能外,也會因自身的社會效能影響知覺利益跟知覺風險。
With the rapid development of technology, smartphones have been widely used in people's lives. The payment method of mobile payment has also been incorporated into people. Although Taiwan is currently actively promoting the use of mobile payments, the number of people using mobile payment is not much expected. Therefore, how to attract potential users using mobile payment has become a problem for Taiwan. There are many kinds of research explored the willingness and the willingness to continue to use mobile payment. Due to the geographical convenience of Taiwan, people used cash and credit card as their payment transaction. Through share intention, the information will transfer between different groups, and attract potential users. Therefore, this research will explore the willingness of users to share mobile payment from different perspectives. This research discusses the share intention of using mobile payment by applying “social efficacy” and “technology efficacy” as external factors, as well as “perceived benefit” and “perceived riskless” as intermediary variables.
Through a qualitative method, this research adopted LINE Pay, a mobile payment application, as a research case in the questionnaire. After the literature review and analyzing the data, the cross-reference found that: (1) According to the degree of innovation diffusion, early adopters’ share intention will be affected by risks and benefits; major and latest adopters will be affected by benefit. Therefore, it is recommended that an enterprise should pay attention to the stability and security of the system in the stage of promoting mobile payment. (2) Early, main adopters will affect their perceived benefits and perceived riskless by technology efficacy. Latest adopters not only affect their perceived benefits and perceived riskless by technology efficacy, but also from social efficacy.
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
致 謝 III
Table of Contents IV
List of Figures VI
List of Tables VII
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background and motivation 1
1.2 Research questions 3
1.3 Value of research 3
1.4 Overview 4
2 Literature Review 5
2.1 Mobile payment 5
2.2 Self-efficacy theory 7
2.3 Valence framework 8
2.4 Innovation diffusion theory 9
3 Proposed Model and Research Hypotheses 11
4 Methodology 14
4.1 Case description 14
4.2 Questionnaire 14
4.3 Sample 15
4.4 Data analysis 17
5. Result 24
6. Conclusion and Limitations 35
6.1. Conclusion and discussion 35
6.2. Theoretical implications 36
6.3. Practice recommendations 37
6.4. Limitations 38
6.5. Future research 38
References 39
Appendix. Questionnaire 46
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